So today is the 4th day in a row that my temps are exactly the same. And pre-O I had two sets that were similar, where the temps were flat lined for several days. I double checekd with a second thermometer today just ot make sure and it said the same thing. And I checked my temp this morning around 10am again just to see and it read a different temp (98.9 at 10am), and confirmed that with our "normal" thermometer. So I don't think it's the thermometer.
I double checked old charts and two cycles ago I had the same thing post-O, plus the cycle before that. So I'm beginning to think flat temps are normal for me. Seems odd, but whatever. :crazy:
Jezika - Generally we don't get the Friday before Easter as a holiday. Institutions that are considered "religious" do, such as private schools, etc, but most do not (that separation of church and state thing). A lot of public schools will schedule that day as a day off or a "bad weather make up day" so they can have it off unless we have to make up bad weather, but mine doesn't. My previous schools (in Texas) alwys did though and that was nice.
OMG I just looked at your chart (I'm a chart stalker

) and saw the BFP!!!
I know the feeling, I've been trying for 13 cycles and so I'm sitting here this cycle thinking that I'm not sure that this cycle will make any difference. :/ Must keep our heads up. Someday we WILL get our BFP!