I went to the walk in clinic yesterday because my asthma is acting up. I'm wheezing, coughing, hacking up stuff and overall miserable. The dr there thinks it's allergies, gave me a steroid shot and nebulizer treatment and prescribed a pack of steroids for a week but told me to call my RE first and make sure that I can take the steroid pack because of TTC. So I'm waiting for a call back from the RE. I don't think he's right about the allergies - or if he is, I am having some severe reactions. I stayed home today because I just can't teach all day whlie I'm still wheezing. Even after all that, my lungs cleared up a lot but by bedtime I was wheezing again. Gave myself a Neb treatment before bed and took some cough medicine w/ Codine (because that will often help keep the wheezing cough away so I can sleep) and slept well until about 2am when I woke up wheezing again. I temped early, around 4:40am when DH got up and I woke up and needed my inhaler (again). Probably why today's temp was low again.
FF tried to mark my Ov day as 3 days ago and tell me I'm just now 3DPO. I get that from my temps but I know that I ovulated either Sunday or Monday because Monday at 8:30am they confirmed at the doctor office that I had already ovulated. So I had to change the FF setting to track by OPK instead of temps. Proof that your temps don't always rise as well as they should post-O. So I'm 5DPO.

I have about a week before testing/AF shows.
Sheece - Omg. That sounds horrible. I can understand the grief counseling, but the rest of her demeanor and behavior just sounds awful. I've heard of MCs being called forced abortions before, where your body "forces an abortion" but I thought most medical practices had abandoned calling them that because of the connotation of abortion! Unfortunately early MCs are often referred to as forced abortions in the medical profession- because the body "aborted" (which technically just means "stopped") the pregnancy for whatever reason. It is not the same thing as a "chosen abortion" where you choose to abort the pregnancy. You have no reason to believe that it is your fault. I think that some doctors just don't realize the emotional impact of that word to non-medical people.
Sorry, I have medical family members and so I hear a lot of medical jargon.

OMG I'm so sorry. And how the hell does she not know what progesterone is!?!?!
How is your NORMAL doctor about it? You could just tell them that you never want to see her again and refuse to see that doctor at that clinic. It's not uncommon to tell them that you aren't going to see a certain doctor at a clinic becuase they certainly don't expect you to get along with everyone. If your normal doctor is good then I would stick with him/her but tell her when you talk to her again what happened and your experience. She may be able to provide you with some insight and/or make a note in your chart not to let you see that person again.
You have every right to vent, you definitely needed it!!
Abe - Glad your new thermometer is working better! What an odd feeling to not know how far you are! I think I might go crazy

Did you do any OPKs this cycle or track CM ? I can't remember, sorry, but that might give you a little more idea. Or just don't worry about it and see when AF shows.