Just got back from the doctor. What a whirlwind of a day!!
They took beta tests and progesterone. Will get those results tomorrow between 12-3pm.
Doctor went over our results from our tests. DH has good sperm speed and amount, there is a slightly higher "head abnormality" than he would like (they prefer it below 35% and his is at 40%), but everything else was really good. For future situations they might want to do a "sperm wash".
On my end most of my results came back pretty good except my progesterone. He said it was really low to begin with, and my 7DPO test was way lower than they would like. He said that it is probably the reason I've had 2 CPs and that we have a very short time to get my progesterone up above 15 (right now it's right around 5). I'm on progesterone pills 3x a day and in a couple days they'll do another test. IF however the blood they took today comes back below 5 then I will have to go back in immediately and switch to shots. As it was he stressed very heavily that I had tos tart the progesterone right now, not tomorrow, not later, but RIGHT NOW. They told me to call the pharmacy as soon as I left and make sure they got the prescription and started it ASAP and that I filled it TONIGHT. So I did.
They are also concerned that my lining didn't get as thick as they would have liked. He said it slightly increases the chance of losing this pregnancy, but only minutely and he's really hoping the progesterone is able to keep it.
Regarding our MTHFR results: he strongly encouraged both of us to get our homeocystine levels checked by our PCP and I need to increase my folic acid intake to >1g.
I came home and took a FRER. It's a clear, distinct line. I also took a walmart cheapie, also a clear distinct line. the Wondfo's are still such bad squinters I almost can't see them.
..... I'm pregnant.

Please keep everything crossed that this one sticks!!!