@MrsU: CONGRATS!!! Yay!! Aww, so happy for you. LOVE the September snugglers, that is adorbs

keep in touch, sweetie!
@Emma - Keep your head up! I know the feeling, and if its not your cycle just know next cycle/month is a whole chance. Do you temp or use OPKs?
Abennion - Taking a break and going NTNP for a bit can be refreshing. I'm always wondering about you on here, love seeing your posts! I know you'll get your BFP soon. Hopefully taking the stress off by NTNP combined with the Clomid will be it! Is DH going back for a 2nd SA in the future? And what month are you expecting to he's back from the clinic? Keeping you in my thoughts here, love. Catch that egg!
@Sheece: FX you O today! Let us know!
@Hope: How are you doing? What's new?!
AFM - The sonohysterogram I've been looking forward to is tomorrow. DH was supposed to be off Friday, but had to work; therefore his SA appt was cancelled and rescheduled for this Friday the 15th. So tomorrow SHG, Fri SA, next Tues consult to review results. Just started temping this month, so far pretty steady 96.2 - 96.6 plus one high temp d/t alcohol consumption, one missed temp. I'm already loving temping, DH was pretty fascinated when I was telling him about it surprisingly lol. I'm just gonna watch my temps, OPK and stay as positive as possible. Praying the doctor comes up with a plan to get me my BFP.
Have a great week, ladies! Can't wait to see what's going on with everyone