Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-6!

Thanks for looking girls :) Unfortunately todays test was a clear bfn & my temp dipped :( AF due tomorrow onwards, so I'm not feeling very confident :(
Im on the hunt tonight for some better early testing tests broody - they do this to me all the time :(

But they do give a great clear line when it is actually a bfp, so im conflicted.
I had my 28 week appointment on Thursday. Did the 1 hour GD test, and also got my tetanus booster. Hopefully I'll get the results soon.

Otherwise I'm exhausted. It's conference week this week so on Thursday the kids got out of school at 10:30, I had conferences until 11:30, then went to my doctor for 2 hours, came back and did conferences until 4pm, then had a break for food and had to do evening conferences from 5 - 7:30pm. And today was day 2 of conferences, where students were out at 10:30 and I had conferences back ot back until 12:30. Teachers got ot leave at 12:30 today because we aren't paid for evening conferences, so this was our compensation.

And, I am blown away at how rude some of these parents were. Every parent asked of course how far along I was, and when I was due, and then I got a follow up of how long I was going to be out and when I was returning. Which I passed off as general curiosity. Although the tone of voice was not always just curiosity but some condemnation..... But THEN I got questions asking what I (me personally) was doing to make sure that their child was still going to receive an education while I am out on leave, and what my plan was for providing their education, and one parent was so bold as to ask whether I was going to continue to communicate with parents during my leave (specific question was "You do plan on being on contact with us while you're out, right?"). Follow up questions also included whether I would still do the grading while I was out, and answer emails, because the parent(s) didn't "want the sub to handle those things". Ummm no. NO. NO. Oh and btw it's actually not my job to make sure their kids have an education while I'm on leave. I don't get paid for the leave, I don't get paid to do anything during that time, and I have the right to have my 12 weeks with my baby without work! It is the job of the district to provide a teacher for the kids who is qualified to teach and during that time is the teacher for everything including grading and communication and meetings.

Overall I was frustrated, and the teacher at the table next to me was absolutely livid as she kept having to listen to this. At one point when there were not parents at either of our tables she told me she was contemplating slapping the next parent who asked me what I was doing for their kid while I was on leave, because I'm not the first teacher in the district to go on maternity and it's a pretty universal process as to what districts do for teachers taking maternity leave.

Sorry that was a long rant. :dohh:

Whimsical - :haha: I think that my "special treatment" was putting me in my own classroom instead of making me proctor the test (which would have made me be on my feet for several periods and not be in my room). At least during my 2nd and 3rd periods with the "babysitting kids" I was able to get better control (less kids) and I set them up with a relatively silent study hall and got to get some work done.

Sheece - I have the worst time at finding stuff on the pictures on the computer so I don't see anything. :( But that seriously doesn't mean anything. I'm always the last one to see the line, even on my own tests. :haha: I honestly really like Wondfo for early testing. The only thing is that even though is says only to read at 5 minutes, the cycles I got BFP a line would show up later, around 10-15 minutes because you couldn't see the line before it dried. I know they weren't evaps because I only got them on the 3 bfp cycles and I was able to confirm a couple days later with other tests (FRER, etc), and on bfn cycles I never got any sort of a line at all. The other one that worked really well for me was the walmart 88 cent tests. They SAY they're a higher amount, but the line on those showed up clearer than the lines on the FRERs when taken same day/time (seriously on this bfp I was testing 3 different tests 3 different times a day :rofl: ). Keeping FX for you. :)
Oh wow angel I would have been fuming. I moan about my job but you ladies have it so bad over there. Do they expect you to be doing some marking while in labour?! What's ridiculous is they all have kids so have presumably all been pregnant and had mat leave. I'm sure they weren't expected to work throughout it. Grrr 😡 I'm mad for you
Seriously, it sucks. I sometimes think they do expect me to be doing work while in labor! I mean, as it is they get annoyed sometimes when I don't answer emails on weekends, even though I am not even remotely required to respond to emails after my work hours or on weekends. I had a parent once send me 8 emails over the course of 24 hours (A Saturday - Sunday!) because I didn't answer soon enough. The last one was basically "why aren't you answering me?? You need to answer now!" No wonder so many students now-a-days act so entitled!

I have to say though that generally most of the parents have been supportive, and my kids are all wonderful about it. I just happened to get a bunch of horrible people in one group that night.
Angel wow, what horrible parents!! You would think that being parents themselves would make them actually understand how maternity leave works, but apparently not!

You did well to not go off on them i reckon! Unbelievable!!

AFM - AF showed up on Saturday at the most inoportune time of course, I wasn't prepared & its been really painful too. Just my body rubbing it in that I'm not pregnant again I guess!

Now I'm worried as I rescheduled my ultrasound to the 4th November & that will be CD 14. Their guidelines were CD 5 - 11, but my doctor said as long as I haven't ovulated by then (which I'm sure I wont have!) it should be fine. I might have to call them for the 3rd time and make sure.

Won't make any difference though as they won't be able to get me in any earlier!
Have any of you ladies had negative blood and urine HCG but you are still pregnant?

Hello ladies, I am currently TTC #1 with DH and the blood and urine tests keep coming back negative but my body is telling me otherwise.
I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17 (am now 24) but despite having mild PCOS I've usually had fairly regular periods my average cycle is 33 days give or take a day and is usually between 5-6 day of 3-4 of which are very heavy flows with clots. The last time I had actually bright red blood and a normal flow was 8/19-23/16 (if we're going by this date then i woukd be on CD67 and 45dpo) then on 9/23-25/16 I had 3 days of on/off dark brown discharge (if going by this date I'm on CD32 and 14dpo).....since then I've had unusually tender breast, nipples look slightly darker, feel heavier, bras are tighter, my blue veins are way more pronounced as well as little red spider web looking veins all around my boob and occasion sharp pains, im so bloated my underwear are tighter and my jeans and bottoms in general cause discomfort in my lower abdomen, ive been having hot flashes, ive been super emotional crying over even the silliest things, my cervix has been consistantly high and soft and feels swollen as of the past few days, I've been having on/off light brown discharge thats EW consistancy only when wiping for the past week as well as a lot of milky discharge, my vagina feels tighter/more swollen inside but there's no pain, itch or irritation and I've also noticed a redish purplish hue to my labia and vaginal walls and while having sex with my husband even he noticed, I've been more fatigued than is usual for me, lower back pains, and I get these weird twinges in my lower abdomen as if my insides are moving....I have had negative urine and blood HCG, I had an ultrasound done 2.5 weeks ago and it showed a small cyst on my left ovary, but after due research it could be a corpus luteum cyst....😣😥🤔 I will be having another ultrasound in about 3 weeks, but I was wondering how many if at all any of you mom to be have tested negative with blood and urine but still ended up being pregnant and if so what was the outcome of your pregnancy and how did you get doctors to cooperate with you?
Hi there!

I don't think you have the right forum, maybe try posting in the first or second tri forums. A lot of women here have yet to even see their first positive pregnancy test, and are TTCing their first child. Symptom checking is also horrid because a lot of PMS symptoms are also pregnancy symptoms. Do you do anything to confirm O? Temping, OPKs? You may have Oed much later than you thought you did, and a cyst on your ovary could be the reason why. Good luck though!
Hi there!

I don't think you have the right forum, maybe try posting in the first or second tri forums. A lot of women here have yet to even see their first positive pregnancy test, and are TTCing their first child. Symptom checking is also horrid because a lot of PMS symptoms are also pregnancy symptoms. Do you do anything to confirm O? Temping, OPKs? You may have Oed much later than you thought you did, and a cyst on your ovary could be the reason why. Good luck though!

Unfortunately I don't use OPK or temping which is something I will start doing, but I do check my CP and CM so I was using that. I also have never had PMS symptoms other than cramping and backaches
Well then I can only recommend if you are certain you O'ed when you did, and are 40+ DPO to ask your doctor for an ultrasound. A baby would definitely show up on an ultrasound at that point. I read once about a woman who had been sure she was pregnant but every test had come back negative. She asked for an ultrasound and sure enough she was! I would also get them to do another blood test, but be sure they check your progesterone and LH numbers (this will help confirm if you've Oed or not).

Is this your first month/ couple months of TTC? Many women become hyper aware of their PMS symptoms, and often mistake them for pregnancy symptoms. It really isn't recommended to symptom spot no matter how tempting it is, and coming from almost a year and a half's worth of experience it only leads to pain and heartbreak when AF does decide to show.
teribear - I've heard of women having a negative urine test but the blood test was always positive if actually pregnant. This actually was my cousin's problem she didn't get a positive urine test ever (she even tried at 3-4 months pregnant and it still was negative) but her blood tests were still positive. If they did an US 2.5 weeks ago, they would have been able to see something if you were pregnant. My first US was done a week after my bfp (I was less than 5 weeks along) because I was high risk and they could already see the sac beginning to form and the week after that (I had weekly US up until 12 weeks) they could start to see the fetal pole. I have heard of cysts on the ovaries which can mimic pregnancy signs.

Abe makes some very good points - during the first few months TTC, women become hyperaware of their symptoms, things they never noticed before suddenly are noticed, and so symptom spotting can lead to a lot of heartache. I know this from personal experience. Last thing to considr is that your CM and CP can give you an idea that you might be able to Ovulate or that you might have ovulated, but the only actual way to pinpoint O is through temping. Many women, especially those with PCOS, will have more than one set of fertile CM because the body revs up to O, gets ready to and shows all the signs they are going to (even get +OPKs) and then something happens and the egg doesn't release, and a week or two or more can go by and then it happens again. If they do another US, see if they'll do another blood test and check progesterone and LH as Abe suggested to determine if you actually did O aftera ll.
I don't know how many people will read this, or pass it on, but I found this article on other forum for Assisted Conception in Canada, and it sums up that whole TTC journey in ways I didn't even know how to put into words before. Really great read, especially when written by someone who hadn't gone through a long TTC journey herself:
Well then I can only recommend if you are certain you O'ed when you did, and are 40+ DPO to ask your doctor for an ultrasound. A baby would definitely show up on an ultrasound at that point. I read once about a woman who had been sure she was pregnant but every test had come back negative. She asked for an ultrasound and sure enough she was! I would also get them to do another blood test, but be sure they check your progesterone and LH numbers (this will help confirm if you've Oed or not).

Is this your first month/ couple months of TTC? Many women become hyper aware of their PMS symptoms, and often mistake them for pregnancy symptoms. It really isn't recommended to symptom spot no matter how tempting it is, and coming from almost a year and a half's worth of experience it only leads to pain and heartbreak when AF does decide to show.

I have an ultrasound scanned for 3 weeks from today as they need to follow up on the cyst and if there no baby then figure out what my thickness of my uterus is because of the fact there has been no bright blood since August. My husband and I have been TTC for 4 years now I had 1 instance of trying closed and I honestly think that those 3 cycles I took it helped in a way to regulate my cycles more, ive been checking my CP and CM for a while now and recording my af and o using a period tracker, 2 years ago I was using o' prediction kits but for financial reasons I haven't been able to continue with that as I'd like. Also I've never had many PMS symptoms other than cramping and backaches and I have a lot of nerve damage so for my breasts to feel tender it's definitely new and unfamiliar to me. I have made appointments with my GI and Neurologist as well to be sure it's not something cause by my disease or pre-existing issues. We've wanted a baby for so long and it's been difficult but it's a gut feeling I can't shake and it sucks 😔😔😔😔😔 but good luck to all of us!! :dust: :dust: :dust:
teribear - I've heard of women having a negative urine test but the blood test was always positive if actually pregnant. This actually was my cousin's problem she didn't get a positive urine test ever (she even tried at 3-4 months pregnant and it still was negative) but her blood tests were still positive. If they did an US 2.5 weeks ago, they would have been able to see something if you were pregnant. My first US was done a week after my bfp (I was less than 5 weeks along) because I was high risk and they could already see the sac beginning to form and the week after that (I had weekly US up until 12 weeks) they could start to see the fetal pole. I have heard of cysts on the ovaries which can mimic pregnancy signs.

Abe makes some very good points - during the first few months TTC, women become hyperaware of their symptoms, things they never noticed before suddenly are noticed, and so symptom spotting can lead to a lot of heartache. I know this from personal experience. Last thing to considr is that your CM and CP can give you an idea that you might be able to Ovulate or that you might have ovulated, but the only actual way to pinpoint O is through temping. Many women, especially those with PCOS, will have more than one set of fertile CM because the body revs up to O, gets ready to and shows all the signs they are going to (even get +OPKs) and then something happens and the egg doesn't release, and a week or two or more can go by and then it happens again. If they do another US, see if they'll do another blood test and check progesterone and LH as Abe suggested to determine if you actually did O aftera ll.

Well see that's the thing I know women who have tested negative with blood and urine all the way up until they gave birth and more recently my friend who has a now 1 year old and is 8.5 month pregnant she tested positive with urine and blood with her first but her second they didn't get a positive urine or blood until she was 4 months along so I know it's definitely a possibility for a women to still be pregnant I think we just have to listen to our bodies, cause my is screaming BoB
How's everyone doing?

Terri, like abe said I think you're on the wrong forum Hun. Perhaps start a new thread on the pregnancy boards?

Afm, I'm not doing too good. Spd is horrible, got a blood test on thurs to check for vit d, iron and arthritis 🙄 as my joints are really achey and today I've started being really dizzy and feeling really sick again. Gp says it's vertigo so not even pregnancy related but I think it's my body screaming at me that I'm doing too much. So I'm a bit fed up 😟 Hope everyone else is ok
How's everyone doing?

Terri, like abe said I think you're on the wrong forum Hun. Perhaps start a new thread on the pregnancy boards?

Afm, I'm not doing too good. Spd is horrible, got a blood test on thurs to check for vit d, iron and arthritis 🙄 as my joints are really achey and today I've started being really dizzy and feeling really sick again. Gp says it's vertigo so not even pregnancy related but I think it's my body screaming at me that I'm doing too much. So I'm a bit fed up 😟 Hope everyone else is ok

With all do respect I am TTC and hoping for my :bfp: so I don't think I'm on the wrong thread, my initial question was for anyone on here who did end up getting pregnant if they were still on the thread but I don't have a confirmed pg yet so I'm still hopefully TTC and asking questions and sharing my symptoms and bfn or hopefully bfn
Good luck Teri, you must be feeling so frustrated right now!

Broody, I'm sorry you're having such a hard time of it :( Are you able to have a few days off to rest at all?

I hope the dizziness & everything else doesn't last too long :(

Abe - I read that article, wow, she really nailed it on the head. I will be sharing, thanks for posting!
Broody - I'm so sorry that things are not going well for you! :( I hope they can figure out what it is and get you feeling better soon.

Teribear - like both Abe and Broody said, the specific question you are asking belongs in a different thread. I mean, we tried to give you what feedback we have but you are posting in the TTC#1 forums which means the majority of the people in this part of the forum, and this thread, wouldn't have the experience to answer your question. To be even more blunt, there is a very good chance that if a woman in this area has that experience of being pregnant but never getting a + test, it's also a possibility that it did not end well or they wouldn't still be in the TTC#1 forum. Most women leave the TTC forum after conceiving, especially considering how hard it can be for those TTC to hear about the pregnancy that others have. The couple of us in this thread who ARE pregnant are only even still here because we were with these ladies for a long time TTC (in my case I was trying 14 months, and stayed in the same 2-3 threads the whole time so I have formed very close attachments with many of these ladies) and still pop in to check for updates or share our updates with the women we've become very close to.

You are welcome to stick around for the general TTC conversation, but your specific question does not belong in this thread or this forum, it would best be asked in the pregnancy boards where women who are already pregnant could answer it.
Broody - I'm so sorry that things are not going well for you! :( I hope they can figure out what it is and get you feeling better soon.

Teribear - like both Abe and Broody said, the specific question you are asking belongs in a different thread. I mean, we tried to give you what feedback we have but you are posting in the TTC#1 forums which means the majority of the people in this part of the forum, and this thread, wouldn't have the experience to answer your question. To be even more blunt, there is a very good chance that if a woman in this area has that experience of being pregnant but never getting a + test, it's also a possibility that it did not end well or they wouldn't still be in the TTC#1 forum. Most women leave the TTC forum after conceiving, especially considering how hard it can be for those TTC to hear about the pregnancy that others have. The couple of us in this thread who ARE pregnant are only even still here because we were with these ladies for a long time TTC (in my case I was trying 14 months, and stayed in the same 2-3 threads the whole time so I have formed very close attachments with many of these ladies) and still pop in to check for updates or share our updates with the women we've become very close to.

You are welcome to stick around for the general TTC conversation, but your specific question does not belong in this thread or this forum, it would best be asked in the pregnancy boards where women who are already pregnant could answer it.

Again with all due respect I asked the question once and it was directed at those few women who ARE PREGNANT and STILL in the group I have not been repeatedly asking it. I am TTC#1 as well for 4 years now so I know the frustration which was part of the reason I joined this group. I share my symptoms to see if anyone else is experiencing them and in limbo just like I am, so please read all the posts I've made before telling me anything bluntly because I'm sure if you had then you would realise myself and my experience does belong on this thread for women hoping to become pregnant in 2016 of which I am one. Additionally I've already posted my question in the pregnancy forum after Yoomee nicely explained it to me as I've only been learning the ins and outs of the group for the past 3 days

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