I had my 28 week appointment on Thursday. Did the 1 hour GD test, and also got my tetanus booster. Hopefully I'll get the results soon.
Otherwise I'm exhausted. It's conference week this week so on Thursday the kids got out of school at 10:30, I had conferences until 11:30, then went to my doctor for 2 hours, came back and did conferences until 4pm, then had a break for food and had to do evening conferences from 5 - 7:30pm. And today was day 2 of conferences, where students were out at 10:30 and I had conferences back ot back until 12:30. Teachers got ot leave at 12:30 today because we aren't paid for evening conferences, so this was our compensation.
And, I am blown away at how rude some of these parents were. Every parent asked of course how far along I was, and when I was due, and then I got a follow up of how long I was going to be out and when I was returning. Which I passed off as general curiosity. Although the tone of voice was not always just curiosity but some condemnation..... But THEN I got questions asking what I (me personally) was doing to make sure that their child was still going to receive an education while I am out on leave, and what my plan was for providing their education, and one parent was so bold as to ask whether I was going to continue to communicate with parents during my leave (specific question was "You do plan on being on contact with us while you're out, right?"). Follow up questions also included whether I would still do the grading while I was out, and answer emails, because the parent(s) didn't "want the sub to handle those things". Ummm no. NO. NO. Oh and btw it's actually not my job to make sure their kids have an education while I'm on leave. I don't get paid for the leave, I don't get paid to do anything during that time, and I have the right to have my 12 weeks with my baby without work! It is the job of the district to provide a teacher for the kids who is qualified to teach and during that time is the teacher for everything including grading and communication and meetings.
Overall I was frustrated, and the teacher at the table next to me was absolutely livid as she kept having to listen to this. At one point when there were not parents at either of our tables she told me she was contemplating slapping the next parent who asked me what I was doing for their kid while I was on leave, because I'm not the first teacher in the district to go on maternity and it's a pretty universal process as to what districts do for teachers taking maternity leave.
Sorry that was a long rant.
Whimsical -

I think that my "special treatment" was putting me in my own classroom instead of making me proctor the test (which would have made me be on my feet for several periods and not be in my room). At least during my 2nd and 3rd periods with the "babysitting kids" I was able to get better control (less kids) and I set them up with a relatively silent study hall and got to get some work done.
Sheece - I have the worst time at finding stuff on the pictures on the computer so I don't see anything.

But that seriously doesn't mean anything. I'm always the last one to see the line, even on my own tests.

I honestly really like Wondfo for early testing. The only thing is that even though is says only to read at 5 minutes, the cycles I got BFP a line would show up later, around 10-15 minutes because you couldn't see the line before it dried. I know they weren't evaps because I only got them on the 3 bfp cycles and I was able to confirm a couple days later with other tests (FRER, etc), and on bfn cycles I never got any sort of a line at all. The other one that worked really well for me was the walmart 88 cent tests. They SAY they're a higher amount, but the line on those showed up clearer than the lines on the FRERs when taken same day/time (seriously on this bfp I was testing 3 different tests 3 different times a day

). Keeping FX for you.