I've got my 30 week appointment today. I'm so over these appointments!

after going in the last 3 weeks I'm ready to just be done with doctor offices for awhile. I also switched clinic locations, which makes me a little nervous just because I'm comfortable with my other clinic and even though I'll see the same doctor the office staff is different and I've never been to this location so I don't know exactly where their office is, etc. Seems silly, I'm sure, but I don't like changing out of my comfort zone. I didn't have much choice though since my doctor works at 2 clinics and she changed her hours so she was only seeing patients until noon at my clinic and she does afternoons at the other location.
Otherwise things are good.
Whimsical - Yep, now just count down to baby.

I'm going to try to BF if I can. I know that my mom and sister both had trouble producing enough milk so there's a possibility I'll have issues, but we'll see. I do want to try to BF. The goal is a vaginal birth but probably with some pain meds, I don't think I can do it completely natural. I'm trying to avoid c-section but if they determine I need it I will, I just don't relish the idea of being cut open. I have no plans to do anything with the placenta. I don't quite understand the whole thing and it sort of weirds me out. DH is doing fine. He's getting excited. He loves babies and he can't wait to have her here.
Honestly I'm lucky I get sick leave. A lot of jobs don't provide that, or give less than I get, so I'm trying to be positive. Most teachers build up their leave before taking maternity but I changed states 2 years ago and the leave isn't transferable between states so I lost something like 30-40 days of paid leave when I left Texas to move to Washington. And then my leave last year was all used up because of all the appointments I was having with testing and then with the high risk appointments.
Sheece - most home delivery options are spendy. Blue Apron was one of the cheaper options and it's still pretty expensive, but it is cheaper than us coming home and going "I don't want to cook (or don't know what to cook) so lets just order out". lol. We're only going to manage it one or two weeks a month though. Some weeks we just don't like the selections and some weeks we just don't want to pay for it.
Broody - Oh yeah, it can be really expensive. With just the two of us we can be on the cheaper plan and we're only doing it 1-2 times a month instead of every week. Otherwise there's no way we could sustain it. But in the end it's cheaper than what we're doing right now which is deciding that neither of us want to cook because we don't know WHAT to cook so we just order out.

We'll see how it works though and if we keep it up