Childhood 'disasters' that still haunt you...


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2009
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So does anyone else have something that happened when they were a kid that seemed so awful at the time but really wasnt yet still remembers it now?
I had a doll, she was named Tammy. The best doll ever she was. You pressed her chest and she said 'mama, ahhh, haha'. I left her in her pram outside my house one day and ran in to get a drink, I came back and she had been abducted. I searched for hours every day for weeks to try and find her..I never did and I still wonder now, 20 years on what happened to her..I even swore I would name my 1st Daughter Tammy in memory of her when it happened :haha:
I can remember being in a car crash on our way to school when I was about 10ish,worst part was I saw it happening before it happened if you know what I mean,but my mouth clamped shut and I couldnt warn my dad,who was driving.
I had a fit at 5 years old, I swear on my life I had a out of body experience, I was being held in my dads arms and I got up walked to hall way listened to my brother phone for amberlance and then went back into living room and stood watching myself in my dads arms..

Anyway ended up in hospital for a few week, I had a blood test.and they didnt close valuve on it and blood squirted out everywhere covered all walls ect, and now im so needle phobic its stupid, :.(
I was sexually touched when I was 7 and it wasn't until I was 12/13 and I school learning about sex education etc and it hit me it was wrong. I've never done anything about it but it took me a long time to trust males after that. Noone knows only my OH and even he doesn't know the whole event I just can't open up to it at all.

All i've said to him was 'I was sexually touched when I was 7'. I don't remember how it came out or what his reaction was but now i've got a son I feel like if anything happened to him i'd murder that person so for me the 'haunting' bit is the worrying and fearing all the time and when I have a mini moment e.g. thinking time in the bath I always end up remembering what happened.

Sorry again if it's upset anyone reading. I wish I had the first post saying about the doll going missing and a toy still haunts you!
Heather :hugs: sorry to hear what happened to you.
Wetting myself in class and at Brownies...........I suffered from UTIS a lot and one HORRIBLE teacher refused to let me go to the loo, and I held it in for as long as I could until as we were standing at her desk I literally burst..................
I got slagged for years. The only satisfaction is that I clearly had a UTI at that time, and so my wee smelt like fish :) and the MASSIVE puddle of like 800ml of wee was right beside her chair.................serves the bitch right.
I remember when I was 5 for whatever reason our teacher had said about if you cut the vein on your wrist you will die (I don't know why she was telling us this) anyway when I went home my cat scratched me...right across the wrist so I was sure I was about to die. I was so scared it made me feel sick so I thought that was me dying so I lay down on my mums bed just waiting to die. I think in the end my mum called me for dinner and I forgot all about it but for that time I was so sure and so scared. I'm not sure why I didn't tell anyone while it happened though.
i fell out with my best friend (still is my BFF!) and she replaced me for a day with another girl and they wrote a horrid letter about me and posted it through my door! How mean :rofl:

Also when I was maybe 7 or so, my mum told us that you get taken away if you talk to yourself (obv she was joking LOL) and once I heard her talking to herself and was sooo scared that she would be taken away and put in jail :shrug:
I had quite a few; the worst one was when I was about 14, my friend swiped her dad's very full 1 litre bottle of smirnoff from his living room bar while he was out (and I have no idea how she thought she'd get away with it as he used to mark the level of his drinks on the bottle with a permanent marker! So I'm sure he would have noticed a full bottle gone) and mixed it with tango, its too embarassing to go into the rest but I am very lucky not to have ended up dying of alcohol poisoning and my friend was grounded for months! xx
i have so many but heres one:

i went swimming with my younger brothers and our friends and i must of been about 13 and had started developing..!!!.......a man who was with his little daughter kept winking at me and staring and i thought what the hell is his problem and my younger brother who was about 8 said 'hee hee look' and pointed to one of my nipples poking out my swimsuit......!!! embarrasing MUCH.........but when i was older all i thought was what a digusting pervert of a man!!! i was only 13. !!!! x
It doesn't haunt me but when I was 11 I got hit by a car (running across the road to go watch a fight!) , I'd broken my leg and that day I was wearing my new flower embossed jeans that were my pride and joy. I was barely conscious the whole time but I remember being roused out of my near coma when someone said to get the bigger scissors to cut my Jeans off!!!
The staff nurse said i was the talk of the ward after ,they'd never had a patient come round so quick, the fact I'd not mentioned anything about the pain off my leg being in bits but the devastation my jeans were about to be ripped to shreds they found hilarious. Bitches!!!

I spent 3 months in hospital with my leg in traction:cry::cry:
I was in Kindergarten, first week of school. My dad was a teensy bit late picking me up, so I was still in the classroom with the teacher, as she was hanging choo choo trains on the wall with the names of students and their birthdays on them.

Now, I was a VERY good reader when I started school, I was testing at a 7th grade level in Kindergarten. And I remember clearly seeing her post choo choo trains, and skipping me. My birthday is in November, and as she's hanging the December trains I was like "teacher? You skipped me! My birthday is in November, why don't I have a train?"

My teacher replied "well, we don't think you're going to be with us much longer."

I FREAKED. I thought that meant I was going to die before my birthday and no one had bothered to tell me. When my dad came and got me, I sobbed and sobbed like my heart had been broken.

Got to school on Monday, and they moved me into the 1st grade classroom, and told me I didn't have to do Kindergarten. I wanted to KICK my teacher for freaking me out about dying when all she meant was I was skipping a grade.
I was eating ice cream when I was about 8 or 9 (I think) and I feinted. My granddad had to catch me to stop me hitting my head as I fell from the dining room table on the windowsill. Anyway, my mum thought I was faking and slapped me in the face, shouted "Don't be so stupid!" Everyone else looked at her like she'd gone :wacko: and said "Maggs, I think she really DID feint!

I swear I had an out of body experience, as I remember all of this!
I have a couple, I won't mention my sexual abuse, as that's a touchy subject. But, I remember being in the first grade (about 6 years old) and because I was a very advanced reader they needed to put me in a special program. (tested at a 6th grade level, which is 12 years old for those who aren't familiar with American school systems)
Well, my school only had a program for kids who couldn't read. So, what they did was put me in there, but change my program so that it was advanced instead (it was a one-on-one group) I can remember them pulling me out of class and telling me I was going into the program and sobbing because I thought I couldn't read well enough. I went home and studied my little heart out, returning to school on Monday begging my teacher to re-test me because I had studied a lot and thought I could do better this time. I was near tears as she shook her head, then she laughed and explained how they were adjusting the program for me. :dohh:

Also, when I was about 5, I remember hearing that the Poinsettia is poisonous. I was playing with one and broke one of the leaves, which left a wet substance on my hand. I swore I was dying, but too afraid to tell anybody. So I wrote out a "will", in which I left all my stuffed animals and clothes to my cousin, and my plastic jewelry and tooth fairy money to my mom.
I remember when i was about 7 and i was with a friend who was a year younger anyway we went into some woods which were near where we both lived, just climbing.trees and playing games. We were up one tree when a man came along and started talking to us he was asking what tv programmes we liked watching etc :wacko: i remember me and my friend looking at each other knowing we both were.starting to feel nervous.. He carried on talking about .different things and mentioned his dog.. And then was saying for us to come down from the tree as much as i wanted to get out of the tree because my bum was starting to ache with sitting still for so long but we refused to come down because we knew something wasn't right. Then an old woman was walking her 2.dogs and saw us she knew my friend and shouted her and said your mum has just told me your tea is ready.. So we both climbed down and ran home while the lady watched..anyway we got to my friend house and she ran in and.asked her mum if tea was ready.and.her mum said no.. So the woman.just said that to get us away from that man.. Wasn't till years later that i realised how serious it was and how awful it could have ended. I never told my mum at the time as i was worried id be told off for going in the woods when i was told i wasn't aloud. Y
Oh just realised meant memories that weren' bad as u thought at the time lol iv done.opposite.. :dohh:
Digging potatoes in our garden, I wasn't paying attention and put the fork THROUGH my foot. I remember being a bit shocked, lifting my foot up, and seeing the prong of the garden fork just going in and out of my foot. I threw up.

Just a tiny scar now, but I can still remember it ooooh so clearly! Once the drama was dealt with, we'd had it cleaned, checked for usual tetanus issues...we sat down for dinner, my sister splurted tomato purée on my plate (next to controversial potatoes) and said it was my blood. Like all good, calm individuals...I threw a glass of lemonade over her head.

I was only 12.
i got chased and attacked by bees and now i have subconsciously developed a phobia of ALL bugs. sigh =[
I can't touch honey at all, not in jar form or to eat..
When I was like 3 I had a bad stomach bug and my mum gave me a spoonful of honey saying it'd calm my stomach - so wrong. As soon as I'd swallowed it I spewed instantly!!

My best friend, who i'd knowed from a baby, died when i was 11, its still something that i struggle with now, i can't handle funerals well because it takes me back to that day and it took me till i was 18 to visit her grave.

I remember how much my Mom and Dad rowed but one row, where he said she was crazy and he'd have her locked up sticks out, i unplugged the phones i was so scared i'd lose my mom. I was about 8.

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