Christian ladies, let's pray for a bfp!

I pray so too...Please try and avoid stress, are you taking any prenatal vitamins?
Yeah. Since I've been diagnosed with mthfr I have to take special ones with methlyfolate.
Great...we'll just keep trusting God to make it happen :hugs:
hello ladies..its been a while since i was here but you have all been in my mind
i wanted to share my testmony, ladies i got a bfp this month and in this month the doctor told me i cant conceive until i undergo a certain operation which i refused to do since it didnt make sense and i said God has something for me he will fix this for me so as the world will know who he is. and he did just that,i still cant believe am pregnant but without God i wouldnt be able to be here....he gave me my miracle and i cant wait to hold it in my hands. God is good.
am sharing this so as if there is anyone in here who has given up please dont just have hope and faith on our God he will do it for you regardless what the doctor has said to you.
read 2 samuel 22:7

stay blessed sisters

It was so encouraging to find this thread this morning! My hubs and I live extremely far from family and friends and there is not many we can talk about the process with. Thank you ladies for all the verses and encouragement y'all have posted!

We are trying for out first, and AF is due to arrive in about two days unless we get a BFP. This will be the 4th cycle after being on birth control. Last year we thought I might have endometriosis but to make a long story short I had a herniated disc and then two bulging discs on top of the herniated one that were causing all the problems and symptoms. Crazy! We put off TTC until things straightened out again and here we are.

Praying for His timing and protection!
Miracle what a great testimony.

Trying, keeping my FX for you.

AFM, I started seeing a Christian counselor for my anxiety and it had helped so much. I am so thankful I found her. She me her personal cell phone and told me if I need anything to let her know. She's been such a blessing.
hello ladies..its been a while since i was here but you have all been in my mind
i wanted to share my testmony, ladies i got a bfp this month and in this month the doctor told me i cant conceive until i undergo a certain operation which i refused to do since it didnt make sense and i said God has something for me he will fix this for me so as the world will know who he is. and he did just that,i still cant believe am pregnant but without God i wouldnt be able to be here....he gave me my miracle and i cant wait to hold it in my hands. God is good.
am sharing this so as if there is anyone in here who has given up please dont just have hope and faith on our God he will do it for you regardless what the doctor has said to you.
read 2 samuel 22:7

stay blessed sisters

:happydance: Congrats Miracle worker:hugs:, our God is faithful!
Miracle what a great testimony.

Trying, keeping my FX for you.

AFM, I started seeing a Christian counselor for my anxiety and it had helped so much. I am so thankful I found her. She me her personal cell phone and told me if I need anything to let her know. She's been such a blessing.

:hugs: That's great dear! I'm really sorry TTC is stressing you out, anxiety is not of the Lord, Phil 4: 6-7 (MSG) says 'Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good will come and settle you down...'

I'll keep praying for you!

It was so encouraging to find this thread this morning! My hubs and I live extremely far from family and friends and there is not many we can talk about the process with. Thank you ladies for all the verses and encouragement y'all have posted!

We are trying for out first, and AF is due to arrive in about two days unless we get a BFP. This will be the 4th cycle after being on birth control. Last year we thought I might have endometriosis but to make a long story short I had a herniated disc and then two bulging discs on top of the herniated one that were causing all the problems and symptoms. Crazy! We put off TTC until things straightened out again and here we are.

Praying for His timing and protection!

:hugs: Hi trying, so glad our posts encouraged you, our God keeps his promises and he has promised us his children that we'll conceive and have children (Psalm 128) and we will.

Keep trusting him dear, you will conceive. I'll be praying for you!
Abba, Father,
I feel forgotten, Lord. I have cried out to You! I long for a baby of my own, Father. I can’t rely on my own abilities and strength anymore. You are the giver of life and I come to You now. Father, hear my prayer! I desperately want a child of my own. I understand why Sarah was so depressed in Genesis, Lord. She was very old when You gave her a child. Father, if it be Your will, I beg of You, give me a child of my own that I can love on and raise through Your standards. I will memorize scripture with them! I will show them how to love others with a “Christ-like” love! O Father, I am at Your mercy and I pray for deliverance from infertility. I love You! Amen
I had a nice cry the other day.. I will be honest, I hadn't been praying as much as I should for my bfp.. And boy do I really want my own baby to hold and love.
Ladies, please can you pray for me. I have just had my second ever BFP, obviously ecstatic but very cautious, nervous and worried. My first pregnancy ended in MC at 7 weeks in January. I feel enormously blessed and believe God has given us this child as we have honoured him and trusted in him but the thought of going through a miscarriage again scares me beyond belief. I feel the fear is taking away my joy of this news. Lots of prayer needed please! Or any bible verses I am relate to would be appreciated. Thank you to anyone who does pray for me and my husband . Xxx


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Ladies, please can you pray for me. I have just had my second ever BFP, obviously ecstatic but very cautious, nervous and worried. My first pregnancy ended in MC at 7 weeks in January. I feel enormously blessed and believe God has given us this child as we have honoured him and trusted in him but the thought of going through a miscarriage again scares me beyond belief. I feel the fear is taking away my joy of this news. Lots of prayer needed please! Or any bible verses I am relate to would be appreciated. Thank you to anyone who does pray for me and my husband . Xxx

Prayers for you!!! :)
Hi ladies!!! I have been off the board for a while due to my m/c at 10wks.
I m/c twins and had to get a D&C (my 2nd one) I needed to take a break from these boards and focus on me and my family. This will make my 4 m/c in my 4 1/2 years of being married..

BUT THATS OK!! God does everything so we can glorify him for when he blesses us abundantly the next time!!! I am so grateful that God chose to step in and take control and take my babies home Bc they would've been horned with chromosome 16, a abnormality where the fetuses has holes in their organs and they're severely deformed. And from what my doc say they would not have lived long outside my womb.

So yes God knew best!

Well I'm back here again TTC and I'm praying for each and every one of you ladies here and afar!

MissGossip don't let fear take your joy, only trust in God never doubt him or what he can do for you!! Just keep the faith and know God hand is in it all!!

GARLINPITT ; I was always thinking about you while I was out. I was so busy with school that I tend to forget to give God the Glory and I'll have to stop everything I'm doing and give him thanks Bc it's only him that we can even consider praying to him, he give us that chance and its up to us to seize it Bc he is worth much more that! I'm back in here with you so let's get our BFP!!

To all the ladies TTC lets pray to our father that he'll bless us as he did his daughters before and still doing now!!

The the Prego ones; CONGRATS AND CONTINUE TO PRAY TO OUR FATHER FOR PEACE, Bc this can be a emotional mountain to climb! But God is all we need! Read his word for any help!!

AFM: Cycle day 1!! Wohoo!! The doc told me to wait for 2 cycles to come on before trying again BUT I got my last son off waiting one cycle last time and that's what DH and I agreed on again. So once this cycle is over its TTC for us again!! EXCITED and So GREATFUL Bc God didn't have to give me a second chance to TTC again but he did!!! He woke me bk up from surgery (D&C) how Great our God is!!!! So thankful!!!

Here's a scripture for us!!

Judges 13:3 KJV
And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman, and said unto her, Behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son.
Nevergivingup what an inspiration you are. I'm sitting here worried about something that might or might not happen when I should be rejoicing in the fact God has blessed me with this baby because that is part of his plan.

You have truly touched me with your post, I am so sorry for your recent loss and the 3 prior, you and your husband are very strong and faithful, it's truly inspiring. Thank you so much, I will try and relax as whatever happens is on Gods Hands. I pray you are blessed again soon xx
Nevergivingup what an inspiration you are. I'm sitting here worried about something that might or might not happen when I should be rejoicing in the fact God has blessed me with this baby because that is part of his plan.

You have truly touched me with your post, I am so sorry for your recent loss and the 3 prior, you and your husband are very strong and faithful, it's truly inspiring. Thank you so much, I will try and relax as whatever happens is on Gods Hands. I pray you are blessed again soon xx

Thanks MissGossip!!

We are stress balls I know, but don't you worry! This is a new pregnancy, a different baby! This is a new start, God has given you yet a second chance! Yes it's scary I know but Look what he has done for you, smile Love, rejoice and be glad for he has yet favored you and your womb! How Great he is!!!! He is amazing and he thought enough of you bless you yet again!

Don't be stressed what's in God will, will be he knows best and right now he wants your glory and your praise not your sadness and doubt.

It's nothing we can do except lean on him, that's all he wants, faith is not faith if you doubt, Love. Trust him he has blessed you with a miracle! He wants to see you happy don't give that devil the glory!! God did this for you!!

Glad I can help, we're here for each other!!:hugs:

Here's a scripture for us:

Proverbs 3:5 KJV
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Never.. I'm so so sorry. I've been thinking about you a lot. I actually had to step away for awhile too. I was getting so stressed out with charting and temping that I stopped everything this month.

I've been seeing a Christian counselor and it's helped a lot. My father in law passed away April 27 and it's been a rough couple of months since he passed.. He didn't leave a will so we are dealing with everything.

I'm just believing for both of us that Gods plan is bigger and better then we ever imagine and the wait will be worth it.
Never.. I'm so so sorry. I've been thinking about you a lot. I actually had to step away for awhile too. I was getting so stressed out with charting and temping that I stopped everything this month.

I've been seeing a Christian counselor and it's helped a lot. My father in law passed away April 27 and it's been a rough couple of months since he passed.. He didn't leave a will so we are dealing with everything.

I'm just believing for both of us that Gods plan is bigger and better then we ever imagine and the wait will be worth it.

O Wow Gagrlinpitt, :cry: I'm soo so sorry to hear about your "FIL", death is never easy and always quite sad, esp. When you still have to deal with things for them even after death. But try not to get to overwhelmed, at some point it has to come to a solution soon, right..? I pray everything be decent and in order when y'all are finalizing his will.

Thanks so much for thinking of me, seems like we both was worried about each other! Which is awesome, definitely sisters in Christ!! I really feel in my soul that our blessing is waiting on us we just have to be patient and wait for God plan just like you said!! Your words are right, I'm sure it'll be so worth it especially with these test that our Great father in heaven is giving us to handle. And we can do it, Bc he said with him all things are possible!!

Isaiah 30:18 KJV
And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the Lord is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him.

Hold on in there with me and we will receive our blessing!!!
Never.. I'm so so sorry. I've been thinking about you a lot. I actually had to step away for awhile too. I was getting so stressed out with charting and temping that I stopped everything this month.

I've been seeing a Christian counselor and it's helped a lot. My father in law passed away April 27 and it's been a rough couple of months since he passed.. He didn't leave a will so we are dealing with everything.

I'm just believing for both of us that Gods plan is bigger and better then we ever imagine and the wait will be worth it.

O Wow Gagrlinpitt, :cry: I'm soo so sorry to hear about your "FIL", death is never easy and always quite sad, esp. When you still have to deal with things for them even after death. But try not to get to overwhelmed, at some point it has to come to a solution soon, right..? I pray everything be decent and in order when y'all are finalizing his will.

Thanks so much for thinking of me, seems like we both was worried about each other! Which is awesome, definitely sisters in Christ!! I really feel in my soul that our blessing is waiting on us we just have to be patient and wait for God plan just like you said!! Your words are right, I'm sure it'll be so worth it especially with these test that our Great father in heaven is giving us to handle. And we can do it, Bc he said with him all things are possible!!

Isaiah 30:18 KJV
And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the Lord is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him.

Hold on in there with me and we will receive our blessing!!!

Absolutely. We will get our bfps very soon!!

My father in law went into the hospital April 3 after a three year battle with congestive heart failure. Unfortunately his heart was just too weak and he never left the hospital.

I'm so thankful for the time we had in the hospital. We got to pray with him and while he was at a point of coming out of surgery and before they put him back on sedation, we got to tell him about the good news and both my husband and I had such a peace when he passed that he went home to be with Jesus.

I know God doesn't give us more than we can handle and sometimes he's just waiting for us to give up control, trust in him, and lean on him to show us how amazing he is..

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