Christian ladies, let's pray for a bfp!

That looks like a bfp to me!!!!

Our plan is to get right into trying. I've been temping so hopefully I will O this month and we can get right down to business.


Sounds like the best plan!!!! Are you taking any prenatals already?

Yeah. I've been taking a prenatal since I had the mirena removed.

:thumbup: Best of luck this cycle sis, as usual, i'll be praying for you!

Thank you. How are you feeling?
I really just feel fat like I just need to excercise! I just broke the news to DH and he's excited and promising to make this pregnancy better then he did last time. So telling me to take it easy☺️. I'm still a bit nervous about it all but I'm constantly praying and asking God to bless my womb and make me a mother of many and blessed my womb as he did his daughter Hannah and Sara. Bc I had 3 m/c's it's a constant mind thing so I'm just asking you all to pray that he gives me peace in my mind and heart while I have more faith in him that if this is his will I will deliver a healthy baby in due time.

Garlinpitt : How does AF look? Is she still in town?!
I forgot to update you ladies. AF showed up Monday and she's been vicious. I guess I can't really complain as this is my first AF in 8 years.. But let's just say migraines, terrible cramps, backache that spread to my stomach... I have heard the first one after removal is the worst. Today is day 4.. And usually my AF is only 4 days however again, this is the first one in 8 years so I'm not sure exactly what to expect.

I'll keep you all updated.

Woohoo!!! :dance: i'm so happy for you dear, sorry about the cramps and aches though but i'm glad it's finally here... :hugs:

AFM, i'm great! I get very hungry and tired lately but nothing more than that...

How are doing nevergivingup, missgossip, locksle, Mrs Atole?

Thank you! Hopefully our TTC journey is a quick and fun one!

Here's a better one

View attachment 933636

:dance: I see the line!!!! Yayyyy! I'm so happy for you dear :hugs:, our God is faithful!!!

Nevergivingup, I don't see a trend in my cravings, I just eat anything I find for now...i'm not a fan of sweet stuffs, surprisingly, that hasn't changed at all!
Were you having any symptoms leading to your bfp?

Thanks sis!!! Yes I actually had every Sympton but sore boobs but they were heavy. I was soooo tired around 10dpo!! It was like sleep kept fighting me and eventually it won!!! I had extra cm as I still do and face full of acne. Back ache were here and there but I blamed it on the huge boobs. And eating non stop!!! What ab you?

FX for the ladies in here!!!! Ready to see and hear about these upcoming BFP. I'm a strong believer if we have faith in what our heart desire God will deliver it.

Well ever since I got to 6 weeks, i've been more tired than usual, and a bit nauseous. I almost puked at the smell of steamed veggies at work on Tuesday. Then the bloating is still there...:shrug:
That looks like a bfp to me!!!!

Our plan is to get right into trying. I've been temping so hopefully I will O this month and we can get right down to business.


Sounds like the best plan!!!! Are you taking any prenatals already?

Yeah. I've been taking a prenatal since I had the mirena removed.

:thumbup: Best of luck this cycle sis, as usual, i'll be praying for you!

Thank you. How are you feeling?

I've been kinda down emotionally this week cos a lot happened that i'm not able to share yet but I will soon enough.
O ODIEA sorry about the m/s and puking was the worst feeling for me with my DS. But I do hope it eases up which is should around 12 wks. Also I whatever you're going through you don't have to tell us if you're not ready or if you don't want to but it's one person you can tell anything too and he listens and will fix it for you and that's our heavenly father above. When there's no one else to turn too he listens to my heart and make everything before I even get down on my knees and cry to him in prayer. I'm praying for you as well as my other sisters and lost man kind in this world. Take care of yourself and stay prayed up for God will take care of us.
Thanks Sis, I really appreciate the encouraging words :hugs:
AF is winding down.. I thought I war done yesterday but today when I wiped there was still blood on the TP but none in my undies so I'm thinking today is the last day.
I really just feel fat like I just need to excercise! I just broke the news to DH and he's excited and promising to make this pregnancy better then he did last time. So telling me to take it easy☺️. I'm still a bit nervous about it all but I'm constantly praying and asking God to bless my womb and make me a mother of many and blessed my womb as he did his daughter Hannah and Sara. Bc I had 3 m/c's it's a constant mind thing so I'm just asking you all to pray that he gives me peace in my mind and heart while I have more faith in him that if this is his will I will deliver a healthy baby in due time.

Garlinpitt : How does AF look? Is she still in town?!

I forgot to mention this earlier. The word says in Exodus 23: 25 - 26 (NIV) 'Worship the Lord your God, and his blessings will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you and none will miscarry or be barren in your Land. I will give you a full life span'

That's his promise to us concerning this pregnancy. Just keep trusting him! You'll never miscarry again!
I really just feel fat like I just need to excercise! I just broke the news to DH and he's excited and promising to make this pregnancy better then he did last time. So telling me to take it easy☺️. I'm still a bit nervous about it all but I'm constantly praying and asking God to bless my womb and make me a mother of many and blessed my womb as he did his daughter Hannah and Sara. Bc I had 3 m/c's it's a constant mind thing so I'm just asking you all to pray that he gives me peace in my mind and heart while I have more faith in him that if this is his will I will deliver a healthy baby in due time.

Garlinpitt : How does AF look? Is she still in town?!

I forgot to mention this earlier. The word says in Exodus 23: 25 - 26 'Worship the Lord your God, and his blessings will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you and none will miscarry or be barren in your Land. I will give you a full life span'

That's his promise to us concerning this pregnancy. Just keep trusting him! You'll never miscarry again!

Omg!!!! THANKS SIS!!!!! I really needed to see and hear that and now adding it to my daily reminders!!! Thank you sooo much for that!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘
You're welcome dear, how are you doing today? Have you placed any appointments yet?

I've just been sleeping and eating and lazing around, lol!
Good morning! I think I'm 1dpo today but I had a restless night last night and didn't get enough sleep for a valid temp reading this morning. How are you feeling darling?
Gagrlinpitt: 1DPO, Wohoo!! The hard part is done now time to wait on great news!!! Thinking positive for you always!! Don't know too much ab tempting but I sure hope you caught the eggie!!!

ODIEA: Hey sis!! How are you hanging in there, I see you're moving progressively fast!! Or has it been that long that we've been on here!!! Hope you and your family are doing great! When is your first u/s?

AFM: I'm on spring break so I'm so enjoying this Time off from studying....but I'm so behind in house work that it took me 4 hours to clean up my house minus vacuuming and mopping...I think I'll save that for tomorrow....I'm so tired!
Seems like my pregnancy is moving sooo slow!!! I guess that's what happen when you find out do early and then you try to keep it a secret but somehow others are finding out through their dreams by dreaming about me being pregnant and I can't lie!! So I just tell them I a am but I don't want to!!

What would you all? I hate when people ask me am I pregnant, Bc I had m/c up until 14 wks I rAther not tell until I'm 20 wks but they won't give me a chance to get out of 1 trimester, am I being mean too?!
Hey ladies
I'm in need of prayers. I know AF is around the corner. I'm so worried and overwhelmed about TTC it's taken over my life. How do I get my life back? Here I am looking at every single little detail anywhere from timing to what I put in my body to everything inbetween. My DH is taking it so relaxed. How can I be like him? I look at every angle and see where we went wrong and only focus on that. I know I need to look at what went right. Help me please. Any suggestions? Any words of advice? I'll take any answers. Thanks y'all
Hey ladies
I'm in need of prayers. I know AF is around the corner. I'm so worried and overwhelmed about TTC it's taken over my life. How do I get my life back? Here I am looking at every single little detail anywhere from timing to what I put in my body to everything inbetween. My DH is taking it so relaxed. How can I be like him? I look at every angle and see where we went wrong and only focus on that. I know I need to look at what went right. Help me please. Any suggestions? Any words of advice? I'll take any answers. Thanks y'all

Hi Angel! Sorry that you're going through this. TTC is a lot for us women, especially when we want a baby so bad!!! It's easy to get down and when AF comes but it's ok, that's the way God intended it to be. We can't rush anything because in the end he's controlling everything. And it'll happen in his timing but all we can do is do our part. I personally don't see a thing wrong with looking at every detail Bc I always did and still do now that I am pregnant. I analyze every "what if" and every situation Bc we know our bodies and what's happening to them better then anyone else but God. Men are always more calm in these situations Bc all they have to do is let go but us on the other hand our bodies have to be receiving of it among other things. But don't you fret or worry, I had 3 m/c's prior to my DS so blessing are real, Bc God is!! I found myself praying more, asking God to bless my womb as he blessed his daughters Hannah, Sarah, before. Let me be a mother of many so I can give my children bk to him!!! We're human it's hard not to worry but when you do find yourself calling on the Lord asking him for peace in your heart as mind!

John 14:27 KJV)

27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Psalm 113:9 KJV)

9 He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord.

Prayers for you!!!
Gagrlinpitt: 1DPO, Wohoo!! The hard part is done now time to wait on great news!!! Thinking positive for you always!! Don't know too much ab tempting but I sure hope you caught the eggie!!!

ODIEA: Hey sis!! How are you hanging in there, I see you're moving progressively fast!! Or has it been that long that we've been on here!!! Hope you and your family are doing great! When is your first u/s?

AFM: I'm on spring break so I'm so enjoying this Time off from studying....but I'm so behind in house work that it took me 4 hours to clean up my house minus vacuuming and mopping...I think I'll save that for tomorrow....I'm so tired!
Seems like my pregnancy is moving sooo slow!!! I guess that's what happen when you find out do early and then you try to keep it a secret but somehow others are finding out through their dreams by dreaming about me being pregnant and I can't lie!! So I just tell them I a am but I don't want to!!

What would you all? I hate when people ask me am I pregnant, Bc I had m/c up until 14 wks I rAther not tell until I'm 20 wks but they won't give me a chance to get out of 1 trimester, am I being mean too?!

I don't blame you one bit, I'd wait to... We are planning on only telling 4 people when we find out, which is our best friends and my mom and step dad because he's an obgyn.. So if I have any questions I can call him.
Gagrlinpitt: 1DPO, Wohoo!! The hard part is done now time to wait on great news!!! Thinking positive for you always!! Don't know too much ab tempting but I sure hope you caught the eggie!!!

ODIEA: Hey sis!! How are you hanging in there, I see you're moving progressively fast!! Or has it been that long that we've been on here!!! Hope you and your family are doing great! When is your first u/s?

AFM: I'm on spring break so I'm so enjoying this Time off from studying....but I'm so behind in house work that it took me 4 hours to clean up my house minus vacuuming and mopping...I think I'll save that for tomorrow....I'm so tired!
Seems like my pregnancy is moving sooo slow!!! I guess that's what happen when you find out do early and then you try to keep it a secret but somehow others are finding out through their dreams by dreaming about me being pregnant and I can't lie!! So I just tell them I a am but I don't want to!!

What would you all? I hate when people ask me am I pregnant, Bc I had m/c up until 14 wks I rAther not tell until I'm 20 wks but they won't give me a chance to get out of 1 trimester, am I being mean too?!

I don't blame you one bit, I'd wait to... We are planning on only telling 4 people when we find out, which is our best friends and my mom and step dad because he's an obgyn.. So if I have any questions I can call him.

Thanks sis!!! It's a relief to know I'm not being mean or rude but it's so early to go around announcing right now w/o me even having my scan. You're so lucky for your step dad being an Obgyn, I would tell him too if my parents was an Obgyn.
Gagrlinpitt: 1DPO, Wohoo!! The hard part is done now time to wait on great news!!! Thinking positive for you always!! Don't know too much ab tempting but I sure hope you caught the eggie!!!

ODIEA: Hey sis!! How are you hanging in there, I see you're moving progressively fast!! Or has it been that long that we've been on here!!! Hope you and your family are doing great! When is your first u/s?

AFM: I'm on spring break so I'm so enjoying this Time off from studying....but I'm so behind in house work that it took me 4 hours to clean up my house minus vacuuming and mopping...I think I'll save that for tomorrow....I'm so tired!
Seems like my pregnancy is moving sooo slow!!! I guess that's what happen when you find out do early and then you try to keep it a secret but somehow others are finding out through their dreams by dreaming about me being pregnant and I can't lie!! So I just tell them I a am but I don't want to!!

What would you all? I hate when people ask me am I pregnant, Bc I had m/c up until 14 wks I rAther not tell until I'm 20 wks but they won't give me a chance to get out of 1 trimester, am I being mean too?!

I don't blame you one bit, I'd wait to... We are planning on only telling 4 people when we find out, which is our best friends and my mom and step dad because he's an obgyn.. So if I have any questions I can call him.

Thanks sis!!! It's a relief to know I'm not being mean or rude but it's so early to go around announcing right now w/o me even having my scan. You're so lucky for your step dad being an Obgyn, I would tell him too if my parents was an Obgyn.

You're not being rude at all.. And if people get upset you didn't tell them sooner.. Just love on them and explain that there war complications I the past and you wanted to make sure everything was a ok...
I wanted to make sure I posted this here especially since it is a complete God given Bfp! I was originally in this thread, but kind of stepped away for a bit to relax! Don't give up the faith, ladies!! Here's my story! Hugs to you all!

We have been ttc number two for 16 months on fertility. I got a bfp in September and had a MC on Oct 8. I did my second IUI on Feb 13. The TWW passed and I still hadn't had AF. I was patiently waiting to test, and tested at around 15/16dpo and got a bfn. I called my fertility specialist and the nurse told me I must not have ovulated and to start my provera to start a new cycle (may have triggered a cyst). In the mean time, DH and I decided not to try again as we were emotionally spent. I thought, let's just put it in Gods hands. Well I waited it out and didn't take provera as I thought, "what difference would it make?"

Fast forward to March 12 and I was at home and thought I maybe had some ewcm, which is VERY out of the ordinary for me since ive been on Clomid so long. I did an OPK and assumed it was near positive, so we BDd sat, sun and Monday. I was on my way to work wed am and felt pin/needle pain. (Very prominent). BDd again that night.

I decided to say heck with it and took a test on Monday, March 21, and it was faintly bfp. Took a FRER the next day and got wonderful lines!!

Very happy, and just in total shock!! Had blood drawn on Tuesday March 22, and beta was 10! Nurse said I literally was maybe 8dpo. Second beta was on Monday and was 474 :) I am having one more today.
Took another FRER yesterday to ease my mind. 😊 Due December 3 ❄️
I wanted to make sure I posted this here especially since it is a complete God given Bfp! I was originally in this thread, but kind of stepped away for a bit to relax! Don't give up the faith, ladies!! Here's my story! Hugs to you all!

We have been ttc number two for 16 months on fertility. I got a bfp in September and had a MC on Oct 8. I did my second IUI on Feb 13. The TWW passed and I still hadn't had AF. I was patiently waiting to test, and tested at around 15/16dpo and got a bfn. I called my fertility specialist and the nurse told me I must not have ovulated and to start my provera to start a new cycle (may have triggered a cyst). In the mean time, DH and I decided not to try again as we were emotionally spent. I thought, let's just put it in Gods hands. Well I waited it out and didn't take provera as I thought, "what difference would it make?"

Fast forward to March 12 and I was at home and thought I maybe had some ewcm, which is VERY out of the ordinary for me since ive been on Clomid so long. I did an OPK and assumed it was near positive, so we BDd sat, sun and Monday. I was on my way to work wed am and felt pin/needle pain. (Very prominent). BDd again that night.

I decided to say heck with it and took a test on Monday, March 21, and it was faintly bfp. Took a FRER the next day and got wonderful lines!!

Very happy, and just in total shock!! Had blood drawn on Tuesday March 22, and beta was 10! Nurse said I literally was maybe 8dpo. Second beta was on Monday and was 474 :) I am having one more today.
Took another FRER yesterday to ease my mind. 😊 Due December 3 ❄️
How awesome!!! God is amazing.

Afm, I thought I ovulated but my temps went down this morning. Could be because I had the air and fan on all night and woke up shivering but either way it's in God's hands.

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