Christian ladies, let's pray for a bfp!

I wanted to make sure I posted this here especially since it is a complete God given Bfp! I was originally in this thread, but kind of stepped away for a bit to relax! Don't give up the faith, ladies!! Here's my story! Hugs to you all!

We have been ttc number two for 16 months on fertility. I got a bfp in September and had a MC on Oct 8. I did my second IUI on Feb 13. The TWW passed and I still hadn't had AF. I was patiently waiting to test, and tested at around 15/16dpo and got a bfn. I called my fertility specialist and the nurse told me I must not have ovulated and to start my provera to start a new cycle (may have triggered a cyst). In the mean time, DH and I decided not to try again as we were emotionally spent. I thought, let's just put it in Gods hands. Well I waited it out and didn't take provera as I thought, "what difference would it make?"

Fast forward to March 12 and I was at home and thought I maybe had some ewcm, which is VERY out of the ordinary for me since ive been on Clomid so long. I did an OPK and assumed it was near positive, so we BDd sat, sun and Monday. I was on my way to work wed am and felt pin/needle pain. (Very prominent). BDd again that night.

I decided to say heck with it and took a test on Monday, March 21, and it was faintly bfp. Took a FRER the next day and got wonderful lines!!

Very happy, and just in total shock!! Had blood drawn on Tuesday March 22, and beta was 10! Nurse said I literally was maybe 8dpo. Second beta was on Monday and was 474 :) I am having one more today.
Took another FRER yesterday to ease my mind. 😊 Due December 3 ❄️

So happy for you!!! GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!! It's nothing that he can't do!!! GOD bless you and your miracle baby!!!! Thanks for sharing your story!! What a blessing that is!! Please keep us updated on your hugs levels and how'd it going!! Praying for you!!!
How awesome!!! God is amazing.

Afm, I thought I ovulated but my temps went down this morning. Could be because I had the air and fan on all night and woke up shivering but either way it's in God's hands.[/QUOTE]

Hopefully is was the fan, it can change your body temps!
How's the CM looking?
How awesome!!! God is amazing.

Afm, I thought I ovulated but my temps went down this morning. Could be because I had the air and fan on all night and woke up shivering but either way it's in God's hands.

Hopefully is was the fan, it can change your body temps!
How's the CM looking?[/QUOTE]

It's slightly watery...
Hi ladies :hugs:
I'm good, baby is growing well so far, no morning sickness for me & no nausea, which i'm really grateful to God for. However, I was diagnosed with a cyst in my right ovary, doc says it will go before i'm 15weeks. I'm praying that it disappears soon enough.

I recently got laid off so i'm presently looking for a new Job to support the family income. It was a hard pill to swallow but I have to trust God. He promised me that everything we'll need for baby he'll provide & I believe all things are working together for our good.

:dance: so excited for you faithforbaby :hugs: congrats, our God is faithful.

Gagrlinpitt dear, keeping my fingers crossed for you, this your month, In Jesus name, Amen.

Nevergivingup sis, I see baby is growing fast :dance:, and i'm with you on not telling anyone about your pregnancy until you're ready...

Angel dear, cheer up sis, 1 John 5:14-15 says 'and this is the confidence we have in him, that, if we ask ANYTHING according to his will he hearth us, and if we know that he hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petition we desire of him'
It's God desire to give you a baby and you have asked so you WILL receive for sure, IN HIS PERFECT TIME. :hugs:

Will keep praying for you awesome sisters :hugs:
Odi- I'm sorry about the layoff but like you said, God provides all your needs!! Trust in him and he will take care of you.

Angel- it will happen, just trust in God and he will give you what you ask.. But remember it's his timing..
Hello! Just signed up and I saw this thread!

So nice to see Christian women being supportive!

I've had to remind myself that God has a plan and it will be wonderful! Patience is NOT my strong suit, and after trying for 8 months I am SO ready!

Garlingpitt: I hope you get some good news soon!! I'm sure it's coming, we just have to wait on the Lord!!

ODIEA: O my so sorry Sis to hear you're going through but God has his hands in it all and God may be preparing you for your blessing but you have to give him the glory!!! So dont stress too much have faith in God Bc he can see way far then you ever will and your blessing may be 2 hills away but you just have to climb them and remember God bought you through and just give him all the praise Bc look how he's blessing you now!!!! Praying for you sis!!! God will provide, he already has!!
Hello! Just signed up and I saw this thread!

So nice to see Christian women being supportive!

I've had to remind myself that God has a plan and it will be wonderful! Patience is NOT my strong suit, and after trying for 8 months I am SO ready!


Hi ARaeEv: Yes we have to be here for each other Bc this journey is so hard ESP when it's something you really want and seem like you're doing everything right. But like you said you can't give in you have to keep your trust and faith in the Lord and know that he will bless your womb, may not be today, next month or next year but you just keep believing in him and he will give you your heart desire just keep doing your part and trusting in his word Bc he'll never fail us or forsake us!!! 8 months may seem long to you but to him a thousand years is a day to just count your blessing as they come, 1 blessing that I always counted was being blessed to have the mindset to want to be a mother. And once I became a mother it made me realize how special these little blessing!! Patience is hard but the reward is greater!!!
Well I got my ch this morning so I'm 3dpo.. I'll be out of town this weekend but probably won't even test until the 8.. So now, we wait.
Well I got my ch this morning so I'm 3dpo.. I'll be out of town this weekend but probably won't even test until the 8.. So now, we wait.

Yippee!! The Famous 2WW!!! Rooting for you sis!!!! Praying that you get your BFP!!! You're already 3dpo you're almost at the finishe line but let that body have its time to do what it needs to do.
Thank you for your support friends :hugs:

:thumbup: Garglinpitt, it'll be over before you know it!

Nevergiving, how are you? Have you done any U/S yet?

Welcome ARaeEv :hugs:, you are going to have your miracle baby for sure, don't stop believing dear!
Never- thanks.. Patience in the past wasn't my strong suite lol...

Odi- I realize that it's very uncommon for most people to get pregnant first TTC cycle, but I know that fertility temporarily rises right after the mirena removal so hopefully that helps our chances.. Not to mention the power of the spoken word, and us along with our best friends have been praying and speaking this is our month.
Hi Ladies :hugs:, how are you all doing?

Hey Garg, i'm sorry you didn't get that bfp in Mar. Your chart is looking great this month though, fx for you girl! It's gonna be sooner than you imagined, In Jesus Name!

Never, how are you and your LO?, how's it been with the symptoms? Any MS?

God is faithful friends, you won't believe that I was called back at my work place :dance: . Don't stop believing our God, he takes care of his own and his timing is always perfect...i'll be going into my 2nd Tri next week :dance:, I can't believe i've come this far, he is a faithful God indeed!!!!
Odiea- that's wonderful!! God is great.

Afm, I've been dealing with a bunch this month. My father in law passed away on Wednesday after a three year battle with congestive heart failure. It was a tough blow as he was only 62. The viewing is tomorrow. A part of me is really praying and hoping I am pregnant this month because of that as I think it would be a great and happy thing for my husband. He was very close with his dad and has been taking this very hard. I as well was very close to my father in law and it has not been easy. The other day my husband looked at me and asked if we could change the baby boy name we picked out two years ago to his dad's name and I said absolutely.

I did find out that my brother-in-law has a baby on the way due in September. He has only told my dh and myself as he is unmarried and not in a relationship with this girl. He said although he wishes this want the situation and he is very remorseful, he is also very excited and happy and is going to step up and provide for his son! I'm so proud of him and excited I get another nephew.
I'm really sorry about the loss of your FIL :hugs:, losing our loved ones is one of the hardest things anyone can go through in life... I trust that our sweet Comforter, the Holy Spirit, will comfort you and your DH. I really pray you get your bfp this month to give you both something to smile about!
Wohoo for your nephew coming along, I know you'll make a great Aunt. You'll always be in my prayers dear!
Hi everyone, I'm new here and my DH (23) and I (24) decided after over a year of "not trying, not preventing" to actively TTC. I love this post and I absolutely love the Psalm 113:9 that was shared! Am texting it to my DH while he is at work as we speak. :)

It's amazing hearing the encouragement and testimonies of other women on here. God hears our prayers and will answer them, ladies!! Praying for all our BFP's!
Good morning ladies.. Well AF hit me on Saturday and oddly enough it was pretty much over yesterday. I called my step dad (he's an obgyn) 'and asked what he thought and he said it could be all the stress we went through last month, could be my body still evening out from the mirena, but he recommended this week around Thursday to take anther hpt just in case. I just keep holding onto Jeremiah 29:11.
Hi TinyWillow, welcome :hugs:, there are so many beautiful promises in God' word about having children, Psalm 128, 1John 4: 14-15, Gen 1:28, Mark 11:22-25 e.t.c, keep on believing and you'll receive...

You'll are all always in my prayers :hugs:
Fx for you Garglinpitt, I really hope it's good news...did AF come at the right time? Were you having pregnancy symptoms before AF showed?
Fx for you Garglinpitt, I really hope it's good news...did AF come at the right time? Were you having pregnancy symptoms before AF showed?

I've always had pregnancy symptoms before my period.. I just get really bad estrogen withdraw. AF did come at the right time and it started back this morning so I'm going to assume it's just because of stress. I'm praying this is our month..

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