Have you ever played the card game gin rummy? I always seemed to get paired up with the best and cockiest player on the block. Ill sit and ponder which card to lay down. With my best bluff face on, I frantically try to remember each and every card each player has laid down and picked up. If they look closely, they can probably even see the smoke pouring from my ears as my poor brain is trying so desperately to obey the commands Im giving to decide just which card will win the game for me. With feigned confidence I not-so-boldly lay my card on the discard pile. Before my fingerprints have even had time to settle on the card, my opponent snatches it up and glibly proclaims Thanks! I can use that! I sure hope my disgust isnt showing too much. When my turn comes around again, Im sure that Ive got 'em this time. Ill hang on to what he needs and Ill throw something at him that I know is pure garbage. Hell never make anything of that. With that twinkle in his eye, he grins at me and one more time says Oh great! Just what Ive been looking for! I know I can use that! Before long, Im convinced it doesnt really matter what I throw at him. He always finds a way to use it!
Maybe infertility doesnt seem as easy or as enjoyable as a game of gin rummy, but there is one glaring similarity. Imagine God as the Master Player in this game we call life. Satan is His adversary. To the victor go the spoils and this time the spoils are you. One by one the cards are dealt. Satans brow is furrowed as he studies his cards. Hes determined hell defeat his opponent. He holds in his gnarled, vile hand disease, despair, discouragement. One by one he lays a card on the deck of your life and looks God in the face with an evil smirk. Shes infertile, God. Whatcha gonna do bout that? Much to Satans wicked, evil surprise, God doesnt even hesitate: Just watch how I can use that! Next round--Misunderstanding. Once again God says Not a problem. Ill use it to bring them closer to Me. What? Never mind. Satan still has a few tricks up his nasty little sleeve. But one by one, the Almighty works every card into His master plan and before Satan can even comprehend what has happened, he is once again back in that oh-so-common standing as Gods defeated foe. No matter what trial he throws in the discard stack, God triumphantly sings out, I can use that! Infertility? Not a problem. Marital difficulties? Just wait and see what the Creator of marriage can bring about. Okay--so He can use all these things. But God, I lost my child. Even You cant use that. But use it to His glory He will.
Trust Him with what you understand and with what you dont. Hes never failed you. He never will.
-Beth Forbus