Christian ladies TTC, we can encourage one another.

Well...first day post op. These incisions HURT. I'm usually a side way that was happening!

Doc found stage 2 endometriosis. He believes he vaporized it all and put a preventative gel to lower the rate of recurrence. This might be exactly what was needed to open the way for us to get pregnant. Looking forward to this surgery resetting the clock so we can have our miracle baby.

I am so proud of you that you went through with the procedure. It mustn't have been easy for you, and for that i am sorry. I hope you are okay and that it didn't cause any pain during or afterwards. I hope it brings you your miracle baby. You sound to be in a really good place emotionally, a perfect state to conceive a bubba ;)

Well...first day post op. These incisions HURT. I'm usually a side way that was happening!

Doc found stage 2 endometriosis. He believes he vaporized it all and put a preventative gel to lower the rate of recurrence. This might be exactly what was needed to open the way for us to get pregnant. Looking forward to this surgery resetting the clock so we can have our miracle baby.

Hi ProfWife, I had lap surgery December 2013 to remove endo and I just wanted to tell you to stay encouraged. My procedure took longer than expected which resulted in me having to stay in the hospital overnight(I bawled like a baby when they told me I'd have to stay in :) ) When I got home although I wasn't able to move up and down that much in about 2 weeks I felt like myself again and was back to my regular routine. I did not get to restart ttc right away as doc had me on meds to ensure the endo stayed away so my first month actually trying wasn't until May 2014. I still have not gotten a BFP but I know it's coming and I will soon be doing my happydance :happydance:

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise-Hebrews 10:23
Thanks for the encouragement ladies.

I'm actually feeling...almost great. Still tiring out faster than I'd like. But this coincided with a school year starting again. My body hates letting go of summer.

We're cleared to start bd-ing again as soon as we want after the 1 week. Today is Day 7! ;-)

Praying for you to see your first double line soon as well!!
Hey ladies, I hope you are all well.

I just wanted to update you. Have been to the hospital today following some spotting. I have had another miscarriage that's four in a year.

I am giving B and B and ttc a rest for a while, to get some tests done and have a break emotionally.

Hope to see you sometime in the future. Love and baby dust to you all.

Hey ladies, I hope you are all well.

I just wanted to update you. Have been to the hospital today following some spotting. I have had another miscarriage that's four in a year.

I am giving B and B and ttc a rest for a while, to get some tests done and have a break emotionally.

Hope to see you sometime in the future. Love and baby dust to you all.


:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: all the way from the Bahamas Sportsygirl. I am so sorry to hear of your loss and can only imagine the emotions you are feeling right now. Keeping you and your husband in my prayers hun. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi everyone just wanted to share what's been going on with my journey. Last month was my first month on femara and although I ovulated AF showed up and I am now on CD2. Went into doc for CD2 scan and discuss way forward and this month and found out I will be doing IUI this month. Taking femara cd 3-7 and some injectables cd 8-13 (if i remember correctly). We have male fertility factor issues as well as my endo and doc doesn't want to waste any time so if this round does not work our next step will be IVF. I am so scared, nervous, emotional right now and had to bite my lip to hold back tears in the docs office. I have baby showers both this and next weekend and cannot wait until I will be attending my own shower. I know God is in control but even though I know that, this can be so overwhelming at times. Please keep me and DH in your prayers as we both need strength to go on. Feeling drained and defeated lately
Sporty, so sorry hun. Praying for healing and peace.

Praying...I've been there hun, and it definitely tough emotionally. Hold tight and stay peaceful in knowing that God is in control. Things may not go as planned or change unexpectedly, but He knows what He's doing.
Hey ladies, I hope you are all well.

I just wanted to update you. Have been to the hospital today following some spotting. I have had another miscarriage that's four in a year.

I am giving B and B and ttc a rest for a while, to get some tests done and have a break emotionally.

Hope to see you sometime in the future. Love and baby dust to you all.


My heart goes out to you !!!!!!!! I am so sorry for your loss. Each loss is unique and devastating, take all the time in the world to grieve and be upset. God knows your heart as well as when you are completely broken. He sees you. I am here to chat if you need to..

Hi Ladies. I have a prayer request. I just found out that my real estate agent (who has sort of become a friend) lost her baby. She was due in October. Please keep her and her family in your prayers as they cope with this loss.
Oh my so sad and sorry to hear that. I will def keep her & her family in my prayers
Oh, HisGrace, that is absolutely heartbreaking. Will definitely be praying for her and her family.
Hey everyone! It has been so,so long since the last time I have logged into this thread! Life has been so busy since we had Benjamin! I wanted to check in with all of you and hope everything is well!

I also wanted to ask for your prayer for Benjamin. He is going through a lot of medical testing right now and will need surgery. Some of the things they are testing him for are really scary and I am freaking out a bit!! Any prayers would certainly help!!! Xoxo
Heather, praying for healing and health for your little Benjamin, and peace, comfort, and reassurance for you and your family. Nothing is scarier than watching your little guy face medical issues--but remember that our Father is in the future where these issues have already been resolved, and that He is holding your sweet baby all along the way. Big hugs, mama!
Hi all. Just wanted to thank you all for your support and prayers for me and one another. The body of Christ demonstrated even through the internet. We are all at different places in our ttc journey- and also our journey with Jesus. But, we are all here to support and be supported- to vent and to listen. Praying for you all today. Those who are now pregnant or recently had babies- I am happy for each of you and your stories give each of us hope that one day it could be us. Those of you (incl. me) still struggling with ttc - God is Sovereign and will keep guiding us. Love from your sister in Jesus.
Thanks me222! Prayers sent for out little thread here as well! God knows our pain & worries. He Will lead us down the correct path!

Hope this finds you all well! Not much new here. Still working on my weight loss, to move forward with IVF next Summer-ish...Had a hard time recently with dealing with others "accidental" pregnancies, but By God's Grace, it has gotten bearable....He is so Good to us! I know He has a Special Miracle just waiting to join our lives, whether it be through IVF, IUI, Foster/Adoption or Natural conception! Praise the Lord for His Goodness & His plan for each of us!!!

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