Christian ladies TTC, we can encourage one another.


You're welcome to stay around. Many of our members are pregnant or parents of newborns (or older infants). Nothing says you need to leave just because you saw those lovely lines! :)
awww, thanks!!! The last group I was in didn't want pregnant ladies sticking around b/c it was hard for the TTC girls. If you guys are fine with it, though, I'll be glad to stick around! :)
Fides, Welcome and congrats on your BFP! God IS good!

AFM, I'm REALLY down this evening. Traded in my old phone today for a new one (Valentine's Day present from the hubs) and with that phone went a voicemail I'd been saving from my late father. Started tearing up when I reset the phone, luckily I was able to hold it together and not look like a crazy hormonal idiot in the middle of the Verizon store. haha.

I'm on CD 24 and have been a little crampy for the past few days. This evening I think there was a little tinge of pink CM when I wiped. Feeling pretty out, though I know it isn't over until that witch shows up. Praying to keep myself focused on His will, His timing and what He has in store for me. Oh, and that I can find a cute case for this phone that isn't going to cost me an arm and a leg. ;)
Congrats fides! Yes, please stay!

Queen I'm so sorry hun, I know that must have been rough. And who knows about this cycle, maybe this is all good stuff. Don't be down just yet, like you said, not until the witch comes.
Congrats ladies on the bfp's & growing little ones. The clouds lift here a little each day, but yesterday was a repeat hcg draw & picked up a bootie set that I had ordered with our bfp. So needless to say tears were shed....I do feel like He will bless us again with 2 lines & a healthy little one so I put the booties away until then. My bleeding is getting lighter so hoping we can TTC again soon! Be blessed ladies :)
Ladies, if it's okay, I'd like to request prayer for myself and my husband.

This morning marks the end of the third cycle after my Essure reversal, and yet another :bfn: ... This is important because my surgeon instructed us to seek out further testing and assistance if we didn't conceive naturally by this time. Our next steps are a SA and HSG to check that my tubes haven't healed shut.

The bigger problem, though, is that both of us are suffering a moment of weakness in our faith. The moment of my first bfn, I spent quite a bit of time screaming at God. I feel completely betrayed by Him, who we felt guided us and provided the way for us to have this surgery. But it was incredibly painful and expensive, and now with every passing cycle I feel that I am failing my family who sacrificed so much just for my continued barrenness. But that failing isn't with's with God. I cried out "God is cruel." And my husband, crying beside me, could only agree.

We both feel cut off from Him, and no amount of prayer, fasting, or scripture reading seems to be helping. I feel that I am reaching the end of my rope with this TTC journey and I am terrified of the next steps ands what they could bring. A diagnosis of needing IVF, after all the money our family could spare was spent on the reversal, would be a death sentence on our hopes of ever conceiving.
Cupcake, I am so sorry for your loss. I am so glad the clod is lifting!

Kuawen, it's OK to be angry with God. It's Ok to scream and yell at Him. He can take it, and he knows exactly how you feel and wants to hear from you. Thee are no magic words I will be able to say that will help you feel any better about the situation you and your DH are in, but know that He does work all things for good for those who love him and that He provides for his children and keeps His promises (even if it's not the exact path we thought it would be). Moments where you feel the farthest from God are the times you need to draw nearest to him and are the times you'll look back on the future and see your relationship with Him was eventually strengthened. In the mean time, however, keep crying out to Him. But also make sure you are taking the time to listen as well. (That last part is something I have to remind myself of daily!) I pray strength and comfort over you and your DH. I also pray in the powerful name of Jesus that anything blocking your tubes may be gone or dissolve, and anything around you that is blocking you from feeling close to your creator and Father in Heaven be gone!
Cupcake, glad things are getting back to normal for you. You'll get to pull those booties back out one day.

Kuawen...I always say, go ahead and yell at God. He's a big boy and he can take it. I agree with Queen that he wants to hear from you, but in your anger and frustration make sure to leave a price of your mind clear so you are able to listen. You feel that God lead you to be able to have that surgery in the hopes of conception. Hold onto to that. If you have faith in that, let your faith begin to build back up there. I had to do that with myself. Its hard, but doable. I didn't even want kids when I was younger, but I felt God placed the desire in my heart. Then for the life of me I couldn't understand why it wasn't happening. So I held onto to the fact that it was God who gave me the desire, so there must be a reason. When I was at my wits end, that was what I held onto. Remember that even the smallest faith can move mountains. You and your hubbs are not faithless, its just that you've been tested and your faith has been tried and maybe even decreased. This is a battle and even the strongest soldiers get weak and need recover and renew their strength time and again. Also remember to be patient. Perhaps God lead you to be able to have the surgery now, but plans on a child for you later. This is probably the hardest part...just when you think everything has finally lined up perfectly and yet still nothing. His ways are not our ways, and his time is not our time, but it is perfect and wouldn't you rather have if that way? Praying for you and your hubbs hun!
How did it go?

I'm sure it's not easy eating for four. The first doc I saw told me eat between 1500-2000 calories when I was preggo. I told them there was no way that was happening. Most days I didn't even eat 1000 calories before being preggo. I wasn't starving myself, just eating super healthy and only as needed, not over eating. He said it was fine as long as I wasn't starving myself or baby obviously. But I will say as time goes on and your babies grow, eating more will become more natural for you, but right now you don't have the urge due to morning sickness and the fact that you probably really haven't started having cravings or really feeling hungrier yet. You know when you're full or hungry. I say don't force it, there's not much room in there anyway and there certainly won't be when your babies are bigger. I think you'll have to eat more often if anything.

Oh boy, there is so much information and food that I need to be eating!!! As soon as I left, I started to get a headache. I can’t imagine eating so much, especially the way I’m feeling right now, but she said to gradually add the foods as I can tolerate it. She wants me to get around 2,200-2,500 calories in a day and eat 6 small meals. A daily meal would look something like this…

Breakfast- 1-2 cups oatmeal using milk and adding nuts and dried fruit

Snack- Yogurt with fruit and granola

Lunch- Salad with hard boiled eggs or some meat, seeds, dried fruit and light dressing

Snack- English muffin with peanut butter and berries

Dinner- can me similar to lunch or have meat, veggies, potato or some starch

Snack- Smoothie with yogurt, spinach, milk, fruit

Snack- Warm milk, nuts

I’m just praying that right now God will supply all the nutrients the babies need, since my diet right now mainly consists of carbs, until I get my appetite back and can handle all this food.
awww, thanks!!! The last group I was in didn't want pregnant ladies sticking around b/c it was hard for the TTC girls. If you guys are fine with it, though, I'll be glad to stick around! :)

Stay as long as you'd like :flower:

You can definitely stay and be an encouragement to others and I pray that the ladies who are still TTC will see your BFP and rejoice with you knowing that God has a special day planned when they will also receive theirs.

Praying for a h&h 9 months :hugs:
Fides, Welcome and congrats on your BFP! God IS good!

AFM, I'm REALLY down this evening. Traded in my old phone today for a new one (Valentine's Day present from the hubs) and with that phone went a voicemail I'd been saving from my late father. Started tearing up when I reset the phone, luckily I was able to hold it together and not look like a crazy hormonal idiot in the middle of the Verizon store. haha.

I'm on CD 24 and have been a little crampy for the past few days. This evening I think there was a little tinge of pink CM when I wiped. Feeling pretty out, though I know it isn't over until that witch shows up. Praying to keep myself focused on His will, His timing and what He has in store for me. Oh, and that I can find a cute case for this phone that isn't going to cost me an arm and a leg. ;)

I can't imagine how hard that would of been to give up that precious memory of your father. Big hugs to you sweetheart :hugs: People at the Verizon store didn't think you were an idiot, they just probably thought your really liked or didn't like the new phone :haha:

There is still hope sweetheart, with every cycle there is hope. I would love for you to come back and say the witch never came, but if by chance she does show, it's all going to be ok. Take it from me, I have given that witch the eviction notice for years and I can't believe that finally after all that time, she is gone! I look back and thank God for the many years that led up to this. I have grown so much and have been able to chat with all you ladies from all over the world. God has a very specific plan for you and even though we will never truly understand why we had to wait, He loves you enough to give you your precious child in the perfect time.

BTW- check for cases on Ebay, they are way cheaper!!!
Congrats ladies on the bfp's & growing little ones. The clouds lift here a little each day, but yesterday was a repeat hcg draw & picked up a bootie set that I had ordered with our bfp. So needless to say tears were shed....I do feel like He will bless us again with 2 lines & a healthy little one so I put the booties away until then. My bleeding is getting lighter so hoping we can TTC again soon! Be blessed ladies :)

Blessings to you sweetie :hugs:

With my 1st BFP in March, I went and bought these cute little socks and remember how sad I felt looking at them after I lost my angel. It will take some time to mourn the loss and that's ok. Praying for a complete healing in your heart and peace that surpasses all understanding.
Hello Ladies,

Just wanted to pop in and say I am back! My DH got very sick right before Christmas and we have been through so much in the last two months (to the day actually today)but we are back and stronger then ever! God has been so good to us and we have learned how precious time is and we cant wait for the perfect time to have a baby, finish college, get things in order. The time to live is now not in so many months when this is done or that. This latest trial has made us live for today not tomorrow and with that the baby making is gearing back up!

I have been popping in during the last two months to check this thread and God's Jewel and you have all been such an encouragement!

Blessings & Baby Dust,
Kuawen-Girl I know your pain! It took us 14 months after our reversal to see a bfp, only to lose it :( I have had a hard time with my Faith the last few weeks, I have questioned God & been upset & mad at Him, but through it all I have felt His presence. I have felt Him wrap his arms around me as I have sobbed. he has been there through my friends, family, on this board & in His Word. Know that if placed this desire in your hearts & made a way, that He is not finished yet. He has a plan for each of us. With each af, it doesn't necessarily mean "no", it just means "not yet." Pray & seek Him in His word & other areas of your life. He will not forsake you sweetie. I believe in our Journey, I have been given the opportunity to grow in my walk, to grow in my patience as well. Praying for you!

God's Jewel-Wow! That's alot of calories & food! Do your best & He will supply the rest :)

Glad to see those of you back TTC & all the Mom's doing well today!

Afm- I feel God's spirit with me today :) He is in the Sunshine outside, lifting me up today! Happy Valentine's to your all!!!!
Hi Girls,

We are on cycle #4 of provera/clomid for baby no.2. I don't generally ask for prayer. I'm all up in God's face religiously i forget to look around and ask others to pray for me. But i kind of feel like i need the prayer today.
I haven't had a natural period since April 2011, all the months that we tried for baby no.1 i relied on the medication provera to bring on my cycle. I am 27, and we started trying when i was 23. I have been through a m/c @11wks, a chemical pregnancy, and the wait of ttc to conceive. I have been through so much emotion ttc but i am fairly relaxed about this journey, the second time around. I do however, get upset over what I'm asking you to help pray for. I'm praying for something that woman don't often ask God for. Yes in God's timing i would like him to extend our family, but in the interim.. i ask that he will heal me of my amenorrhea. I am asking that i have normal cycles, a natural period each month. If you don't mind praying for me regarding this, i would appreciate it.

While i had some alone time this morning, these thoughts came to mind..

"I'm not scared anymore.. "

I have walked alongside walls made from fear, breathed anxiety through my bones. I have dripped pain, the only way I knew how. And I have stood still in time. I have waited month in, month out with the same results. I have tasted success too close, too soon. I have cried what was once born inside, and said goodbye too early. I practiced prayer until I learnt, I crawled before I could see. With fear held in my fists, I pursued the fear I feared. I say no to this pain now. All fear depart from my body. It serves me no purpose. Therefore it does not serve me. Release me now, come fourth healing. Im not scared anymore. Fear, you have no authority, no hold, no battle here.
Come fourth normality, until it floods my soul. I will stand tall, I will face the weeks, face the months, I will not dread the wait. I will not dread this fearless body.

I will def pray for your cycles faithful. I've been blessed to always have clockwork cycles & can't imagine not having that so I will def lift you up in my prayers :hugs: glad your hubbs is doing better and you and him both have a renewed spirit!

Faithful, praying for healing for you hun! Praying God brings everything together for you perfectly.

Ladies I have a prayer request as well. Me and hubbs are in the planning for #2 phase, and to be honest its really us ntnp. Please pray that I don't become so obsessed. I don't know if you remember but me and hubbs hit a serious rough patch there for bit. Come to find our after much digging and talking and listening and everything else it took, it all started with us ttc and the stress it out on him, unbeknownst to me, and his feelings. We are in a much better place now and I've explained that I actually don't want to ttc. I want to ntnp and allow for whatever God has in store to happen. I'm concerned though that old habits will get the best of me I'll become that emotionally ravaged person and it will turn info an obsession and then me and hubbs will right back at that crap place again. I want to have more kids and I definitely think there are more in my future, but I want them to happen as naturally as possible in Gods timing into a loving marriage, not a stressed one. I know we can continue on perfectly like how we are now, i just have to control my anxiety and let fear or doubt creep in to the point where I become emotionally broken again. Prayer appreciates!
Never mind...I let my emotions get the better of me today...ugh!

I am so happy to see the :bfp: around here lately.

Kuawen and faithful, I'm praying for you! I am too dealing with emotional issues right now and am doing my best to draw closer to God and listen to what He has for us.
Wow... A little time spent reading this thread always lifts me up.

For those with the promise of little ones coming, my heart is bursting with happiness! (Also, my best friend is in labour AT THIS MOMENT!! Hooray!!)

For those who are down, my heart goes out to you, and I can relate so much. It is so painful to wait and hope and feel like there is no assurance. Thank you for the reminder that God wants to hear from us, even when we aren't coping well...Even when we are angry at Him, he listens and soothes us in His mysterious ways.

I sometimes feel like I have so many things up against me. I am 37. I have a uterine abnormality. Stress has taken a toll on my body, my home, my beloved, and our sex life. I have had nearly 2 years of BFNs. What used to be afterglow when we made love is now a deflated weak hope that I can barely stand to acknowledge. This is a hard time.

I love God, and know that He loves me. I know he leads me. I will listen.

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