Christian ladies TTC, we can encourage one another.

Also, Faithful, that is an amazing affirmation! I'm going to print it and use it, if you don't mind!

I have thought a lot about fear in the past few years. It has been a deep meditation for me. My pastor told me once: "God is trying to grow your faith while Satan tries to grow your fear."

I don't want fear to get ahold of me and undo the great work God is doing in my life.
Also, Faithful, that is an amazing affirmation! I'm going to print it and use it, if you don't mind!

I have thought a lot about fear in the past few years. It has been a deep meditation for me. My pastor told me once: "God is trying to grow your faith while Satan tries to grow your fear."

I don't want fear to get ahold of me and undo the great work God is doing in my life.

It's almost like God is a beautiful field of flowers and Satan is the weeds that try to overgrow and overpower the beautiful flowers. I love that quote from your pastor. glad your hubbs is doing better and you and him both have a renewed spirit!

Faithful, praying for healing for you hun! Praying God brings everything together for you perfectly.

Ladies I have a prayer request as well. Me and hubbs are in the planning for #2 phase, and to be honest its really us ntnp. Please pray that I don't become so obsessed. I don't know if you remember but me and hubbs hit a serious rough patch there for bit. Come to find our after much digging and talking and listening and everything else it took, it all started with us ttc and the stress it out on him, unbeknownst to me, and his feelings. We are in a much better place now and I've explained that I actually don't want to ttc. I want

Wow wow wow wow you sound like me!!! I can relate to every word you said. Thank you for confiding in us, and being so honest.

God take away our obsession and focus our attention on you and your timing and testimony in this. I don't want my prayers answered when I want them answered, I want what you want for me God, and I pray that you support and humble us woman as we embark on ttc again, that the only thing that will consume us, will be YOU Lord.


I sometimes feel like I have so many things up against me. I am 37. I have a uterine abnormality. Stress has taken a toll on my body, my home, my beloved, and our sex life. I have had nearly 2 years of BFNs. What used to be afterglow when we made love is now a deflated weak hope that I can barely stand to acknowledge. This is a hard time.

Hi sweety,

My heart was saddened to hear your post. I'm sorry you are feeling this way. I felt these words... 'Look above, your looking at your feet, going in circles and you're getting more and more upset at what your finding.' 'Seek greater things, and you will find me.'

It is not your age, it is not your situation, your condition, the state of your emotional health. God can use all that, if you are a willing vessel, he can use you.

Our brains are marvellous mechanisms and we frankly don't give them enough credit, we underestimate the power our mind has on our thoughts and therefore let our emotions run havoc in there. When God spoke to us through the bible he clearly states he grants us a 'sound mind'. To have a sound mind, means to block out the noise. The noise weather it be negative comments, undesired test results, the anxiety of infertility that comes with age. Whatever your noise may be, recognise it, and tell it where it belongs.

You mentioned you have so many things up against you.. ask yourself, what are the things you have going for you?

I am a daughter of the King.
I am a daughter of the King.
I am a daughter of the King.

Everything else will fall to the waistline. Did you want to know something else? You are more then the Kings daughter, you also inherited everything he owns. His wealth, good health, happiness and lasting passion within a marriage. Claim it.

Will be praying for you!

Faithful - I am praying for you. I am praying that your cells, organs, and muscles begin to function the way God created and designed them to function. I just wanted you to know that your posts are so inspiring. You and your faith are so inspiring. While TTC brought us all together, we all have different faith struggles and your words have really inspired me to refocus on God and His goodness. Thank you for being obedient and posting your thoughts as they have really helped me in other areas of my life.
Faithful - I am praying for you. I am praying that your cells, organs, and muscles begin to function the way God created and designed them to function. I just wanted you to know that your posts are so inspiring. You and your faith are so inspiring. While TTC brought us all together, we all have different faith struggles and your words have really inspired me to refocus on God and His goodness. Thank you for being obedient and posting your thoughts as they have really helped me in other areas of my life.

Oooooooo i love it when i am humbled to experience Gods' anointing over my being, when i am prayed over by a sister, THANKYOU.

There is nothing more sincere and touching then when someone prays for me. Out of all the joys in the world, being prayed for is more appreciated then anything. It goes beyond, 'wishing someone well', it says.. 'I deeply care for you, i will talk to God about it for you.'

I think God gets a kick out of listening to prayers being made over each others life. Your prayers and thoughts mean the world to me, I am glad my words can be of substance.

When i go through things in life, the only thing i pray for during it, is that God uses every bit of my pain. I think it would be impractical of me to experience something if it was then not used to help others. Pain is no longer pain, if it is used correctly. It is then called a testimony.

What am I?
I am not my husband's, because I am not his alone.
I am not my work, because my work does not define me.
I am not the things I spend, because these things will pass me by.
I am not my body, because my body can deceive me.
I am not my strength, because without God I have none.
I am not something that can be bought, although my God paid a price.
I am not simply air, although we make up Gods' very breath.

Then.. what am I?
I am made of everything God says I am.
I am made of hope.
I am made of healing.
I am made of health.
I am made of blessings.
I am made up of every declaration my Father has of me.

Tell me again what I am made of.

And I will tell you, I am made of so much more.


Tried a new Bible study group today. The good thing - we loved the group. I have about 4 current or former coworkers in there. Hubs has about 3. So, we already have a small section of people we know decently well. The bad thing - I basically go back into "hiding" about infertility except for a select few we're already close with.

We'd just gotten to the point of asking for prayer in our old study group. The people in there are wonderful, and we love them. However, most have older children and are just in a different life stage. Only 3 couples (including us) don't have children - one couple is in their 50s and disabled. The other is our age but newlyweds. It's hard to build strong friendships when the others don't really have time to invest due to their children's schedules. This class is a mix of stages, most have young children or are still having babies. It appears there aren't many in the class who are childless at this point, but it seems they are more focused on building relationships than the other is.
This was the first thing I saw when I checked my Facebook feed this morning. It's perfect for what we are all going through. I'm not always the most patient person (I've always wanted instant gratification) but over these past 7 months of trying to conceive God has not only given me patience, He has also given me an amazing sense of peace.


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What am I?
...Tell me again what I am made of.

And I will tell you, I am made of so much more.

WOW, did I need this today! Thank you SO much for posting it!

If you'd ask me today, I'd probably say my weekend was OK, but that's just because God has done a lot of healing on my heart over the last 28 hours.

Saturday had some very bad moments. Long story short, my mother and step-father, who live an hour+ away from us) are "believers" but they are not in true relationship with the Lord. I have come to the end of accepting and enabling my mother's emotional extortion and living in fear of the next time she is going to call and either talk incessantly about all of the babies around her and how she "Needs a grandson from me" or what a horrible daughter and person I am. My amazing husband stood up for me and called them both out on the lack of truth spewing from their mouths. They responded to that by claiming my mother was having heart problems because of us.

I know they need Jesus. We pray for that daily. I finally just came to a point where I decided I'd had enough. I feel God's hand on this situation, but it doesn't make my heart hurt any less for my mom. She's not the woman I grew up with. I would LOVE to be able to talk to her about our fertility issues, to have her even simply say, "I'm sorry you're going through this." But I know I have others around for support and that maybe this will be something God uses to heal whatever is going on in her mind and heart and to draw her close.

In the midst of all of this, AF showed up. I didn't have any emotional room left to be upset about not being pregnant, which was a blessing in itself. :haha:

This morning has been nice. I'm the only one in the office, it's VERY quiet and the sun is shining. The nurse just called to tell me my Dr approved our second cycle of clomid and that she wants me to go in for a progesterone test on CD22. I'm SO blessed to have the clinic I do! AND with my extremely work-travel-heavy month of March, I will be home for my projected Ovulation time AND for the testing that needs to be done. God really is good, and His timing is perfect!
So worry queen, but so grateful for your hubbs and the ladies of this thread to lift you up! Like you said, you know they need Jesus and you pray for them daily. There all you can do. You know there is no truth to what they are saying do you can let all of that fall behind you and keep moving. Praying for you and your family!
What am I?
...Tell me again what I am made of.

And I will tell you, I am made of so much more.

WOW, did I need this today! Thank you SO much for posting it!

If you'd ask me today, I'd probably say my weekend was OK, but that's just because God has done a lot of healing on my heart over the last 28 hours.

Saturday had some very bad moments. Long story short, my mother and step-father, who live an hour+ away from us) are "believers" but they are not in true relationship with the Lord. I have come to the end of accepting and enabling my mother's emotional extortion and living in fear of the next time she is going to call and either talk incessantly about all of the babies around her and how she "Needs a grandson from me" or what a horrible daughter and person I am. My amazing husband stood up for me and called them both out on the lack of truth spewing from their mouths. They responded to that by claiming my mother was having heart problems because of us.

I know they need Jesus. We pray for that daily. I finally just came to a point where I decided I'd had enough. I feel God's hand on this situation, but it doesn't make my heart hurt any less for my mom. She's not the woman I grew up with. I would LOVE to be able to talk to her about our fertility issues, to have her even simply say, "I'm sorry you're going through this." But I know I have others around for support and that maybe this will be something God uses to heal whatever is going on in her mind and heart and to draw her close.

In the midst of all of this, AF showed up. I didn't have any emotional room left to be upset about not being pregnant, which was a blessing in itself. :haha:

This morning has been nice. I'm the only one in the office, it's VERY quiet and the sun is shining. The nurse just called to tell me my Dr approved our second cycle of clomid and that she wants me to go in for a progesterone test on CD22. I'm SO blessed to have the clinic I do! AND with my extremely work-travel-heavy month of March, I will be home for my projected Ovulation time AND for the testing that needs to be done. God really is good, and His timing is perfect!

I am so sorry to hear about your weekend! I will keep you and your family in my daily prayers. :hugs:
Be still, and know that I am God;
Psalm 46:10

In my office, it is always 5:30. Never 2:15. Never 8:04. It is always 5:30.

There is a broken clock in my office. People have such different reactions to it! Some look at it with a quizzical look on their faces. Others offer to fix it for me, but I always politely decline. You see, my clock is broken on purpose. I took a perfectly good, functioning clock, broke it and hung it on my wall. What a huge blessing!

You see, that broken clock is a reminder of the perfection of God’s timing. At first glance, it appears that the broken clock is worthless. The hands never move. It looks like nothing good is happening. But glance down at the bottom of the clock. The pendulum is still moving. Swinging left. Swinging right. The pendulum never stops.

In the dark days of waiting through your struggle with infertility, it feels like God’s plan for your family has ground to a halt. No explanations from the medical community. No prophetic utterances promising that long-sought after child. Even in the silence of infertility, listen to the ticking of a broken clock. God, like that pendulum, is still working and moving. When it seems like nothing is happening, the pendulum of God’s timing is still swinging.

Buy a clock, break it and proudly hang it on your wall. Let it serve as a reminder of the perfection of God’s timing.


Superchick - "Stand in the rain."

I used to listen to this song many moons ago and it still serves me to this day.

Mark 8:32-37 (The Message)

32 He said this simply and clearly so they couldn't miss it. 33 Turning and seeing his disciples wavering, wondering what to believe, Jesus confronted Peter. "Peter, get out of my way! Satan, get lost! You have no idea how God works." 34 Calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, "Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I'll show you how. 35 Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self. 36 What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? 37 What could you ever trade your soul for?


May we gain a greater sense of how you work for our good, allow us to give you the control by allowing you to lead our lives. May we never run from suffering but embrace the challenges for all they are, so that we can learn all that you have called us to be.

In your name alone,


We met at LSU during the fall of 2005. We got married in June of 2010. (I mean, a bunch of important stuff happened during that time span, but my mind is so not there right now…) We were not in a rush to have children. We had a plan. We wanted to travel and save money for a down payment on a house. We wanted to settle into our careers. We wanted to do things “the right way.”

More background info: I’ve always had painful periods and super severe cramps. Since I’ve always had them, I thought they were a way of life. Come to find out, that’s not the case. My OB/GYN often tried different types of birth control to suppress my cycles and ease my discomfort. It never worked. After a few different rounds of different types of birth control pills, my OB/GYN ordered an ultrasound. During said ultrasound, the tech made some kind of comment like, “Wow! You don’t feel that?” and turned the screen my way. Think of an ultrasound of a baby. (I’m sure you’ve all seen one, even if you’ve never been pregnant...I mean, have you been on facebook? Like, ever?) There was a mass so large that it didn’t fit on the screen. There were massive cysts on both ovaries. The tech printed out a bunch of images and I brought them back to my doctor. Meanwhile, I waitedandwaitedandwaitedandwaited in a back waiting room. Just when I was convinced that I had been forgotten about, said OB/GYN walked by. Guess what? She forgot about me. (Aside: How can one forget about me? I’m kind of unforgettable. For those of you who really know me, you can have the pleasure of imagining the facial expression I gave her when she told me, “Oh, I forgot you were back here!”) She took one look at the ultrasound images and started making phone calls. She immediately referred me to a specialist.

After a few months of attempted hormonal suppression, it was evident that the cysts were not responding. They grew and grew and grew. (Side note: every woman’s body produces a cyst every month. Said cyst is either functional or non-functional. If it’s functional, it will turn into an egg that can be fertilized. If it’s not fertilized, it is shed during the woman’s menstrual cycle. If it’s non-functional, it’s a pain in the you-know-what.) It was determined that I needed surgery to remove cysts and for exploratory reasons (for suspected endometriosis).

My first surgery was in December of 2011. What was supposed to be a quick in and out, grab ‘em and go procedure, ended up lasting over 3 hours (or so I’m told. I kind of don’t remember it). We learned two things from that surgery: 1.) My body hates general anesthesia; and 2.) I had severe (Stage IV) Endometriosis. I was told (as I drifted in and out of sleep/puking) “we’d have to skip some rungs on the baby making ladder.” Ideally, we’d have a couple of babies and have a hysterectomy before the age of 30.

Due to the severity of the Endometriosis, my body was put into menopause through hormone injections immediately following surgery. I was menopausal from January-June of 2012.

May the Odds be Ever in Our Favor

In July of 2012, we began our first IVF cycle. I was 25 years old. I only knew one (very special) person who had gone through IVF. Seeking to understand every.last.detail, I began to dive into research. I didn’t just Google things. I read medical case studies and research available through physician publications. I researched the drugs I’d be given. I read until I understood the chemistry and derivatives behind each medication. I knew possible side effects. I watched videos. I read blogs and online communities. Case study after case study, story after story, all signs pointed to success. “Failure” was just something that never crossed my mind.

I handled the injections, blood work, ultrasounds, and monitoring appointments like a champ. Blood work results and ultrasounds showed unusually impressive development. When it came time to retrieve the eggs (more specifics on the actual process later) I handled it very well. Coming out of anesthesia (IV sedation this time) I was perky and alert. I had no complications. I was an IVF Rock Star. Emotionally, I was different than most IVF patients. I didn’t go through years of heartbreaking failed cycles or miscarriages. Our first IVF cycle was our first infertility treatment. (We didn’t have time to spare with other processes—more on that later, too.) It wasn’t a sad/terrifying/heartbreaking thing for me. It was kind of just a thing.

Five days later, we transferred two perfect looking expanding blastocysts (not embryos! There is a difference.) into my body. It was an exciting day. I remember being so excited to see that ultrasound image of what would be my future twins. (Note: Doctors, or at least good doctors, very rarely transfer more than two embryos/blastocysts.) Failure was not something that crossed my mind. I mean, I was twenty-five years old. I did all of the things they told me to do correctly. My body responded very well to the medication. Our blastocysts looked great. However, I vividly remember laying in that hospital bed after the procedure and tears just streamed and streamed uncontrollably down my face. I wasn’t sad. Or at least, I didn’t know I was sad. I wasn’t even crying...I very much freaked my husband, Chris, out. He kept asking what was wrong. I couldn’t give him a reason. My heart didn’t feel sad. I kept looking at that ultrasound image of our blastocysts. The tears kept on rolling down my cheek. I didn’t even feel sad. I felt numb. Looking back, I think some how, somewhere deep inside of me, I knew that it was the start of a journey.

The Adventure Continues

A few days later, we packed up the car and headed to Houston for a friend’s wedding. I kind of left a really important medication at home in Baton Rouge and I kind of really didn’t realize it until 11:00 PM. I had started spotting the day before, so I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss a single dose of medication, even though the nurse had told me that what was going to happen was going to happen, and no amount of medication could change it. So…I kind of called my doctor at almost midnight and had him call me in said medication to a pharmacy about an hour away. I got the meds (and called and apologized profusely to the answering machine the very next morning. I was mortified!) We had a blast at the wedding. We made great memories. I took it easy—I didn’t drink and I didn’t dance (too much). I continued spotting throughout the weekend. I can remember praying perhaps harder than I had ever prayed in my entire life on the way home. I repeatedly begged God, “Please—if this isn’t going to work out, let it happen now. Please don’t let me hear heartbeats and then have to say goodbye.”

God answered my fervent prayers. My body rejected the blastocysts and I officially had my first failed IVF cycle at 25 years of age.

Since then, we’ve been through five subsequent cycles of IVF. Obviously, we haven’t ended up pregnant. I’ve watched everyone around me start families. It just so happened to work out that I’ve had either a friend or a co-worker get pregnant and have a baby every single cycle that has failed for me. So when I hold their babies, I quite literally look into the face of what could have been. I don’t say (type?) that to elicit sympathy. That’s the way it has worked out thus far.

And you know what? I’m okay with that.

God Winks

God has granted me such a sense of peace through everything. I have witnessed God’s hand throughout our entire journey with infertility in more ways then I could ever fit into a single entry (I call these moments “God Winks,” a borrowed term from that friend I talked about earlier.) I’ve ended up at a doctor’s office where the staff has become like family. I can talk to my doctor about God and the major moral realities of infertility treatment. I know that his wife fervently prays for us.

And for those of you who are asking how I could possibly be thankful or at peace during this time, or for those of you who have that “If God is so great, how could this be His plan for you, when plenty of ‘unfit’ mothers have no problem getting pregnant” mentality, I say to you this: How can you not see God’s hand in all of this?

Medically, I am mystery. My body has responded perfectly to medications. We have produced beautiful expanded blastocysts every.single.time. We are always left with blasts left to freeze (more on that later). I’ve been poked/prodded/violated/drained of blood more times than I can count. While it’s possible that there is something we’re missing, there’s a very real reality: It just hasn’t been ‘our time’ yet.

Maybe I’m naive. Maybe I’m being too simplistic. If that’s the case, I’m okay with it. 1 Samuel 1: 27 states, “For this child, I have prayed.” For this child. For this child. I know that if/when I finally do have my own child in my hands, it will make perfect sense. At that moment, I will know that that child was the child of our destiny. That was the baby that God specifically chose for us. Not the twins from our first cycle, or babies that may have resulted in cycles 2-6.

I’ve always found tremendous peace in knowing that looking back, everything worked out and fell into place exactly the was it was supposed to. To me, that is no accident. That is God’s hand in our lives. Five, ten, even twenty years from now, we will look back on this journey and we will be able to see how things have fallen into place without accident. It’s like when you’re caught up in fog, and you can’t even see the water beneath you (or Tiger Stadium from the Mississippi River Bridge) but you know it’s there. Eventually, the fog burns off, and things are exactly where they’re meant to be.

For those of us going through infertility (or any other trying situation) I think it’s very easy to fall into the questioning mentality of “Why me?” You know what? Every time that whole “Why us?” thing has popped into my head, it has immediately been replaced with a thought of “Why NOT us?” (And that’s a God Wink.) There’s a reason that God chose this journey for us. It’s all a part of our adventure.

Mark 8:32-37 (The Message)

32 He said this simply and clearly so they couldn't miss it. 33 Turning and seeing his disciples wavering, wondering what to believe, Jesus confronted Peter. "Peter, get out of my way! Satan, get lost! You have no idea how God works." 34 Calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, "Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I'll show you how. 35 Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self. 36 What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? 37 What could you ever trade your soul for?


May we gain a greater sense of how you work for our good, allow us to give you the control by allowing you to lead our lives. May we never run from suffering but embrace the challenges for all they are, so that we can learn all that you have called us to be.

In your name alone,



You are speaking my language today! Thank you so much! :hugs:

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