Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

I'm not against getting vaccines. I think many of them have their purpose -- and why so many ailments have not come back. (And why that generation that is failing to vaccinate are ending up with now rare ailments and diseases and spreading them again)
But I've never gotten the flu shot. The only thing I've ever gotten was an upper respiratory infection when I used to live with my parents in their old decrepit house... Only heat was kerosene gas heater and small space heaters. When I moved out I was fine, I hardly get sick like that any more. The most i get are those stupid change-of-weather allergies.

The other one they keep pushing on me, I just don't see how it will protect the baby since it's not even a real vaccination. Then, they've already confused me by saying that everyone else needed to get it and not me, then just me, and now what it can lead to if i don't get it .... so I don't know what the heck! Then I read an article put out by a doctor stating that it doesn't do anything and that its just something else to push on to confused, sleep-deprived pregnant women.

<trying not to sound like a rant -- i retyped most of this lol >

Man i think i'm more excited about this u/s than the other!!! I just hope that I get pictures!!!! I wanna show it to them one day and be like ---- that right there.... is you kicking me! :p
So don't wanna do work cause i wanna sit here and doodle ideas and stuff down.
Well, I'm not sure what other vaccination they're pushing on you. The only other one you generally get at the end of pregnancy is the tdap one which helps protect baby from pertussis and protects from tetanus. Unless you're rh negative then they'll also push the rhogam shot.

Can't wait to hear about your ultrasound, I also hope you get pics! They look so different from the anatomy scan I think you might be surprised. They're starting to chub out at this point so it's really hard to see much.
star I hope all goes well at your u/s and I hope you get some good pics.

Jessica I hope your midwife appt goes well tonight. Funny you should mention baby moving lots when there is a lot of noise, my baby was going mad at the kids party at the weekend, literally having it's own party in there. I agree with your theory on excercise, I feel much better after getting my walking in

Sushai you are definitely not lazy, you are carrying 2 babies, I'm struggling enough doing suff with only one in there and good luck for Friday wher you will at least have a date to work towards and can prepare yourself

ss yay for a good u/s and wow 5.5lbs eeek! Sorry you had a scare and I hope the pnemonia stays away

afm I feel like a new woman today, I've woken up without back or hip pain, it has been relentless for the past week, I haven't been able to even put socks on and today nothing, must have been the position the baby was laying. I've cleaned out the animals and I'm currently cooking up some food for the freezer for after baby is here. I suppose I best not overdo things though
Yeah the tdap .... I'm on the fence with that one. On one hand I don't get how it helps baby, the other i get what they are saying, on another (someone else's cause i'm out of hands) they keep telling me that everyone around me has to get it, and then just me, and not them.... so I'm confused.
I read two articles about it saying that it doesn't do anything.... a friend who is all about vaccinating and she didn't get it... She's the one who directed me to articles to read.
If Hubby has to get it, we'll have to pin him down cause he won't go himself. And i can't explain it to him well enough for me to convince him to get it.
So idk ....

So now that more people at work know i'm pregnant I get to hear stories -- i knew that i wasn't going to be able to avoid them too much longer. I mean 7 months and everyone wants to say something or ask you questions.

I'm staving this morning! I already ate my breakfast, I'm about to dive into this cashew bag.

5 hours!!!! :happydance:
I'm hoping that baby cooperates and doesn't kick the wand and run from it like they have the doppler. Gotta call hubby and hope that he isn't in the middle of something at 2. I only gave myself an hour to get to the hospital, not enough time to pick him up, so he has to meet me there.
MrsDuck - I've had those times as well, where I wake up and practically forgotten I'm carrying a huge load in front of me, LOL. I plan to do what you're doing with freezer meals next month, such a great idea it is! I hope your aches stay at bay :)

Star - I try to stay away from google when it comes to anything because it can be from anyone with an agenda. Suffice it to say, dh was the one who got the shot and I did as well, I just don't want to risk it, especially with other kids around. Of course it is always your choice! As for other people, they're always going to have their own opinion on how your labor will go or what kind of baby you'll have... no one ever comes up to me or touches me, thankfully, I think it's the look I give off, and dh is usually with me and he can look pretty intimidating. I hope you ate those cashews haha. Can't wait to hear how your u/s went!

Afm, I had my appointment last night and it went pretty well. My blood pressure was back down to like 90/64, baby is measuring at 33 weeks, mw thinks it was likely because she measured this time instead of her student last time or even just baby's position, so I'm just happy I'm not measuring a week and a half ahead again. We also talked about the iron stuff and likely I'll have to get iron infusion through IV so that I can have my out of hospital birth. Sadly the consult is like two hours drive from me, so it'll be a bit of a trek. I got the hear baby's hb, which was typical 144-150 range, as they were sleeping and in the usual shrimp position. I also scheduled all my next appointments for November, and next time I think I'm going to have the group b strep culture done, so here's hoping that comes out negative!
Alright!!!! Are you ready for this??? :happydance:

Overall visit went well!
Baby is measuring at 5lbs 2 ounces. Tummy is a little big, but they said that's from the GD. All other measurements are good and in range. And they estimated that baby will be around 8lbs when born -- which is right around what Hubby was and I was 7 something.
Doctor is happy with how baby looks and is moving around.
Heartbeat measured under 140 .... somewhere in the upper 130's but beating well. Strong little heart just a pumping away!
I think I got an accidental sneak peak of what baby is (while they were measuring fluid) but i'm not 100% sure....since there is a lot of "other" stuff on the screen that I can't figure out. But it's still a baby so that's all that matters!!!
Blood pressure was a bit high :( But I think it's cause i was so anxious about seeing baby.

As for my glucose numbers, she told me that i'm actually cheating myself by not getting all the carbs i can -- some of my snacks were pure "free" and i should be aiming at getting the allotted carbs too. Plus eating protein with each meal as well. So i'm doing well, just need to eat more :haha: SOo..... I'm actually going to aim for being over, and that should keep me in range and still full.

And for the Special Feature.....

Lovely pics, Star! I am happy you got some pics and the 4d scan (woohoo). Sounds like your appointment went well, too, I hope you didn't get too spoiled by genitals if that is indeed what you saw. As for your diet, it seems like you're doing just fine and that the option for more carbs is there.

afm - Almost 34 weeks, and according to insurance, full term is 37, so as long as I make it that far and my iron is okay I can have my water birth.
We got a ton more pictures (15 in total but a few look the same), but those two are my favs! The doctor seemed to know how to change the scope/depth of the scan, so she got MUCH better ones than the nurse.
I'm very pleased that things are going well. I'm hoping that as long as I can keep things up that i'll end up having a vaginal birth like i want!

Happy 34 Jess! I have no doubt that you'll make it to 37! I hope you get your water birth like you want.
I'm sure I'll make it, too, and woohoo lots of pics! I have never had a 4d scan, and dh thinks they look kind of odd. I really hope you also get a vaginal birth, I don't see why you wouldn't, though. Are you planning to do anything like the leaf tea or did you get signed up for some classes??
I'm not a tea person... so i won't be doing that. I need to look in to some exercises that will help with all that jazz. I've fallen off the bandwagon of my kegels, so i'll probably start focusing on doing those a lot more in these coming weeks.

I think cause i have the pregnancy medicaid they automatically do that stuff. Cause from the initial quote i was given for how things are billed, all ultrasounds aren't apart of the payment set up. But idk if i'll be able to get it next time round or not..... we'll see.
But exciting none the less!
YEah with the medicaid I have here in Oregon, they won't allow me to have another ultrasound unless it's required by my midwife for some reason. I had one late term one done with my dd because I was going past 42w and they wanted to make sure everything was okay with the placenta and baby size. So unless I go super late again this time, which I doubt because dates had to have been off last time, I won't get another scan unless it's private. I don't mind though, I get to live vicariously through all of you guys that way haha.

As for the tea, it's definitely a preference thing, not many people I know are tea drinkers. I don't do caffeine or coffee, so I generally have the herbal teas, and if I really want something coffee flavored I'll have some ice cream or something lol.

For kegals I was told if I can stop peeing mid-stream then I'm probably okay.

I still haven't packed a bag yet, knowing me I'll wait until the last minute like always lol.
Maybe since mine is through a hospital branch that's why? I don't know.....Can't answer for other states, NC is it's own beast of crazy.
Things were so different when I was born so I haven't even asked my mom. But I wasn't expecting any more anyways, so i get at least 1 more (14th of Nov) (maybe another if I make it near my due date)

I've tried every kind of tea (from sweet to English -- made and prepared by the British) and I just don't like it. So yeah it's definitely an acquired taste.

I made a list of what I want to take with the hospital ... (even included the cake!!! :haha: )
Trying to be practical, thinking of what i actually will use/need there.
My mom gave me a bag that she said i could use for a diaper bag, so that might actually end up being the hospital bag -- provided i can remember where i threw it *eye roll*

Baby is so active! I'm sure that they've moved from the position they were yesterday during the scan.
Doctor told me that in the next few weeks that baby should get more confined. And i was like .... as active as this little one is i'm pretty sure i'll be calling if they don't move in some way.
Star I’m so glad your scan went so well. Those baby pictures are so cute! You can really see baby’s face so well!

Jessica where has the time gone? Can’t believe you’re almost 34 weeks, you’ll be doing a birth announcement in no time!

Afm, I’m so over it!!! I’m beyond uncomfortable and in pain. My hips and whole pelvic area are so sore.
Today I have my ob appointment and will be doing my birth plan, I can’t wait! Plus we’ll be scheduling in a date if it’s necessary. I’m so done but I know I have to deal with it all a bit longer as I really want babies to not need any nicu time once they are here.
Star - it's crazy here, the medicaid really doesn't care for out of hospital births and put so many restrictions on all of it. With my last pregnancy it took until I was about 20 weeks for them to sort it all out and get it so I actually had coverage. This time I pushed them about it over the phone by saying it was emergent status and that seemed to work. Yes those last few weeks baby is so very confined in there it's uncomfortable lol. I'm about there now.

Sushai - it is so weird, I know I'll go past 40 weeks, but if I had the baby in three weeks they'll be full term. I hear you on the hip pain, do you have SPD? I googled my pains and that's what I found for myself. I can't even imagine having the extra from twins, so I hope the next month flies by for you. I can't wait to hear about your birth plan! Fingers crossed for a smooth delivery and everything.
Jessica I absolutely have spd. I get it with every pregnancy and it’s pretty much guaranteed as after having my first my symphisis pubis never went back to normal and the spacing between the bones has remained wider than normal. So it totally sucks.
You never know, baby might surprise you and come before 40 weeks.
My dad was adamant when I first announced to him that I'll go early, there is one week next month where my midwife has said she will be out of town and I joked I'll probably go then, so I'm really hoping I don't lol!
So sorry about the spd, I don't think mine is that bad, but it's bad enough to hurt on the inside of my legs constantly when I'm up and moving. I actually had to get off the treadmill early today because my hips were aching badly. Are you in less pain when not pregnant at least??
I am battling SPD too, although I only had it in my last pregnancy, and now this one. I am in the "feeling sorry for myself" stage. Feels like something is constantly being pinched right by my tailbone. 60 days to of the benefits of a planned C-section is being able to do a countdown that is accurate.

Star--love your pics!
Sushai--I know you have it a million times worse than I do, but everything you are saying--I feel you, and I'm so sorry.
Jessica--treadmill? My goodness woman, you are a machine....I don't even want to get up to go to the bathroom, lol....
Jessica the spd hangs around for a few months post birth but it eventually disappears altogether, thank God! I don’t know how you’re managing going on a treadmill, all I wanna do is hang out on my couch lol.

Dove I really hope the spd eases up for you once you deliver and that it doesn’t get worse in the meantime.
dove - I hope you get some relief soon and can relax at least. Treadmill time is pretty limited at this point and to get my heartrate up and keep me sane, especially in these last few weeks. I don't do much walking on it now, about 20 minutes worth, but it's enough to help me feel better emotionally and physically.

Sushai - I am lazy for the most part, I just go really slow at stuff now. I'm glad your pain goes away not too long after babies will be born, we're all so close to the end now!

I think last time I had popped my tailbone out of place and it took months for me to be able to sit correctly, I think it happened when I pushed my dd out, so I'm hoping that I don't have to do that again. I really don't like having to push with my legs up against my chest, it feels so awkward having my cooch aimed like that, lol.
Morning Ladies!

I hate that so many of you are hurting :( I hope that it goes away soon after baby(ies) are born!

Jess -- I started out going through my OB, which is a branch of a hospital. I'm thinking next time I might see if they have a dedicated midwife that can accompany throughout instead of visiting through all the staff members of the branch. I have no clue who my doctor or my nurse will be until the day of. Which i kinda don't like.... But luckily i've liked most of them that i've met with, but it's possible to still have one that I haven't met.
It's good that you are sticking to the treadmill! I've been trying to stick to the stairs here at work. I have to take them slow, but i can still make them! I'm supposed to be getting up after each meal and walking 5-10 mins. I at least do that after lunch (mainly to go get more water/pee ... just take a breather from the computer)

Sushai & Dove -- Thanks! I'm so excited how those came out!

AFM -- Nights are getting rough. I can't sleep or get comfortable. Hubby doesn't believe me about my leg resembling RLS ... and that i try to stretch it out and move it around so that it feels more comfortable so it doesn't randomly move on me. My feet are swelling :( My left more than my right. Last night i slept with my feet on the footboard and tried to get comfortable that way [seemed to work] My arm is still bothering me, and i have a brace that I've been wearing on and off to help it out. I found that if i can get my elbow to pop that it helps some -- but it's hard to get it to pop, meaning that fingers go numb randomly and tingle/hurt occasionally. Bothers me the most when i have it bent (like using the phone or driving). Random pain is my Belly button... but as long as nothing brushes against my tummy i'm good.
Those are my pains ....
Braxton Hicks are starting to become more noticeable and higher. I'm trying to not "ow" during them. Mostly I say "ow" when baby moves and pushing out in places that are just truly painful....

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