Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Hey ladies, sorry for the delay, had a busy weekend of not doing much of anything hehe.

LadyA I think you're okay, disposition is probably the best thing next to diaper output. Is Ethan easy going and calm?

Sushai I really hope you get a boy this time, can't wait to hear about your scan, only a few weeks left! Hopefully the ms eases soon.

You were asking about Aurelia, she is doing well, I think. She's rolling from stomach to back after rolling onto her stomach, so that's big. When we hold her chest up during tummy time she lunges forward to crawl, so I imagine she is going to be a handful like ds2 lol. For the past couple days she has been making lots of new noises.
She isn't sleeping through the night without a couple/few feeds yet, but generally dream feeds and goes right back to sleep. I have her with me most of the time during the day as well, or I put her in her high chair or boppy with my others around her. She loves watching them play.
I'm pretty sure she is teething because she has been drooling like crazy and biting my fingers hard. I've been giving her a few things and she has picked her favorite toys to nom nom on. Crazy she is almost four months old, though. She is still super chubby but bigger, fitting into dd1 9/12 month clothing lol. At this rate she will be bigger than dd1 by a year LOL. She feeds about five or seven times during the day at least and still has days with about five poops.
Afm, I've got some nasty chest infection that's finally starting to clear up. It has been raining hard and constant for the past two days here, lots of flood warnings down in the valley. Dd2 doesn't have her four month checkup until near the end of the month, so I'm anxious to see if she's over 15 lbs yet lol.
Jess - That is so great, Aurelia has covered so many milestones, rolling over both ways is definitely big and that alone requires that you can't leave her alone I bet.. I can't help but envy you that your kids are spending time with little Aurelia. All my Ethan has is me, and I have seen him going all googly eyed, whenever any of our friends with kids visit us..

I wouldn't call my LO easy though, he has a mind of his own, he knows what he wants, and it can make him a handful sometimes. We have his appointment coming up next week, so I get to find out his weight and height then. He also needs to dream feed two times at night, DH does one, while I do the late one. His naps have become somewhat shorter than before and he wants to play more.. He is growing up at his own pace and I am happy with that.
I don't often leave her alone, and if I have to I have another kid around, usually my oldest since he is almost a teenager and has lots of experience with his other broth and sister. He helps me out a lot when I need it! Aurelia is definitely hitting her milestones, she also has her own personality and is very outspoken about things. We have her appointment next Friday, and I'm anxious to see her weight and height as well because she is so chubby lol. I sometimes call her my lil chonkers because she has such chunky legs. I still dream feed her a couple or few times during the night as well.
I imagine Ethan is just fine with you alone, it's hard to divert alone time to all my kids anymore but I do try! Can't wait to hear stats from your appointment.

Today is my ds2 birthday, although we celebrated last weekend with some homemade carrot cake (I used rainbow carrots so it's extra colorful). Of course all my kids are sick with a cold, I'm not even sure where they got it as they haven't been out for a couple weeks. I had a nasty chest infection a week ago and now I'm getting their cold, so fingers crossed I feel better soon lol.
Our appointment is this Wednesday, I am excited to know the stats as well, you know, hearing that he is right on his curve (hopefully!) is comforting. I often call my mom, just to show him and ask, if she thinks LO is skinny, lol. I am excited to hear Aurelia's stat as well. I call my LO my chunky monkey sometimes, i love his arm rolls..

Late, but wanted to wish happy birthday to your DS2. I hope he enjoyed a lot.. And now I remember, I wanted to ask you whether you are feeling better and completely forgot before I hit post last time. That chest infection sounded bad, hope you all are finally doing well by the time you see this.
Ooh Wednesday, mine is on Friday! Funny enough I've seen such differences in all four of mine but ds1 and dd1 both were very skinny, and dd1 is still super wiry, even though she bf often as an infant and eats her foods now pretty well. Ds2 and dd2 both were/are very chunky babies. I'm anxious to see how she does with solid foods. She seems to be curious about them, so I'm going to try some avocado when they're ripe.
Yeah we are doing better sick wise, I was only stuffed up like a day or two, but the coughing part coupled with my already healing lungs isnt fun, I know I'll be better soon. Dh is a day or so behind me on it all, and luckily the kids are all doing so well clearing out their noses. Aurelia only showed a little bit of runny nose and coughing or sneezing for a day, so bf really paid off this time for her lol. Just in time for those shots she'll get!

I can't wait to hear how your appt goes. Is Ethan rolling over or being solid food curious yet?

Oh yes, ds2 had a fun birthday, even though we were all sick, he had lots of fun playing out in our backyard with the nice weather we've had!
So good to hear you guys are doing well.. and Aurelia didn't get much of it..

We are back from Ethan's 4 months appointment, he is in the 67th percentile weight wise and in terms of height he is in 92nd percentile, so I am pretty happy with the stats, he is growing, everything else checked out fine. I went there with a list of questions, I kinda feel bad for his Ped now, things they have to go through with first time moms, lol.
Ethan has got his shots, and he was a brave little boy. Since, we moved recently, we changed the hospital, the way nurses gave Ethan his vaccines was interesting. Two nurses kind of simultaneously gave him shots in his legs, and I was able to pick him up the instant he started crying.. And then they showered him with soap bubbles, that cheered him up right away.. So in short, not quite what I was expecting. He is been sleepy so far, fx I don't have to give him tylenol this time..
Ethan has not start to roll yet, funnily today when we got home, he was trying the other way for the first time, from him back to his stomach, which is unusual.. He gets pretty excited when he sees his bottle, but no interest in solid yet.. I decided to wait a little longer and his Ped seems to be okay to wait until he is 6 months.. Lets see if that changes in a month..

So thats about it, let me know how it went it Aurelia the day after tomorrow.. or anything new she has been up to..
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Glad to hear your appointment went well. I was wondering about it last night, but honestly so busy with irl stuff (we're refinancing our house before rates go much higher). Yeah definitely no pressure on the solid food front. I tried to give Aurelia some avocado and she very much still has the tongue push reflex so that didn't go anywhere. I can't wait to find out her stats tomorrow either, lol, but I'm guessing she is at least 15 or 16 lbs. I imagine Ethan will do his stuff soon, sometimes it seems they do learn to do it overnight.
I probably spoke too soon, the fever came during the night. He is finally well today. He was so lethargic yesterday, and no interest in eating.. But as I said, he is more of himself now, thank goodness.
Hope it goes better for you two..
Just got a chance to get on here, usually for us fever shows up at bedtime, so I'll be ready before bed and give her some tylenol then. She weighs 16 lbs 6.6 oz and is 25.24" long, so she's growing pretty well. She has hit all the milestones they asked about as well!

Glad you guys are okay now, that first night is always the worst.
Her stats sounds wonderful, glad it went well. How is she doing now? Ethan is back to his chatty self.
We tried to eat out yesterday for the first time, but, Ethan wasn't happy about it at all. Ended up changing the order to take away.. Guess we will try again later, lol.
We have gone out twice for birthday dinners, and both times Arabella has had one of her super fantastic diaper blow outs, lol
dove -LOL I fan only imagine. I had this happen at Aurelia's two month checkup. Disposable diaper was so full she filled up her entire back of her shirt... it was terrible, I had left all stuff in the car as well. Funny enough though because it happened while I was trying to bf her in the lobby but she would rather blast it out. In hindsight it was quite funny in the end.

Today I left her on her boppy and when I came back she had rolled off and a couple feet across the floor, just smiling huge at me. I had a good laugh. She's really trying to support her chest for crawling like motions now, hopefully soon enough she will be on the move. Dh bought a very nice vacuum today so I do not feel so bad playing down on the floor now, and that means I'll be busy doing mega spring clean these next couple weeks. Can't believe we are coming up to five months already! I hope everyone is doing okay and enjoying their babies.
Dove - I hear you, we had one just this weekend. And the giggles he was giving me, as if, it was an achievement, lol. How is Arabella btw?

Jess - Aurelia sounds like such a happy child, I might sound repetitive, but hearing what she is been up to just brings smiles on my face.
Spring cleaning, eh? Sounds like you must be very busy next few weeks then.

Yeah, just two more weeks until they turn five months. I think, Ethan is going through sleep regression, he is waking up every 3 hours, with no long stretch at night. I hope it goes away soon, I was crossing fingers for him getting the hang of sleeping through the night, instead we got this! Lol.. I read it is quite normal at 4 months and trip probably didn't help either. So, that all that is been going on with us. Hope you all are doing great, and have some great plans for the summer. I am thinking beach, will it be too early for the baby? Let me know Mamas..
Beach trip will probably be fine, I live in Oregon, so the beach is always near. I remember taking my oldest when he was just a baby to the beach for a camping trip and he enjoyed it a lot!

Hard to believe it's been about five months right? lol Aurelia rolls around a lot now, usually across any surface. Yesterday she rolled all the way off the futon (it sits on the carpet so she didn't fall over or anything scary). She always looks up at us and smiles big when we come to her, and she especially is entertained by ds2 and how he is.

It's supposed to be pretty warm this weekend, so we will definitely be doing yard work. Can't believe how busy I am!
How's everyone doing???

Aurelia just had her six month appointment. She's almost 18 pounds already. She's close to crawling, too. She rolls around and scoots a bit on her butt, and is even pulling herself up to stand (she can't really support herself yet but she tries). Her eyes are still a darker blue and I think they're going to be blue/green (hazel) like dh, and her hair is dark orange.

I hope everyone else is doing well, this thread as been quiet for so long.
I haven't checked in for awhile, but I'm here! Adam turned 7 months old on the 19th of June. He was around 16lbs at his well baby visit around that time. He rolls EVERYWHERE. He can army crawl/scooch himself on his belly. He can sit independently, but is lazy about it and likes to push himself back lol. He LOVES his jumperoo and play mat and his big sister. He also LOVES bath time! He is very vocal and smiles at everyone :) He loves purees, particularly apples and other fruits, carrots, and sweet potatoes.

Crazy to think all our babies are 6 months or older!

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Its so good to hear from you ladies, honest, I can't believe LO is 7 months now!!

Jess - Aurelia sounds like a sweet little pumpkin.. So many things she is trying out, its really a delight getting to see them experience these milestones..

markswife - Adam looks soooo adorable, Ethan is also practising sitting by his own, but, like Adam, he would push himself back after a while. I think he got his laziness from me, lol.

We also had our 6 months appointment, I got a little chunky monkey, he was 20.5 lbs at that time, I love his arm and leg rolls so much :D It went fine, the appointment I mean. I have started on fruit/veg purees as well, but, he doesn't really care for these much.. Any advice on how I can encourage him more? I tried feeding him, even tried the messy baby led weaning, nothing is working..
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Hey everyone

markswife - such a cutey, so glad he's enjoying everything and scooching about! Hard to believe it's already been this long.

LadyA- wow, 20 lbs is excellent! I know what you mean about those rolls, they're so fun. As for foods, we don't use anything prepackaged, it's just easier for us to give regular solids. I did buy an old fashioned baby food grinder but I don't really use it. I've found my kids have enjoyed the textures of their foods more than just mush. I give very tiny pieces, like the size of a pea at most. Some babies don't really want to take to solids until later either, my third didn't get into solids until well after seven or eight months old.

We're doing okay here so far. Aurelia got her first tooth cut in the day before she turned seven months old, as well as crawling that same day. Now, her second tooth has almost come in and she's crawling around pretty well the last two days. She smiles and babbles a lot. She loves watching her siblings, and gets upset when they're not around.
Jess - Two teeth already, wow! How was the teething pain? Did it interrupt her sleep/nap schedule? Ethan is still 'toothless' lol. I am trying to prepare for whats to come.
Ethan tries to scooch, but no crawling yet.. And I'm not complaining haha.. Little guy can be a handful as it is!
Yay for little chompers Jessica! I only just noticed one of my twins is about to cut one any day now, it’s really visible under the gum. She’ll be the first to get a tooth and I’m so excited lol. Also that’s so awesome that she’s crawling. Mine are not bothered at all lol. They just roll to wherever they want to get to.

Lady_Alysanne I really thought that the twin with all the teething symptoms would get the first tooth but it hasn’t turned out that way lol. The chill one is the one with the tooth that’s about to pop through.

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