We usually make cakes or cookies for Santa. While I tidy up and clean the kitchen the kids normally either watch a DVD or play in the living room. I'll brush and mop downstairs before we go and get washed and dressed. (I clean rest of the house and change beds before Christmas eve).
We normally pop to my mum and dad's for lunch and maybe go into town for any last minute bits and get back before DH and FIL arrive home.
The kids have their Christmas eve box around 3pm (so they aren't too full up on sweets before their tea or before bed)
We normally have a Chinese takeaway for tea, this year we are just ordering our starter from the takeaway and making mayflower chicken curry.
After tea, We have a bath and get into our new pjs, we will put a Christmas film on before putting out the reindeer food and goodies for Santa. We will read 2 stories in bed then the kids should hopefully go to sleep so Santa can bring the presents.
This year I'm working from 10am so I told DH he can do the cookies with the kids, I'll brush and mop before I head to work. Not sure what time I'm working til though (I work in a launderette and the new owners only took over 6 months ago so they think they will close around 4pm but the other girl I work with said it's usually very quiet on Christmas eve so fingers crossed we can leave super early or they decide to have the closing time earlier in the afternoon). I'm just glad I get the evening with them as that's the most magical part of the day I think.