Chubbies trying to become skinny minnies thread


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2010
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This is a totally cliquey thread for us chubbies who are struggling to get their weight off / still need to lose their pregnancy weight.

I think if I have to read about one more person who is back in their pre-pregnancy pants / lighter than they were pre-pregnancy / breast feeding has made the weight just fall off, I am going to gauge my own eyes out with a salad server. :wacko:

I'd love to say that I am happy for those people.... but I'd be lying, if I'm going to be whale-like and need to exert serious effort in order to shift the excess weight I want everyone to be suffering in the same pit of self-loathing, their joy at how awesomely their bodies have bounced back only serves to fuel the self-loathing and homicidal thoughts. :kiss:

So ladies, here is a thread to have a good ol' whinge, to get support from your fellow chubbies and to have a great big brag when the need arises.

I shall start:

Hi my name is Weezie and I ate my skinnier self, she shall no longer be silenced with goodies, she wants out!

Tomorrow is the end of week 4 of my health kick and I have lost 7kgs :thumbup: I WILL get there! I have another 13kg to go (minimum) but I would like to lose another 5kg on top of that.
Hi hun!

I want to loose 20kg. I am back to my ore pregnancy weight but I was actually trying to loose weight when I fell pregnant. I really, really want to loose this awful flabby tummy. Having a 4.2kg baby and a c sec did not leave my tummy looking pretty :dohh:

I have two weddings next year, one in April and one in May. I really want to lose as much as I can by then.

How are you going about loosing yours?
My daughter is 12 weeks and I weigh 7 pounds more than I did a week after she was born (which was a stone heavier than pre pregnancy weight). I'm definitely going to do something about it after Christmas!
I am about 7kgs away from pre pregnancy weight, like you I was on a health kick before I fell pregnant (would explain why I all of a sudden wasnt losing weight anymore hahaha)

I too have a wedding next year, my sisters! I am to be the Matron of Honour :eep:

I have cut out the crap, stopped snacking and have upped my exercise. 1000 skips a day, Dog agility for 2 hours a week and I'm trying to squeeze in some walking here and there.

What are you doing?
bubulix I had lost 15kgs within a week of having George... well 3 months on and instead of losing, despite breastfeeding, I had put on 4kg. Arghhh! I feel ya sista.
How exciting about the wedding! I love weddings! My brothers is in April and one of my oldest, dearest friends is in may :happydance:

I am also trying to cut out the junk food and snacking in between meals. Trying to do more walking and yoga. In the past, I found that cutting out bread was the best way to loose weight, but not sure if this is safe (there's another thread about this which I am watching!).

Ahhhhh I have a wardrobe full of clothes that don't fit me :cry:
Ditto on the wardrobe.

Can "dieting" diminish your milk supply?
i was probably around 2 st overweight before pregnancy so had alot to lose after lo was born... anyway i finally stepped on the scales at the start of oct and discovered i was a good 3st above where i wanted to be and 4st more than i really should be. :(
since then i have been trying to be very good and have been following what i did after having dd2 (i lost 3 1/2 stone then) which is cutting out all the crap, inc my glas of wine with dinner, and loosely following a tesco version of slimfast, however i have a milkshake in the morning (normally 11am by time i get to sit down!) and early afternoon i replace milkshake with cup of tea, 2 choc digestives and a banana (can't live without chocolate) and then oh always cooks something lowfat and yummy for dinner. so far i have lost a st and 2lbs which is a good start but have a long way to go. i have also started walking to and from school with my girls and pup which is 2/3 miles a day depending on what clubs they have and how many times i walk to and from the school...
Me Me Me!!!! I too gained weight after the birth of my LO almost 11 months ago....
I need to shif 13 kg to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight and almost 20 to go back to the me i knew and loved....I have started a weight loss programme but so far only managed to loose 3 Kg. Does anyone really have time to exercise?????? I cant seem to fit it in as im also full time at work...
vickyd time-wise for exercise is exactly why I skip. It's quick and it works! 2000 skips is a little under 15 minutes! And that's it, you are done for the day. I have built up to a 1000 so far, building up is a slow process as you don't want to injure yourself and as they say slow and steady wins the race.
Me too!! :nope:

I was one of the lucky ones that had the weight drop off after giving birth, but after 2 months on domperidone to boost my milk supply I've piled on so much weight I look 9 months pregnant again... I've not been brave enough to hit the scales yet :blush: but know I've got some serious weight to lose!!
Me! I lost a stone and a half the week after lo was born and that's it. The rest is not shifting, I have 20lb to lose to be back to pre preg weight but I wanted to lose weight anyway as I was already overweight. I just want to eat everything!!!! And oh isn't very helpful with the whole dieting thing so I'm struggling, it's just not shifting!xxx
vickyd time-wise for exercise is exactly why I skip. It's quick and it works! 2000 skips is a little under 15 minutes! And that's it, you are done for the day. I have built up to a 1000 so far, building up is a slow process as you don't want to injure yourself and as they say slow and steady wins the race.

Ill give that a try! I suppose its best to use a skip rope, my downstairs neighbours will looooove that!!!
I have about 28kg to lose; I put on loads of weight before even getting pregnant with my eldest due to some anti-depressants I was on and stress, then I lost weight in that pregnancy as my metabolism always goes mental in pregnancy, but after he was born despite losing loads straight away as the months went on the weight crept on and I have always been 3-4 stone over my ideal weight ever since. I am doing diet chef and so far it is working; though it is expensive I just don't have the willpower or self control to do counting calories etc under my own steam, and I am walking a minimum of 1.5 miles every day whatever the weather. Lost 5lb (just over 2kg) so far xx
Summer how long have you been doing diet chef?
:kiss: I think I actually love you!! This thread is awesome, and everything you said in your first post cannot be any truer -high five-

Hello, Im Natasha, I was unhappy with being a (UK) size 12 pre pregnancy with DS1 but now I would love to be able to get my mummy tummy/hips back into a size 12 jean without the nasty hang over!! I never managed to loose my pregnancy weight, though we wanted another baby so I tried not to worry about it too much. I was a size 14/16 pre pregnancy with DS2, but I'm still wearing maternity clothes at the moment, I'm not ready to even try on my pre pregnancy jean's yet! :dohh: DS2 Is now 3week's old, So I'm not ready to push the boat out for weight loss just yet, as I need to get into a good routine of being a mummy of 2 and managing the home first (deff start the weight loss in the new year!). I really want to be back into a size 12 (at least) by the time I go back to work in August so it will a difficult journey as I've never tried to loose weight/diet before! I don't have an 'ideal' size or amount of weight I want to loose long term, I just want to have a flat tummy and no love handles!

I'll deff be checkin in on here to see how all you ladies do with your journey to find "the skinny in me", and if I manage to find anything that work's particularly well for myself, I'll be sure to share :flower:
Weight Watchers :) Been my Godsend! Lost 40lbs since starting on the 31st August 2011 this year. Once I reach goal then I am applying to be a meeting leader :)
Me!! I've only lost about 15lbs out of 45 gained. I'd better lose more, that's hardly anything! I have no idea how to start, will hopefully be using my elliptical more often and do some yoga. Will also do some walking on nice days here. I will try to cut out the junk after new years of course.

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