This sucks I'm really trying to upload them! I'm not going to give up! Trying again... So sorry it's taking so long I really want you girls to see the tests
are these tests from before you started bleeding? have you taken any since you've bled? they look pretty positive to me. the one blue dye looks a little dodgy but otherwise they all look positive!
The first response was taken a few min before I started bleeding and the second one was taken the day after. Yes I took one dollarama test and it was so faintly positive that I could not pick it up on camera but i did not hold my pee. But by now I should have a dark BFP. I'm going to call my doctor today and see if they have the test results back, waiting is not fun!
Thanks girls I hope that I still am pregnant! My husband and I have been trying for 1 year and 3 months now.
No news yet and I'm out of pregnancy tests I'll prob buy some cheap ones tomorrow so I can test again.
I said before I did not feel pregnant anymore today I kinda feel like I might still be... I say this because of a few symptoms I guess.
Yesterday and today my upper teeth started hurting and that has never happened before, today it's just on my upper left side. Sounds weird I know but I looked it up and alot of pregnant people around 5-8 weeks pregnant had this happen. My mood is still on and off over everything I feel so bad for my husband, I even keep apologizing to him after. Headaches are still happening and I'm really tired all the time!
I've been following this thread and I'll be watching to see your news!! Those tests all looked positive. I have heard of some women bleeding and still being pregnant weird. I hope you still are!
My husband and I have been trying for a little over a year also, good luck!
Thank you so much! I will let you all know what happens as soon as I know. I hope you get your BFP soon! It sucks seeing negative pregnancy tests for a year!
I haf similar experience! I tested bfn in the day my period was due. I had all preg symptoms but later on af (well what I though was af) came and all my symptoms went. 3 days later the bleeding stopped which is odd for me so I tested again and got bfp but it was so faint and that was at 17 or 18 dpo. I haf bloods done at 4+5 and my hcg was 165 then 48 hours later it was 535 and the rest is history! After a dodgy start I'm now 20 weeks pregnant! Good luck!!
Thank you so much for that! You just gave me hope that everything will be fine. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but it's so hard not too! I'm so glad everything worked out for you
Thanks it means alot that your praying for me! And yes that's true there are people that bleed through out there pregnancy. My mom had it happen to her with 2 pregnancies just up until she was 4 months then she found out she was pregnant.
I can't wait to get my results back from my doctor i prob will tomorrow after work.
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