Thanks ladies, I will be fine. Mother nature is a cruel bitch lol. Feel dreadful this morning other than over emotional I have a splitting headache and full on period pain. Wonder what is going on with my body and thinking maybe my cycles are going to be long...oh no point trying to figure it out eh

So I am due to ovulate before I see fs so in theory one more chance but think I need to just chill in the run up to this. The most frustrating thing is I have no reason why it is not happening for us, though this is not that unusual I know from browsing here. The thought of all the jabs, scans and waiting with ivf not to mention will I produce enough 'good' eggs, will they fertilise and will they take. Yeah and the money, which would not matter if it works. It is also gutting just not to have got there naturally
Anyway I hope you are all feeling well, keep updating me with your progress. I love to read it. xxx