i'm sorry kitty.
I don't think i'd tell people I started IVF if that was me, same reason you mentioned, just in case it didn't work, I really have my fingers crossed that you don't have to go through it.
Apart from still suffering with morning sickness and being put on iron tablets and antibiotics, i'm not to bad. just got over a cold so feeling better then I have done. I have my scan on the 10th, hoping to find out what baby is.
Hi Steph, good to hear from you though sorry you have not been feeling so good still

Hopefully you will start to feel better soon. The 10th is not far away, how exciting! You have a little boy already yeah? I am not sure I would want to know but think my husband would so he would probably get his own way lol.
I am 9 or 10 dpo af due tomorrow or Friday but this afternoon I feel it is pending urgh. x
thank you, its not going well at the moment 3 days in a row I've thrown up now lol, nope 2 weeks away, can't wait getting really excited, yea I have a little boy, almost 7 months. gonna have my hands full. i'm far too impatient not to know. hubby really thinks we're having another boy, I think this one could be a girl. soon find out.
oh that sucks, well have my fingers crossed for you anyways x
No sign of the witch yet but feeling crappy so just matter of time. Blimey Steph I really hoped your sickness would of eased into your second tri, you do not do things by halves! Were you this bad last time? Aw I did not realise your little one was only 7 months

you will manage fine hun my mum and friend both had two little ones in nappies. They say it is never easy but us woman are built to cope with such things. I look forward to finding out if its a girl or boy, hubby will be smug if he is right eh! x
Donna lovely to hear from you and your little sweet potato lol. Do you think it is a girl or boy potato? Not long and you will find out

Did your little one cry when he got his hair cut or just you lol? I know my friends little one was hysterical when he went to get his hair cut and another friend used to cut her boys hair when he was a sleep! He was running round one day and his hair was a state, she said she only managed one side and he woke up
Oh the ivf thing, I said to hubby I think it is what we are destined for last night. Really would be a bad move telling people though I know others do. I think both mothers would be an utter nightmare and this would boil me up all the fuss and interfering. Stress would not help the situation. Then there is the pity if it does not work, I know I will come on here and get understanding but think it will be pity elsewhere and I hate that. Anyway when I see the fs I will be a few days into tww so do not know how that will work, reading lots on here about it but it all seems complicated and confusing
