Clomid Babies - Success stories please!!!!


Mummy to 2 gorgeous boys💙
May 24, 2010
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Hi there :hi:

Firstly congrats to everyone who is expecting, I wish you all a h&h 9 months!

I originally started this thread in the LTTC section and only had one success story posted so figured I may get more luck posting in here if you don't mind!

Basically me and oh have been ttc for 20 months now. I have just completed my 2nd month of 50mg clomid and trying to remain positive as I did ovulate last month for the first time, but then the witch decided to turn up again! So if anyone here has got pregnant from taking clomid I would love to hear your experience/success story!

Many thanks in advance x
Here's my Clomid success story: My husband and I had been trying to have a 3rd child for 1 1/2 years. As I was approaching 39, I was getting very desperate, so I made an appointment with my OB gyn for help. She started me on the first cycle of Clomid (50 mg) and gave me a prescription for pre-natal vitamins. She also asked my 46 year old husband to have a sperm count done. He was not able to go to the hospital until more than 2 weeks later. We found out that he had a very low sperm count of 16 million, I believe the normal is 40 million. She referred him to a Urologist and he was prescribed some pills to take to increase the count. I heard about Pre-seed too and was desperate to order some. I was able to buy a pack of 3. Anyway, I used the ovulation kits and pre-seed. 11 days later, I found out I was pregnant. I was so surprised and when I told my husband he said he hadn't even had the chance to start the pills yet. My OB gyn was surprised that I got pregnant and even more shocked that it happened inspite of my husband's low sperm count. I am now a mother of a happy, healthy 4 month old baby boy. Good luck to you and hope you too find success soon with Clomid.
Hi, I got pregnant while taking clomid. Myself and DH had been trying for nearly 2 years - we had been tested and there were no problems with either of us. I was ovulating regularly and DH had great swimmers. We had tried preseed, conceive plus, softcups - everything! I conceived on my second cycle of clomid at 50mg.

Good luck! x
Here is my clomid story.

Hubby and I had a miscarriage in Dec. '07 and then another in Jun. '08 we had basically been trying since then. My cycles were wacko (2 lasting more than 70 days) and I temped and what not for quite a while so when I went to my doctor he couldnt just dismiss me by telling me to go home and chart for 6 months. He referred me to a fertility specialist and she seen me a few times. They checked for PCOS and checked my ovulation. Finally after telling her I think I need clomid she put me on it...I took round 1...cycle was 28 days (finally!) and then took round 2 and same...took round 3 January 2010 and got pregnant :)... I am now 30wks and no sign of this baby going anywheres! My doctor told me she figured I would be pregnant within 3 months...she was right!

Good luck!!
Thanks so much for replying ladies! It gives me so much hope x
Hi - I got pregnant on my first round of clomid. Had one cycle of unmedicated IUI which was unsuccessful. 2nd round of IUI, I took 50mg of clomid, produced 3 large follicles and got my BFP. I ov'd on my own but had been diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve and had v short cycles. We'd been trying for nearly 2 years before we tried clomid. Good luck x
just wanted to wish you lots of luck :dust:

we were ttc for 1 year and I got my prescription of Clomid but the very same day I ovulated myself for the 3rd time in that 12 months and got pregnant! Seems the threat of Clomid was enough for my body :dohh:
I've heard lots of great success stories about it though, so fingers crossed it works for you. If it makes you ovulate then that's great, and you have a normal chance of conceiving :thumbup:
Hi, we'd been ttc for about 20 months after stopping depo injections. I was ovulating, but had suspected low progesterone levels as I was spotting a lot before AF. I had a chemical mc in Feb. Had first round of 50mg Clomid at the end of April / beginning of May and got my BFP. And so far so good. Just keeping fingers crossed.
hi we conceived twins on our 4th cycle of 50mg clomid. i remember feeling so disheartned after 3rd cycle on it resulted in another bfn as i was ovulating so well. we decided as we had been ttc for a year and a half to investigate the idea of iui...wewent to the open evening and had 1st consultation and was starting to discuss how we would pay for it privately. i got my bfp the very next mth!! 4th cycle of clomid!!! am now almost30 weeks pregnant with boy/girl twins...really wishing u lots of luck, clomid is fab xx
Hi. We had been trying naturally for over 5 years. Done charting, opks, herbs and acupuncture. Never detected ovulation once in 5 years (PCOS) The FS put me on Clomid and we found out that OH also had low motility and morphology and the FS said IVF with ICSI was our best bet. He let me have 8 months of Clomid while waiting for iCSI.

First and second round of 50mg clomid I ovulated (cd14 then cd18). They weren't very strong ovulations according to my 7dpo blood test results! Then third round of 50mg I didn't ovulate until CD26 and my temperatures were rubbish. 7dpo blood tests showed it was only a borderline ovulation as levels were low. Month 4 I was finally put on 100mg- I ovulated on CD14 or 16 and got my BFP!!! :dance: We also used Preseed and Softcups. OH took zinc, selenium and bee pollen to improve his sperm.

Good Luck!!! Clomid is a brilliant drug- and worth the side effects in the end!! :lol: I definitely recommend Preseed too :flower:
Hiya love just so you know it took myself & oh 8 years to have our daughter (who's now nearly 5) & took us 3 years for the little bundle im carrying now :) im 30 weeks pregnant & took clomid to have my latest bundle fortunately for me i only did take one cycle of it & caught :) im sure your time will come & you will have a lovely little bundle out of it :) take it easy & try not to stress over it <3
We tried for ds1 for 5 years, then got pregnant on 2nd cycle of Clomid.
Second son was au naturale first month of trying
Third baby (this one lol) was second month au naturale.
Good luck hun, everything crossed for you
hi we conceived twins on our 4th cycle of 50mg clomid. i remember feeling so disheartned after 3rd cycle on it resulted in another bfn as i was ovulating so well. we decided as we had been ttc for a year and a half to investigate the idea of iui...wewent to the open evening and had 1st consultation and was starting to discuss how we would pay for it privately. i got my bfp the very next mth!! 4th cycle of clomid!!! am now almost30 weeks pregnant with boy/girl twins...really wishing u lots of luck, clomid is fab xx

Hi there :hi: Congratulations, and boy/girl twins aswell! How lovley! Thank you so much for replying to the post and good luck x
Hi. We had been trying naturally for over 5 years. Done charting, opks, herbs and acupuncture. Never detected ovulation once in 5 years (PCOS) The FS put me on Clomid and we found out that OH also had low motility and morphology and the FS said IVF with ICSI was our best bet. He let me have 8 months of Clomid while waiting for iCSI.

First and second round of 50mg clomid I ovulated (cd14 then cd18). They weren't very strong ovulations according to my 7dpo blood test results! Then third round of 50mg I didn't ovulate until CD26 and my temperatures were rubbish. 7dpo blood tests showed it was only a borderline ovulation as levels were low. Month 4 I was finally put on 100mg- I ovulated on CD14 or 16 and got my BFP!!! :dance: We also used Preseed and Softcups. OH took zinc, selenium and bee pollen to improve his sperm.

Good Luck!!! Clomid is a brilliant drug- and worth the side effects in the end!! :lol: I definitely recommend Preseed too :flower:

Hi babyloulou! Congratulations and many thanks for replying!
Hiya love just so you know it took myself & oh 8 years to have our daughter (who's now nearly 5) & took us 3 years for the little bundle im carrying now :) im 30 weeks pregnant & took clomid to have my latest bundle fortunately for me i only did take one cycle of it & caught :) im sure your time will come & you will have a lovely little bundle out of it :) take it easy & try not to stress over it <3

Thankyou Rachel and congrats! x
We tried for ds1 for 5 years, then got pregnant on 2nd cycle of Clomid.
Second son was au naturale first month of trying
Third baby (this one lol) was second month au naturale.
Good luck hun, everything crossed for you

Hi worrisome, thankyou! x
Hi and thankyou to all of you that have replyed on here so far! I have loved reading your sucess stories and feel so hopeful and positive now! Congratulations and good luck to all of you!
Keep positive- honestly Clomid is good stuff! Look into Preseed too- has a good success rate. There's a big thread of Preseed users on here somewhere. There's also a Clomid Club in the LTTTC section-the support in there was invaluable for me! Good luck xxxx

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