Ask, do you think your current doctor would let you do IVF after two IUIs, or they really want you to do three IUIs first? IVF could definitely help speed things up for you, and I totally get that. I'll be 34 in July, so I am year behind you, and I want more than one too. I am feeling the pressure as well, but I'm sure I'd be feeling even more pressure a year from now. If it's hard to have a child now, I worry that it's going to be harder to have a second in a few years (let alone if you want more than 2), but if you have embryos ready to go, that would be very helpful.
I got blood work done today (cd3) and all looked good, so I got the go-ahead to start femara tonight. I am only prescribed femara for this cycle, but I had refills left from my clomid, so I decided that I am going to take clomid as well without telling my doctor. Part of me feels really uneasy doing that... I felt rebellious last cycle just taking the femara a few extra days, so I really feel rebellious this cycle. but I just finished with 4 failed IUIs and I am only doing timed intercourse this cycle, so I feel like I need to do something extra. my RE said she'd prescribe me injectables, but my insurance won't cover them and they are too expensive for me, so this is what I can afford right now. In one study I was reading the women took clomid in the afternoon and femara in the evening, and had pretty good results, so I am going to give it a shot and see what happens.