I'm sorry, Earth. It sounds like many women with PCOS don't O on 50mg but do on 100 or 150mg. When did you take your last dose? 50mg made me O later than ever, twice.
CD 3 and just took my first dose of 100mg clomid. Kinda scared about the side effects! Also excited that it may give me more mature follies!
CD7 was mt last dose. Its CD19. I will go to 75mg next, then 100mg.
CD7 was mt last dose. Its CD19. I will go to 75mg next, then 100mg.
I'm on CD22 now, CD6 being my fifth 100mg Clomid tablet. So frustrating. If my body can't bloody ovulate I have no chance!
Steph - are you going to try 150 if you don't O this cycle? Femera and injectables are options too! Most likely once you start ovulating you'll be pregnant in a few months! FX it happens soon!
CD21 blood test results back. Sod all good news again. Someone's going to try and get hold of the fertility consultant this afternoon and phone back with next steps. Very disheartening yet again.
Thanks Belle.
I know Earth, I had such high hopes for it. The consultant has said he doesn't want me to do another cycle. I think my blood tests showed that my body not respond one little bit. So now to wait until 3rd July to see him and go from there.