I was just thinking that today.. about seeing all these pregnant women. Since I live in NYC I see so many people here period, and then take into consideration that I commute 3 hours a day Mon-Fri, and see people come on and off the train that whole time...and now that it's warmer and people aren't wearing big coats anymore, it seems like I see at least one pregnant person every day. I don't usually have a major reaction to it... but I guess as I am going longer without getting pregnant, it's getting to me more. When I saw a pregnant woman on the train today (the second one today) after getting my BFN, I literally started tearing up. I thought one of the IUIs would work, so I am feeling pretty deflated.
I think I am going to take the next three months to focus on my health and taking supplements, and then do the mini IVF in September to try giving us a better chance for success. For those who take coq10, what dosage do you take? and if dh takes it too, what dosage does he take? I've been putting it off, but we are going to start taking that now. I am also looking into Ovaboost, which Belle recommended, but I am not sure yet. Reviews seem to be very mixed. A lot of people give it very positive reviews but it gets a lot of negative reviews too. Some people said it messed up their cycle, so I am a little nervous to take it.