Welcome fluffy! I can't help you with IUI, but it looks like we are headed that way too so I guess I will be joining you soon.
So I am sure I am grasping at straws, but bear with me here. I can't help but wonder if this morning's temp could have been an implantation dip. Of course this would mean that all of my "symptoms" up until now have been all in my head, but that doesn't surprise me, lol. But this would also explain why I am still getting BFN's. Obviously only time will tell, but my logic is this.
If this morning's dip was because of implantation, that would suggest implantation happened yesterday or earlier. Yesterday was 12 DPO, which is not common, but not impossible from what I can tell. And I did have some pink tinged CM this morning as well.
Also, I have been questioning my O date this whole time. Here's why: I have been using the Ava tracking bracelet for about 7 months now and have been seriously doubting its accuracy, because its prediction never seems to match BBT or OPK's. But maybe it's been right under my nose this whole time. So while Fertility Friend says I o'ed June 8, Ava says it was June 11. Which doesn't jive with my pos OPK June 6, but as many have said, a pos OPK doesn't mean that ovulation will happen, and there have been other months where I found myself googling "can ovulation happen 5 days after pos OPK". Maybe my body has an early surge and late O? Ava doesn't factor in OPK's, but it does measure skin temperature and resting pulse rate. With Ava's O date, that would make yesterday 9 DPO, which is the most common day for implantation. And here's an interesting tidbit from Ava's blog:
Contrary to popular belief, BBT doesnt always rise immediately after you ovulate. According to a study that compared BBT readings with ultrasoundthe gold standard in confirming ovulationonly 11 percent of women have a BBT rise within one day of ovulation. For many of the women in the study, BBT did not rise until more than two days after ovulation.
Practically, this means that 89 percent of women using BBT are identifying the wrong ovulation day. If youre using BBT to time intercourse, you may over- or undershooting your fertile window by several days and reducing your chances of conceiving.
We often stop BD'ing when we think the O is over, but this month I decided to pretend like the 8th
and the 11th were both O dates. Maybe we've just been missing it all these months? And although Ava's reading this morning also showed the drop in temp, my pulse rate is still up, which is a good sign. It normally falls before AF.
So anyway, there's my logic. Trying to justify it all per usual, lol. I am sure the next morning or two will make it all crystal clear. Unless AF makes her usual appearance before then. Thank you for humoring my crazy obsessiveness for a few ladies.