I'm really having a hard time and don't know what to do. DH was supposed to have his SA today and surprise, surprise, he couldn't do it. He even "practiced" 4-5 days ago and succeeded. I don't know what to do. If he can't give a sample "under pressure" we will never be able to do IVF. This has happened 4 times now. With his first SA he had to cancel his first 2 appointments. Then last month we had to cancel the IUI. Now today we had to cancel his SA. How bad do you think it would be if we BD and he pulls out at the end? I honestly think that is the only way this will work. He was able to do it once with a collection condom for IUI but then couldn't last month. And even with pulling out I'm not sure because the time-limit seems to make him unable to do it even though we are fine the rest of the time. This whole journey is hard enough and to have to deal with this on top of it is making me depressed. I know this makes him feel horrible but this is the 1 single thing he has to do in this process and he can't.
Hey guys, just popping in, went MIA for a while, I was trying to chill while waiting for O day!
Ask, that is a tricky situation. I am worried about that for us too. DH is really uncomfortable with the whole idea of it. Here's what I read:
You can collect a semen sample during sex by withdrawing your penis from your partner just before ejaculating (coitus interruptus). You then ejaculate into a clean sample cup.
You can also collect a semen sample during sex by using a condom. If you use a regular condom, you will need to wash it thoroughly before using it to remove any powder or lubricant on it that might kill sperm. You may also be given a special condom that does not contain any substance that kills sperm (spermicide). After you have ejaculated, carefully remove the condom from your penis. Tie a knot in the open end of the condom and place it in a container that can be sealed in case the condom leaks or breaks.
Maybe one of these options might work for you? Or some kind of combo of both? Another thing I have read that is interesting is that sperm collected through sex are considered by some to be better quality or something like that. No idea what that means exactly, but I will take any positive notes I can get, lol.
We have an SA coming up for DH. Our reasons are a little different, but anyways DH doesn't want to collect his sample in the typical way either (in his words, we might as well have fun doing it, lol!). So we ordered a "Seminal Fluid Collection Kit" from here: https://www.popepaulvi.com/shop
When it arrived, it is just a "Male Factor Pack" with a sterile cup. I believe if you Google "Male Factor Pack" you can find it for sale other places too. When I explained our situation to the doctor, they said we have two choices. She said very nonchalantly that they have couches in the rooms for this reason (awkward!) or if you live within an hour of the office you can collect at home. We don't live within an hour, but my sister does, and they will be out of town at the end of the month. She offered us the use of her house. Also super awkward, but less awkward than a couch at the doc's office. Lol.
I got a positive OPK yesterday. Didn't tell DH, think it's TMI for him, but I think he suspects, and anyway he isn't complaining, lol. We've been BD'ing every other day since AF ended. He actually has initiated every time, I just didn't stop him, lol. Then after the pos OPK we BD'ed last night, plan to again tonight, again tomorrow, skip a day, then go again one more time. Trying to follow the sperm meets egg plan. Hoping we won't need the SA or RE appt. I should be testing before the SA appt. But at least we now have the appts if we need them. Baby dust to all!!!!