Clomid Buddies (moved from TTC board)

I'm sorry Red, all of this is so frustrating!!

Sara I'm sorry about the spotting. I often spot before AF and always think I'm out when I see it.

Ask I'm sorry you're feeling so uncomfortable. You're in the home stretch now!! Grow follies grow!

AFM I'm 8-10 dpo today. I was feeling a bit of light intermittent cramping over the weekend, but I'm not reading too much into that. I'm not feeling any of my usual pms symptoms, so maybe the herbs are to thank for that? Actually I feel pretty normal overall. I'm not thinking about it too much. We'll see what comes. AF is due during Canada's Thanksgiving weekend (this coming weekend) so that should be loads of fun (not lol). I hope more than anything my brother doesn't announce a new pregnancy during the same weekend that I start yet another AF. It seems almost silly to hope for a bfp at this point.
So do you have a day thought out to test or do you wait to be late?
how long are your cycles usually?
Hey Pinkee, my cycles are 26-28 days long (usually closer to 26 days). So AF should be here sometime between Friday and Sunday, and I usually start spotting ~2 days in advance (so maybe by Wednesday at the earliest). I don't typically test! So I'll wait till AF is late. Still not feeling much of anything!

How are things going with you?
Hi ladies, sorry for no personals right now. I need to go through and catch up still.

My mom arrived from the states last Monday and on Tuesday we left for a 5-day Bavarian road trip. It was really fun and it's so beautiful in southern Germany. We went to some of her childhood homes (she was an Army brat and lived in Germany for 5 years.) We also went to Neuschwanstein and up Zugspitze (the highest mountain in Germany.) It was all so beautiful!

As for my cycles... not good. I had my 5th scan yesterday, after doing the alternating 50/75iu Gonal-F and there was still absolutely no growth. I had had a lot of cramping on Thursday, so she ordered blood tests to see if I ovulated, but she said there were no other indications that that was the case. Today's a holiday in Germany, so we'll get the blood results tomorrow evening. For now, she's bumped me to 75iu/day.
I find it so strange Sara that she isn't letting you have an AF to reset those follicles!
I'm seriously cranky, as I have no idea what's going on with my body (will get to that in a moment), but I've just read about the third thread this week where someone has accidently got pregnant while using the pull out method!! Seriously?!? These people are adults, have children already, and should know about contraception!! She's upset she's pregnant for the 4th time - what does she expect!!! Ahhh it makes me so mad when people are so stupid and also, makes me so jealous!! Anyway sorry, I just think it's so irresponsible and ridiculous, and how on earth can she teach her kids about safe sex if she doesn't know what it is!
Phew sorry rant over! I'm upset as I've had a faint positive in a pregnancy test, near positive opk today. I'm late for my period, no idea if I'm pregnant, ovulated, about to ovulate, and I'm so fed up feeling disconnected and at war with my own body. I've just been so ill for a while now, plus the fertility stuff, it's making me into not a very nice person! Sorry!
Sara - your holiday sounds amazing! I'm glad you enjoyed it :) I'm so sorry things aren't going well, hopefully now the increased dosage will sort things for you.
Belle - fingers crossed for you - when I was last pregnant I had virtually no symptoms so that doesn't mean anything! Do you find it easier not to test? I've become a poas addict which is getting expensive - I could have brought a baby if I saved all the money on tests from the past 4 years!!! Lol!!! But I can't stop! How late do you let things get?
Red I'm sorry you're going through all that! It's really disheartening to feel so disconnected to your body. Mine is pretty regular so I don't have quite that same problem, but I can relate in the sense that my body isn't doing what it's supposed to! It can be pretty defeating!

I usually spot before AF so I always know it's coming about 2 days in advance so then I don't have to test! The only times I test are when AF is late and I have no spotting or if I'm going out and will be drinking near the end of the tww. If no spotting by Friday I'll test Saturday morning. Mostly I'm just not thinking about it.
I'm normally regular - I was ovulating around cd14 monthly before clomid, and then AF cd 28-32.
You've got such good self control :) I need to try and be like you - this has become a bit all consuming and obviousky it's not healthy. The only time I'm not thinking about it is for the first three days after my period - then I'm thinking about ov coming, then doing o tests, then worrying every day during 2ww and still trying in case ov was late, and then testing from about 6dpo til AF, then devestated AF had attended! I think it's time for a break really- we've decided to give ourselves a year out if we've got nowhere by Christmas, but that just seems to have made me more stressed and desperate! Lol!
Fingers crossed for you.x
Sorry you're feeling frustrated Red. It's so difficult when our bodies just won't seem to cooperate with us.

Belle, I hope you get a surprise this month!

AFM, no surprise but this cycle was a bust. Beta isn't until next week but AF arrived this morning. We have an appointment on the 19th with our RE to discuss our options. I knew the chances were slim for us this month, but it still stings.
I'm sorry jwilly. It's not easy that's for sure. The thing that keeps me going is remembering that I do still have options
I'm upset as I've had a faint positive in a pregnancy test, near positive opk today

I know when you're pregnant you can also get positive opks

so fx for you!

jwilly- sorry to hear that, are you on supplements?

BelleNuit- any spotting yet?

smurphy90- whats blood results saying? did she take your blood during the first couple of days of your cycle?

Ask4joy- whats the skinny? Egg retrieval day? How do you feel? My friend's last cycle she said she felt "full and kinda jiggly in the ovaries when walking" and they collected 6 eggs that cycle. FX thing are well for you today

afm- 7dpo of the weirdo 1st cycle. had the positive opk at cd50 unmedicated and unprepared for. Symptom spotting like a madwoman. somewhat hoping its a wash and I can get my AF so I'm comfortable knowing what's going on and have control of all the factors going into it. like being on a good regiment of supplements, having comfort in knowing that if it's not a healthy pregnancy I did everything in my power to do the right thing. But mostly hoping this is it.

ugh the days are so long.
Pinkee the days can definitely seem long going through this. I find the last couple days of the tww more difficult because my imagination starts going "maybe this is it!" And then it never is lol.

So of course I'm between 11-13 dpo today and I have no spotting yet, CP is very closed and tons of cm (like tons, it's creamy with a bit of stretch), and no spotting. So naturally I'm wondering what's up. Might only be 11 dpo and usually don't spot till 12 dpo. So it's possible it's just too early yet. Will wait and see and otherwise trying not to think about it too much!
Hey ladies, I haven't really posted anything in a while because we are just in limbo while we wait for IVF to start and I'm trying to be more chilled (that, and work and life has been ridiculously busy). I do like to keep an eye on what you're all up to though!

Red, I just wanted to say that I saw your post on that "pull out" thread and I really do feel your frustration. I think there is nothing worse when we are all over here waiting and waiting, than seeing those kinds of posts. Still blows my mind how people can even get pregnant without serious planning :haha: I know you were coming at it from a social services point of view too. The mind boggles how people can genuinely think that that's a form of birth control.

I'm still in a very good place of acceptance at the moment, but when I think back a few months to when I was doing Clomid and all that, I can remember very clearly how down I felt the whole time. Like there was a black cloud constantly hanging over me the whole time. And then I would see all these people TTC for a couple of months, do a cycle of Clomid, get a BFP and go on their merry way.

I realise yet again that I've just rambled on a bit, but I just wanted to let you know that I think we all feel you, and are always here whenever you need to vent and let it all out. Hang on in there Hastings Buddy :hugs:
You know thinking back on it we did use the pullout method as our only form of birth control for years, like years and years. Maybe that should have been a red flag for us because we never had a scare :haha:

Steph I also relate to what you wrote about ppl getting pregnant after 1-2 cycles of clomid. If only it could be that easy for me!

I pop into your journal every now and then to see how things are going. I hope your IVF cycle will get started soon!
Well I tested this morning and BFN. It's CD 27 today I'm probably 12-13 dpo. Haven't had any spotting, so maybe the herbs have helped with that, or maybe they pushed back my ovulation a bit?
I find it so strange Sara that she isn't letting you have an AF to reset those follicles!

I think she probably will soon. We had another scan yesterday but, again, there was no progress. We increased from 75iu to 112.5. My next scan is Tuesday and we're going to ask what her plan is regarding when to induce AF to start a new cycle.
Sara - sorry still no growth. If I were you I would push for inducing AF and starting over. I tend to give doctors the benefit of the doubt and trust that they know what they are doing but it does strike me as a bit off that this cycle isn’t being cancelled due to lack of response. I hope you aren’t paying out of pocket for your meds! And hope something happens for you soon!

Belle - still no sign of AF?

My egg retrieval was yesterday and they retrieved 33 eggs...I know, what?! I’m guessing a good percentage are going to be immature - my doctor was guessing 10 before my retrieval based on my follicle sizes. Anxiously waiting for the call today!
Just got the call...we have 22 embryos! 24 of the 33 eggs were mature and 22 fertilized normally with ICSI! I’m in shock! Couldn’t ask for a better birthday present!
Hey all :)
Pinkie - any update? I know what you mean - this process has so many unknowns and things drag on that it's hard to know whether to hope for one thing or just want to wipe it clean and start again!
Belle - any news? Even if it's not the BFP it seems like those herbs have definitely had an impact for you.

Steph - thank you :) I was worried I went a bit overboard! But it is frustrating - you'd think by now I'd be more calm about everything but I seem to get more wound up! I think you're being so strong and it's really good to hear you're in such a good place. :)
Sara - I'm sorry nothing seems to be happening. Maybe they are waiting to find the right dosage for you, and then next month they can go straight in at that point? I don't know how it works exactly but that might make sense? Fingers crossed it improves soon!
Ask - that's amazing!!! Congratulations and happy birthday! You must be so happy!!!

I have nothing new to report - no AF a week overdue, still not sure I've ovulated, still faint lines on tests which I'm sure now are just how he tests work!! Sorry I only really come on here when I'm in a mood! I'm not always grumpy I promise :) xx

(Also sorry - this posted half finished first!)
Ask just seen your update that's fantastic!!! I've actually teared up for you! It's so lovely to hear such nice news! I am so so hopeful for you!!! How lovely! It gives me hope xxx

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