Clomid Buddies (moved from TTC board)

Thank you :) crazily I'd avoided that part of the forum as I just didn't want to accept I needed to be in there! I'm insane lol! I think it'll be good for me though :)
Here's the link (I think!)
Red when I first started on this site I thought FOR SURE I would be pregnant in a couple cycles. I remember feeling sorry for people who had been trying for so long.... most of those people are now pregnant or have already had their babies and here I am :haha:

Thanks Pinkee! Unfortunately I've started spotting again. Its light, just a little red mixed in with cm and can only be seen on internal checks, but its there all the same. I'm feeling less confident as a result and I'm trying to prepare myself for a BFN tomorrow. Either way I'm thinking the herbs I'm on lengthened both my FP and my LP. I've never had a cycle this long in my entire life! And I even tracked AF as a teen LOL. So I'm trying to see the positives, even if its a BFN (which I feel really confident it will be).
Total bfn this am. Really hoping AF just rolls in quick, sometimes I have like 100 day cycles and I'm not really interested in waiting another 30 to 40 days to start my clomid.

Ask4joy- that's just fabulous, I am over the moon for you, what's next? do you decide your transfer day? are you choosing how many embryos to transfer? will you ask about the gender?:blush:

Belle you are still in my thoughts:flower:

Redhead I am going to be reading the journal sometime. I used to journal, no Idea how to track it down..but after reading my own journal myself I was super annoyed with my own ramblings I gave up

steph1607 - when do you guys star? I kind of caught up on the ivf and egg share, but must have missed when things are kicking off for you guys.
Thanks Pinkee, sorry for the BFN this AM. Not knowing when to expect AF is pretty frustrating.

Well I tested this AM, was negative I think. I posted pics over on my journal. I think I see something faint but could just be an indent. Either way AF is starting. I'm having much stronger cramping and heavier spotting. It should be here fully by this afternoon I expect.
Hi ladies,

FINALLY saw the tiniest amount of progress with my follicle growth. The "large" follicle in each ovary grew by 1mm in 2 days. That' means I now have a 10mm and an 11mm, hopefully pushing at least one into a growth spurt phase. I don't have high hopes for conception, but it's good to see that the Gonal-F is (probably) starting to have an effect.

I have scan #8 on Friday; continuing with 112.5iu/day until then.
Great news Sara! It sounds like even if this cycle doesn't work out they'll know what dose to put you on next cycle which will make it worthwhile! I'm keeping my FX for you!
Glad to hear that there was progression Sara!

Belle, sorry it looks like AF is on the way. Those few days in limbo at the end of a cycle are the worst days. But that is good news that your cycle is getting longer!
That’s great news Sara!

Sorry about the BFN Pinkee. Sorry again Belle. :hugs:

Pinkee - since we are doing PGS and I still had a lot of embryos on day 3 they will continue to grow them until day 5 and day 6 blastocysts (some take 6 days to get there). The ones that reach blastocyst stage will be biopsied and frozen. The biopsied cells will be sent to a special lab and PGS testing will be performed - they are checking to see if each embryo has the correct number / arrangement of chromosomes. Due to the nature of the testing we will find out which are XX (girl) and XY (boy). We will follow the doctor’s recommendations on which to transfer in (probably) mid-December but DH is hoping for a girl since he already has 2 boys. :)
Ask- so glad to hear that things are improving with your sister-in-law. I hope she continues to pull through and beat the odds. Glad to hear things are better with DH's job situation too. Things seem like they are looking up for you these days. :)

AFM, my brother just called me today and said he and his wife are expecting their second child in April... so I am having a pity party for myself tonight. Of course he had to mention that they weren't planning it; they were thinking they would have the second a little later... but it just happened. Uggh... you know I struggle with fertility issues, did you really need to tell me it happened without even trying? I am the older sibling, but I always feel like he is ahead of me in life, and I am frustrated that I still have to wait several months to start trying again. Worst of all DH doesn't understand at all. He said, "shouldn't you feel happy for him?" Worst words ever!!! Sorry, I just had to vent. I don't even want to see my brother and his wife Christmas. I realize it sounds petty, but if anyone would understand, I thought it would be you girls.
Oh man Lar do I ever understand. My younger brother just announced they're pregnancy over Thanksgiving dinner. I proceeded to get stinking drunk. They don't know we're dealing with infertility so it must have looked weird lol. To top it all off they're due date is my damn Birthday. And ya.. first cycle trying. Ugh.
Oh I am so sorry Belle.... :( That totally sucks. I couldn't wait to get off the phone to cry, but being told in person would have been even worse because then I wouldn't have really been able to get away. I would have gotten drunk too probably. And for the due date to be your birthday! That's awful. I hope it doesn't actually land on your birthday. When is Thanksgiving in Canada? In the US it is in November. Didn't your brother's wife recently get pregnant and miscarry? This is a different brother? Also... wait... who the heck gets pregnant on the first cycle trying?!?!? Not fair!
I’m sorry LAR. That’s so tough. My step sister who is 6 years younger than me announced her second pregnancy on Facebook a few days ago. I immediately unfollowed her (after giving a half-assed congratulations). Her twin sister gave birth in August to her first - she was married the same month as DH and I and was pregnant 4 months later and announced last Christmas Eve and I was so upset because we started trying when we got engaged. I refused to go to her baby shower (made up an excuse) and declined the invite to the other step-sister’s daughter’s 2nd birthday party next weekend - actually we are going away to celebrate a belated birthday for me since I was recovering from egg retrieval on mine! But I wouldn’t go anyway. I’m not close with them but it makes me sad that my mom will have 3 grandchildren from her step-daughters (who she refers to as her “daughters” and it always makes me feel like crap) before having any from her ONLY REAL daughter. Oh well. Glad we have each other to vent to!
Sorry girlies! I was super sick with strep throat. Then DH caught a cold from work. So we were not in the mood during O. We BD 8 days before O. So I’ll be lucky if I get a Bfp. Catching up on your posts.
I have dealt with the depression of infertility. I will never forget. DH and we’re trying for 2 years. His druggie brother and girlfriend needed a place to crash for a night. They announced their pregnancy. Why them? They don’t have jobs? On drugs. No stability. I locked myself in the bathroom bawling why not me? I don’t think I moved for 2 hours. Well now 5 years later, he’s in prison and doesn’t even talk to his child. I just don’t understand some days.

I was not open about our infertility when ttc DS.. Because some people don’t understand. They think we are “trying” to hard. My MIL had 5 kids and she was always like, just relax and it will happen. No, it takes dr appts, fertility tests, being poked and stabbed with no hopeful results. I’m now open about my struggle in hopes it will bring light to others coping with or understanding infertility.
Sara you must be so relieved things are moving in the right direction now! Good luck!

Ask - I didn't know you could find out the sex before they were implanted! That's so interesting! It sounds like things are going so well for you.

Lar -I totally understand what you mean. I don't have Facebook anymore as I just don't want to see scan pictures and babies! Most of our friends are now on their 'second round' of children, and we started trying for the first at the same time they did, and before some of them! I have let friendships fizzle out a bit in some cases as I just can't deal! Although my sister in law recently announced at 7 weeks as she thought everything would be fine with the second, but then they found out there may be issues and were having to make decisions about possibly aborting. It was such a sad time for them, I would have given anything to help, and thank fully everything turned out okay.

Belle I'm so sorry AF got you, although I think it is so positive that things have changed so much using the supplements! It's been so quick and obviously is making a real difference!

Cali - that's such a shame you were so ill! It does feel like the universe is consipring against us sometimes! But perhaps you ovulated early or late - you never know. That's so awful about your brother in law. It isn't right or fair at all. But I'm sure we'll get there eventually:

No update from me - I've got spots (yeuk) which I only get incredibly rarely when I am super hormonal, but no AF and I've got no more tests and I'm not getting any as I'm sure I'm not pregnant this month. I'm sure the witch wil be here soon :(
Thanks for the support everyone. I am feeling a little better about it now... it is just that the initial announcement gave me a jolt of emotion, but I cant let myself stay mad over it. I am trying to focus on myself and planning for my next steps in this fertility process. I still dont know if I want to see them for christmas. I feel like I should bc I rarely see them and they are moving to another country in a month and will be back in the US visiting for Christmas and wont be back again for a while.... but I am not sure yet if I want to put myself through that.
Hey Lar yes same brother. They miscarried in July at 6 weeks and got pregnant that first month trying as well. Then they took a break and got pregnant again first month. FML lol. Nothing quite like that to make you feel super infertile.

Maybe by Christmas you will be more used to the idea and it will be easier to see them. I hate to say it but I don't see a way out of it!

Red I sure hope things start to make sense soon!

I'm on day 4, AF will probably be a super light flow today
Finally got AF, that was forever. I'll give a proper update tonight.
LAR83 - super sorry to hear that.

Calibeachbum- I actually went through the same scenario, same. scenario. they didn't even want to be together either and it torn me in half.

Belle- sorry to hear af got you.

smurphy90- update on last scan?

Red - caught the tail end of your journal, any more tests or spotting?

AFM - I am CD2 now. a 66 day cycle has finally come to an end and I will start my clomid tomorrow. my BFF is also ttc and I think her cycle is what set mine to sinc as she is CD3. I 100% am uncomfortable with us both trying at the same time as she is competitive, and isn't aware I was going to start clomid.
DD had also pulled out an unopened FRER out of my purse at football game in front of her and my mother, I was mortified!!! I like to keep my ttc struggles to myself. I tried to play it off like it was a tampon but pretty clear no one bought it. It hasn't been brought up but I just feel really insecure about it now.

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