Clomid Buddies (moved from TTC board)

Ask congratulations :) that's a brilliant number of embryos! I would expect quite a few will be good quality! Enjoy today, celebrate to your hearts content!

Sara I'm sorry there is still no growth! Maybe red has it right and she's just looking to see what dose you respond to. I dunno. I hope this will be over for you soon!

Red I often come on here to vent. My journal is like one vent fest after another lol. Sorry you're still stuck in limbo!

AFM I'm CD 28 today (which is as long as my cycles ever get). I didn't have any spotting yesterday, and haven't checked yet today. I had AF like cramps last night though, that combined with the mood swings yesterday morning and the BFN I'm pretty convinced AF is on the way regardless. I should at the minimum have some spotting today if not AF.

But ya, definitely think the herbs are working. Don't know if it will be enough though. We're coming on 2 years pretty quick here and I always said I would stop trying after 3. If no bfp then at some point this year we will do IVF. Either way I will be happy (if it works or if it doesn't) because it will mean I will have closure and will be able to move on with my life.
Just got the call...we have 22 embryos! 24 of the 33 eggs were mature and 22 fertilized normally with ICSI! I’m in shock! Couldn’t ask for a better birthday present!
Holycrap! Wow!
That's fantastic news, Ask! I'm so excited for you!

As far as pushing for a new cycle, I'm thinking along the same lines as red said. I'm going to ask what her plan is, but I really wanted to at least get to 100iu before asking her to restart and have to risk another failed cycle due to too low of a dose. We only pay $10/pen so financially it's not noteworthy, fortunately.

Just sitting here really, really hoping that 100+iu is the magic number!
Thanks ladies! Hoping the good news continues!

Sara - that makes sense, especially since you aren’t paying hundreds or more! My 8 Follistim pens (300iu each) ran me around $1800 I think! Oy!

Belle - glad the new diet and supplements seem to be helping!
Ask - I'm constantly grateful for the health insurance in Germany. Our plan is the legal minimum coverage and it's amazing. I was so worried about how much everything would cost, but even if we have to result to IVF, we'd only pay about $1200/cycle (for up to three cycles.) I get so frustrated at the state of health insurance in other countries (especially back home in the US) when I see how much TTC women are paying just to create a life! It's so frustrating and sad.
You are very fortunate, Sara! It’s disgusting how much we have to pay...IVF + PGS has cost us $17,000 and that’s not including the $3-4,000 we spent on tests, procedures and treatments before doing IVF. There are so many people who it’s just not an option for due to the sad.
I'm in the UK - fertility treatment was on the NHS most places so we are incredibly lucky, but sadly this nasty government is making so many cuts it can't cope with demand, and a lot of places are no longer offering NHS IVF anymore and more seem to be following suit - it's now being discussed in my area. It means a lot of people have to privately fund it and we don't get insurance here like other countries. Again, the poorest people suffer because the people who vote for the government in power tend to be the people with huge bank balances who can afford to pay thousands for private treatment. I know it's not a medical emergency or life threatening etc, and it is hard to justify tax payer money being spent on giving someone a child, but it's already unfair enough to be needing treatment, and then to be told you can't have it unless you pay thousands, knowing full well you can't afford it just seems so wrong. I can see both sides of the argument but hate the fact it's happening! We're saving now for treatment, hopefully it won't come to that but I don't want money to be the reason I can't be a parent. It's a really difficult topic - I'm not really sure where I stand on it!
I think having children/procreating is a fundamental human right and if medical intervention is necessary in order to do so, I do think at least some of the costs should be covered by insurance or government subsidy. Birth control is covered under most health insurance we are willing to help people prevent conception, but not promote it? I realize there is a huge disparity in cost in the two. True, it’s not life or death, but it is often matter of one’s body not functioning properly / fulfilling it’s natural functions. There are plenty of things that aren’t life or health threatening that insurance covers. Besides, infertility is proven to be mental-health threatening. So my insurance has no problem shelling out thousands for years of cognitive therapy and psychiatric drugs, but not for infertility treatment. Kinda backwards in my opinion.
I totally agree with what you've said - I've been on the verge of suicide several times on this journey, and I cannot imagine my future without a child in it - I can for sure see it's life saving in a roundabout way, and the benefits for mental health, plus the fact there is often a medical reason underlying. I guess it's the part of me that thinks I'm not good enough to be a parent, and that's why this is happening, that also says why should someone else have to pay for me to become one, if Mother Nature thinks it's a bad idea! But then I know that's my depression and anxiety, low self worth and esteem speaking! And I 100% don't feel that way about other women in the same position - there is nothing I wouldn't give to help someone else not be in this position, so I'm more than happy for my taxes to pay towards it. I just feel guilty asking for it myself. Especially when I see what some people go through and how they could use the resources more. I don't know - my anxiety makes me sit and worry about thinggs like this and think of every possibility from overcrowding/populating to whether animals were harmed in the making of the treatment!! Lol!
I totally know what you mean, Red! I’ve sometimes thought “maybe I wasn’t destined to be a mother...if it takes this much science to make me one!” But yeah, that’s just silly. We will truly appreciate motherhood and be amazing parents when it happens to us!
Just got the call...we have 22 embryos! 24 of the 33 eggs were mature and 22 fertilized normally with ICSI! I’m in shock! Couldn’t ask for a better birthday present!

Woohoo!! :happydance: That gives you a lot of chances for success. Your future baby is most likely one of those embryos! Good luck~ I hope you get your sticky baby sooner rather than later. <3
Thanks LAR!!! Hopefully our future BABIES are in the my day 3 update and all 22 embryos are &#8220;dividing beautifully&#8221; according to the embryologist!

How are you doing?? Good to hear from you!
That's exciting! And yes, you're right, I should have said babies. How many do you and DH want?

I am doing ok. I thought I had to wait until the end of February to try again, but it is actually the end of January/beginning of February. I am looking forward to trying again! Still haven't decided if I will start mini IVF right away or not.

Forgive me if you already wrote about this. I haven't read all the entries.. how is your sister-in-law doing? And how is DH's job situation going?
OMG I am freaking out. Freaking out. AF is late, I'm on day 30. I've never gone beyond 28 days before (ever). And my spotting fricken stopped. It stopped. I've never had spotting stop before. I can't test till tomorrow. Test was negative on Friday. With the spotting and AF cramps I thought for sure AF was coming. Now I don't know what to think
That&#8217;s great LAR! I think you should totally go for mini-IVF if your insurance covers it and you are a candidate. Not that my insurance covered my IVF cycle but if it had we may have gone with it a little sooner.

DH and I are thinking 2 or 3, but who knows! He is 1 of 8 children and always wanted a big family for himself. I think 4 would be my limit. :) If we are lucky we will end up with 10 or 11 blastocysts to send for PGS testing and half of those will be PGS normal (IF we are lucky)! There is also the risk of losing some as a result of the biopsies, freezing and thawing, but that risk is small. We decided that if we have extra embryos after our family is complete we will donate them to a couple in need. If all goes well we will be doing a FET around mid December.

My sister in law is doing a little better for the time-being. As you know the cancer was progressing even further and her last resort was this brand new first in humans trial drug which she started a few weeks ago. She is already able to be off of oxygen support and said she is feeling pretty good. Fingers crossed her next scan shows stability or even improvement. Thank you for asking!

DH started a new job in August and is very happy there. It&#8217;s a much better work environment and he is treated much better. I&#8217;m so glad because he was pretty unhappy at his last job but didn&#8217;t want to leave until he had no choice.

I just realized I created this thread (well, the original one before we moved it to LTTTC) over a year ago. Crazy! I sure didn&#8217;t expect to still be here over a year after starting Clomid but I&#8217;m really glad I&#8217;ve gotten to know you ladies and that we have been able to support each other through some tough times. Hoping 2018 is our lucky year!
Ahh Belle I just read your post! That is sooo encouraging! Can&#8217;t wait until you can test again! Crossing everything for you!
Belle that's very exciting!! finger crossed for you!! I am for sure going to try some of your supplements!!! :)

Ask sorry to hear about your sister in law - I didn't know she was ill. That trial sounds very encouraging. It's so amazing what they can do nowadays! I think it's really lovely that you are thinking of donating embryos - I am sure that karma knows things like that and will take that into account! You deserve this to work and I really hope it does!

I've finally caved and started a ltttc journal :/ might stop me ranting and rambling everywhere else!!

Thanks Red, that is so sweet of you.

Can you post the link to your journal? I&#8217;ll definitely follow!
Red having a journal is awesome. I obsess and rant all over mine lol.

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