Clomid Buddies (moved from TTC board)

Just having a frer shouldn't make you feel awkward. That doesn't show struggles, just that you are TTC. Though if they don't know you're TTC, I can see the awkwrdness in that.

Belle told me I should look at joining this thread, so I hope you guys don't mind an extra person around. A little about me - we've been actively TTC for 18 months. Just now starting to get testing done officially. Unofficially, I bought a microscope to check out DH, and he was on the normal-low side, and has super viscous semen. I had temped for a little while and thought I was ovulating regularly, but now I'm not so sure as my periods are REALLY light and short. I'm starting progesterone testing, and OH has been given the go ahead to do a real SA. I was wondering if any ladies on here had fairly regular cycles, but after testing found out you actually hadn't been ovulating.

I went to my BFF's baby shower yesterday, and I am so unbelievably happy for her. She's due in less than 2 months. We started TTC around the same time, and she had two MC before working with a DR to make sure this one stuck. We really wanted to have "cousins" around the same age. She is probably the one person in my life that I could not begrudge a pregnancy.

Would you guys mind giving me an intro into your stories? Sorry if you have to do this for all the new posters! I only really know Belle here.
Welcome Green, so glad you made the jump over :) I'd say a lot of the people here are new-ish posters to the thread so this is a good time to join in!

Pinkee I would be embarrassed by that too. I think if I were you I wouldn't tell my friend that I was ttc... especially if she really is that competitive! I know I felt pretty competitive when we first started trying... because I naively believed it would happen right away LOL. So glad that AF finally showed for you and that now you can get started with the clomid!

I'm CD 6 today, AF has stopped, so I'm going to start my first castor oil pack tonight! At the very least I think it will be something that I find relaxing.
I am a newbie here too. Having the frer wasn't the actual thing that made me feel insecure, its now people are aware of is ttc, and if it grows into 3 months later the questions and advice start.

My story: the short version.
Dh and I got together in 2004, quickly moved into together and got engaged, 2007 he was diagnosed with testicular cancer, we married and began treatment the very next day. After 3 surgeries(orchieotomy, lymph dissection, retroperitoneal lymph node dissecrion), and 9 months of chemo he was given a clean bill of health. We took the recommendation of waiting 2 years post chemo before ttc. although his sperm count was low and I had been diagnosed with pcos we began ttc for 2 years before having intervention, then spent the next few years aggressively ttc with 2 mc before we conceived our daughter. She's two now and we are beginning the journey for #2
Congrats on your first, and beating cancer! What kind of intervention did you have for your DD (if you don't mind me asking)?
Welcome Green!

I’m pretty sure I ovulate every month but never had a cd21 progesterone test. None of my doctors ever thought it was necessary. I tracked my temps for a year and always had a sustained temp spike after getting a positive ovulation test and my periods are moderately heavy for the first two days. Nonetheless I find it kinda strange that none of my docs wanted to check my post-ovulation progesterone levels.

As for me - DH and I have been TTC for 19 months. I’ve had 3 CPs in that time and after extensive testing found out that both DH and I have abnormal karyotypes (chromosome structures). DH has 2 healthy children and his karyotype is considered a normal variant in the population and not known to cause infertility or health issues. Mine on the other hand could be contributing. We just completed an IVF cycle and are now waiting for our PGS results to screen the embryos for chromosome abnormalities. I responded very well to IVF (even better than expected) and we now have 16 frozen embryos. If all goes well we will be doing a FET in December!
Oh ya, I see where you are coming from with that Pinkee. I really struggle with the unwanted advice and comments. I've actually just started telling the worst offenders that I appreciate they are trying to help, and then give them suggestions for things that actually would be helpful for me. That seems to have gone over well the couple times I've done it.
Pinkee - sorry that you had that awkward experience. Having a preg test doesn’t mean you are actively TTC - it could just mean AF was late and you wanted to test! Yes they will wonder but that’s all they can do - wonder!
Ask - wow! That's a lot of embryos! Congrats!! That's very exciting for yall! Abnormalities are not fun, but glad you found out about them so you can screen for them before transfer.
Hi Green! I think we may have been on a TTC thread a few years back? Sorry to see you are here :hugs:

My story- DH and I have been trying since April 2015. We had an ectopic pregnancy in May 2016, and nothing since then. We had one failed IUI cycle last month, now waiting for our appointment this Thursday with our RE to discuss the next steps. I have a blocked tube that looks like it could be a hydro. Just waiting to see if the next step will be surgery to remove it!

Ask, holy crow! I must have missed your post after your retrieval. That's an amazing number!
Hi ladies,

Sorry again for not popping in more. I do read the thread and I hope everything's going well with everyone.

We had scan #8 on Friday and we saw a little bit more growth (L=12mm, R=11mm.) The doctor increased my gonal-f dose to 125iu/day and I had scan number 9 today and....... I CAN TRIGGER TOMORROW!

Today the right follie was 17mm and the left was 15. I'm doing one more dose of 125iu tonight (hoping that lefty catches up so we have a better shot) and then I can trigger tomorrow night!

I'm so relieved to finally be done with this phase. I'll go in for HCG blood tests on Nov 6th, if no AF. We have an appointment for Nov 9th, at which we'll either have a pregnancy ultrasound or discuss the treatment plan for next cycle. Fingers crossed!

I think I'm going to temp again now. I don't need FF to really tell me which date I ovulate, but I do like seeing whether there's a dip or not a day or two before AF.
Great news Sara!! Happy trigger! Just to add, when I temped through my trigger/treatment cycles my temps went haywire and actually couldn't confirm O, even though I triggered and new by blood test that I had O'd. I think the meds can make bbt a little crazy sometimes!
Congrats Sara! The trigger also helps them grow too so it looks like you’ll ovulate both! Now you know what dose works for you too but hopefully this will be your lucky cycle!
Yay for trigger day! Are you doing a IUI?

Jwilly - I remember you as well! It's nice to see familiar faces
green - No, we're just doing TI this cycle. DH's SA came back on the low side of normal last time though, so depending on his next one we may move onto IUI. He'll probably have another at the beginning of my next cycle.
Ugh, I had a blood draw for my 21 day test (actually CD 27 because my cycles are normally 31-35 days long). So, of course, guess whose period decided to come early? Or at least it's trying. It keeps starting a bright red bleed, then stopping on its own and just being brown. Yesterday and today it's done that
So frustrating Green!!

I'm CD 9 today, so fertile days should start tomorrow. I'll start OPKs and temping again. I've been using castor oil packs as well. I'm not expecting anything, but I guess we'll give it a good try either way! Mostly I'm curious to see how the herbs have changed my O date/LP
Prog was 2ng, negative for ovulation, except it was drawn on the last day of my surprisingly short cycle.

I've got another test ordered next month. I bought some maca, do you think I should take it while I'm waiting for these tests? Or add it after the untreated test result is still negative?

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