Hi ladies!!! I read through most of the pages but keep getting side tracked by my LO so I figured I'll go ahead and throw my question out there and hope someone can get a bit of insight on it if any ladies here went through this spell. I had a couple of m/c's and my last one ended in a D&C but after it I noticed I haven't been ovulating (opks). Hubs and I been trying on and off for 5 months and nothing. Which is very strange bc I usually get prego (the problem is keeping it). So I have a dr. Appt. set for next week and I want to make sure I did all my research b4 going in. My cycles are regular every month. Have any ladies exp. this and what did the dr. Insist?
Thanks so much for any insight advice, excuse any typos for I'm on my iPhone and it seriously thinks it's English is better then mine!
Thanks Nita! Glad to know I'm not aloneI just got another one of those extra painful bursts but this time on my right side not my left. Ouch! Today is my last Clomid day. When did you start doing OPK's after Clomid? Last cy I started the day after af, which is today for me. I also got my order of wondfo OPK's/HPT's in the mail today yay!! I'm excited to test with both the wondfo and dollar tree and see how this cy goes! Cheers to POAS time lol
Is this normal at cd7?