Clomid Buddies (moved to LTTTC board)

I think the plan is to try and jump start my cycle. Start Clomid tomorrow (cd55) for 5days and see if it makes me O. 25mg.

Im nervous because you hear about Overstimulation and im thinking my ovaries will explode or something. :blush:

Certainly not on that dosage, I doubt you will even feel side effects. I have never heard anyone take that low dosage. Hope it works though

You know youre the reason i didnt give up. :hugs:

ETA: there are others ( on here too) that start out that low. Most dr start at 50
I think the plan is to try and jump start my cycle. Start Clomid tomorrow (cd55) for 5days and see if it makes me O. 25mg.

Im nervous because you hear about Overstimulation and im thinking my ovaries will explode or something. :blush:

Certainly not on that dosage, I doubt you will even feel side effects. I have never heard anyone take that low dosage. Hope it works though

You know youre the reason i didnt give up. :hugs:

ETA: there are others ( on here too) that start out that low. Most dr start at 50

And I am so glad you didnt give up, I can tell that you really want another baby. Most doctors start with 50mg yeah, for me that didnt do anything haha, jist dont get a fright if you get ovary pain while you are taking Clomid, its totally normal.:hugs: oh I am hoping this works for you.
Well I'm not really sure what to think about my chart at this point...definitely don't have post o temps but I guess it could be a pre o dip with a fall back rise plus a slow rise if I did O on cd 16 like I thought I did...anyone have any thoughts? I noticed on my last dd chart I had a slow rise for that pregnancy so hoping that's the case this time...I'm a little bummed FF says my chances of conception are just "good" since we only dtd one day in the three days leading up to O though, we usually get much more bd in but since I was gone we missed out.

I'm feeling super yucky and blah since I got home...I'm nauseas most of the day and crampy and bloated and just feel off. All I want to do is sleep and my stomach is constantly feeling empty and gurgly...I know it's way too soon to think any of these symptoms mean anything but I just feel so yucky and can't seem to shake it. I had so much energy on my trip but now I'm just blah!
LAR - not sure if you mentioned before, how long have you been ttc and were you dx with unexplained infertility or something else?

DH and I talked about what we would do with the extra embryos, if we had any, too. We would freeze them until we were sure we were done growing our family. We aren't opposed to the idea of a big family (4 children) but talk about 2-3. We would probably give the other embryos up for adoption after that if any remained. One of my best friends is 7 months pregnant after her first IVF (also 34 with unexplained secondary infertility - conceived her first on clomid)...they transferred 1 embryo and I think she has 7-10 frozen. I don't know what she is going to do with them. Maybe 1 more child but certainly not 7-10! She keeps telling me, "if all else fails, you WILL get pregnant with IVF". I think IVF has pretty good success rates with unexplained. My doctor said I'd have a 60-70% chance with just 1 cycle.

Earth - I have also read of other women being on 25mg. Hoping it works for you!

Four - I'm a slow riser and it can take several days to get a clear picture of when I ovulated. It's frustrating, I know.

AFM - spotting light brown and some pre-AF twinges. DH wants to think I still might me pregnant. I don't have much of a doubt that AF is on the way. Snow day today and all the schools are closed. Home with a cold and trying to pack...we move into our new house this weekend! Then I'm on spring break for 2 weeks. Hoping I O over break so I don't have to miss work to do the first IUI.
Just realized if we caught the egg this cy that I would be due the first week of December which would be perfect since this coming year will be my husbands first year teaching and he will have Christmas break that month and be able to be home with us <3 Really praying we caught this egg!! Every day is dragging on, I can't sleep at all at night I keep waking up to check the time to see if I can temp and I just seem so anxious about everything all the time it's frustrating!

What do you have planned to announce to dh or family that you are pregnant? I've been looking on Pinterest for ideas. But nothing has caught my eye, I want something unique especially for dh...our family we will probably do Easter eggs with their names on them and let them open them Easter Day and have them filled with jelly beans and either a ultrasound photo or note that says "don't spill the beans, you're going to be a auntie/grandma/papa again!" I need a good idea for dh though??
And I am so glad you didnt give up, I can tell that you really want another baby. Most doctors start with 50mg yeah, for me that didnt do anything haha, jist dont get a fright if you get ovary pain while you are taking Clomid, its totally normal.:hugs: oh I am hoping this works for you.

I know ill get O pains. Im not scared of any of the SE except OHSS. I read protein and gatorade can help + keeping an eye on symptoms.

Well I'm not really sure what to think about my chart at this point...definitely don't have post o temps but I guess it could be a pre o dip with a fall back rise plus a slow rise if I did O on cd 16 like I thought I did...anyone have any thoughts? I noticed on my last dd chart I had a slow rise for that pregnancy so hoping that's the case this time...I'm a little bummed FF says my chances of conception are just "good" since we only dtd one day in the three days leading up to O though, we usually get much more bd in but since I was gone we missed out.

My vote gets cd16/17

What do you have planned to announce to dh or family that you are pregnant? I've been looking on Pinterest for ideas. But nothing has caught my eye, I want something unique especially for dh...our family we will probably do Easter eggs with their names on them and let them open them Easter Day and have them filled with jelly beans and either a ultrasound photo or note that says "don't spill the beans, you're going to be a auntie/grandma/papa again!" I need a good idea for dh though??

DD2 is a Dec baby. <3

Dh will get a Hulk bear wearing a baby hulk onesie. I dont talk to my family. DHs family will just be told when we find out and same with friends. Kids will get a box with a stuffed peach in it. (inside joke)

i dont get all big on announcements usually.
LAR - not sure if you mentioned before, how long have you been ttc and were you dx with unexplained infertility or something else?

Ask4joy- We tried conceiving for a year without any success, and I then made an appointment with an RE just this past January. I made the appointment with the intention of just getting testing done at first because I didn't think the doctor would start treatment so early unless something was wrong with one of us. I did blood work, an ultrasound, and an HSG test and my husband did SA and we had good results with everything-- his morphology was a little low (3%) but overall we were happy with the results. We fall into the unexplained category. I was really surprised that my RE started me on tx right away... Even before we did any testing, she gave us the tx plan of Clomid/Ovidrel/IUI, which I thought was rather aggressive. Even though I was surprised, I wasn't turned off by the idea of doing those things. DH and I are both 33 and have no kids (I will be 34 in July), and we plan to have more than one, so when we TTC #2 I'll likely be older than 35. I have a feeling that if DH and I kept trying naturally for a while that we could eventually conceive on our own, but I figured if I have the option of trying to do it sooner, I'd like to go for it. I have had baby fever since I was about 14 and I'm excited to get some assistance to help make it happen.
LAR we are pretty much in the same boat. My DH would be the stay at home parent as well. Luckily he has a job that he can do largely from home. We are hoping his mom may be able to help out on those days when he has to go to the office for client meetings. Childcare is pretty astronomical where we are as well, can get up to 1200 a month for one kid :/ I'd like to stay home for the first year for maternity leave but that would be tight as well as I'd only make 55% of my current wage and if we have debt from fertility treatment on top of it all... Its just a hard way to start out. Not gonna lie, I'm flat out jealous of people that get pregnant easily.

I think having a kid is always a bit of a leap of faith, and even more so when fertility treatments are involved.

That's great that your DH can do a lot of his work from home and that you might be able to get help from his mom sometimes too! That should help a lot. The average price of childcare in NYC is $1,800/month. I don't even know if we can find something as "low" as $1,200-- and that isn't even low, I know! I was so discouraged when I looked up the cost. I really wish we had some family around that could help, but we don't. The only grandparent our child would have between the two of us is my father who lives all the way in Florida. I wish our mothers were still around, but unfortunately both of them are deceased. There are moments when I feel confident we can make it work and then other moments when I completely freak out and think we are crazy for doing this :-/
Lar you wouldn't be the first person to think you were crazy for wanting kids :) I often feel the same way! You'll find a way to work through all the ups and downs that parenthood can bring.

My doc wanted us to start IUI back in October which I thought was quite aggressive, she then agreed that we could wait until January if we wanted. Since I am youngish I feel like I have a bit more time and I just wasn't ready to start IUI back then. We were supposed to start femara in January but I wasn't feeling ready then either! So we waited another couple cycles. Its hard to let go of the idea that it could happen naturally if we give it enough time. We'll start IUI in June, it will be 19 months and 22 cycles by then which I think is giving it plenty of time. We can't afford IVF right now so we likely wouldn't start that until after the 2 year mark. I'm planning to shamelessly beg my family for help (you DO want to be grandparents don't you!?!). It helps that I'm the only viable option for grandchildren on both sides (DHs and mine).

Ask it does make me feel better knowing that the success rate for IVF and unexplained is pretty good. I know there are always the worst case scenario stories, but I'm confident we won't be the worst case scenario.
LAR we are pretty much in the same boat. My DH would be the stay at home parent as well. Luckily he has a job that he can do largely from home. We are hoping his mom may be able to help out on those days when he has to go to the office for client meetings. Childcare is pretty astronomical where we are as well, can get up to 1200 a month for one kid :/ I'd like to stay home for the first year for maternity leave but that would be tight as well as I'd only make 55% of my current wage and if we have debt from fertility treatment on top of it all... Its just a hard way to start out. Not gonna lie, I'm flat out jealous of people that get pregnant easily.

I think having a kid is always a bit of a leap of faith, and even more so when fertility treatments are involved.

That's great that your DH can do a lot of his work from home and that you might be able to get help from his mom sometimes too! That should help a lot. The average price of childcare in NYC is $1,800/month. I don't even know if we can find something as "low" as $1,200-- and that isn't even low, I know! I was so discouraged when I looked up the cost. I really wish we had some family around that could help, but we don't. The only grandparent our child would have between the two of us is my father who lives all the way in Florida. I wish our mothers were still around, but unfortunately both of them are deceased. There are moments when I feel confident we can make it work and then other moments when I completely freak out and think we are crazy for doing this :-/

I cant/dont want to work outside of the home but I do nanny a little boy ( who will be FOUR this week!). I dont do it for the money. She pays me under $5/hr, MOST sitters/nannies want $10+/hr PER CHILD and more if they have special needs or holidays or weekends. Its insane. Daycares are $100+/week PER CHILD.

We have no family either so we either dont go out or wait until they were enough to be left or they come with us. ( i have totally toted an infant in a ring sling to a fancy cocktail type place). #GottaDoWhatYouGottaDO. :blush::haha:
I cant/dont want to work outside of the home but I do nanny a little boy ( who will be FOUR this week!). I dont do it for the money. She pays me under $5/hr, MOST sitters/nannies want $10+/hr PER CHILD and more if they have special needs or holidays or weekends. Its insane. Daycares are $100+/week PER CHILD.

We have no family either so we either dont go out or wait until they were enough to be left or they come with us. ( i have totally toted an infant in a ring sling to a fancy cocktail type place). #GottaDoWhatYouGottaDO. :blush::haha:

Wow-- $100/week! If it were that cheap here we could definitely afford it. (although if you have multiple kids, I am sure that adds up.) Maybe we should move to Ohio. Seriously. I was just reading about how the cost of housing is so much cheaper there too. Sometimes salaries are higher here, so the cost of living/childcare is easier for some, but I work in social services-- not the most lucrative career. So perhaps I could make about the same amount somewhere where it is cheaper to live.

I thought about maybe getting a babysitter, but the minimum that babysitters usually get here is $15/hour and I also worry how reliable it would be. I think we will stick with having DH do it for now and find other ways to make extra money. That is really nice of you to help out by doing it for under $5/hour!
And I am so glad you didnt give up, I can tell that you really want another baby. Most doctors start with 50mg yeah, for me that didnt do anything haha, jist dont get a fright if you get ovary pain while you are taking Clomid, its totally normal.:hugs: oh I am hoping this works for you.

I know ill get O pains. Im not scared of any of the SE except OHSS. I read protein and gatorade can help + keeping an eye on symptoms.

Well I'm not really sure what to think about my chart at this point...definitely don't have post o temps but I guess it could be a pre o dip with a fall back rise plus a slow rise if I did O on cd 16 like I thought I did...anyone have any thoughts? I noticed on my last dd chart I had a slow rise for that pregnancy so hoping that's the case this time...I'm a little bummed FF says my chances of conception are just "good" since we only dtd one day in the three days leading up to O though, we usually get much more bd in but since I was gone we missed out.

My vote gets cd16/17

What do you have planned to announce to dh or family that you are pregnant? I've been looking on Pinterest for ideas. But nothing has caught my eye, I want something unique especially for dh...our family we will probably do Easter eggs with their names on them and let them open them Easter Day and have them filled with jelly beans and either a ultrasound photo or note that says "don't spill the beans, you're going to be a auntie/grandma/papa again!" I need a good idea for dh though??

DD2 is a Dec baby. <3

Dh will get a Hulk bear wearing a baby hulk onesie. I dont talk to my family. DHs family will just be told when we find out and same with friends. Kids will get a box with a stuffed peach in it. (inside joke)

i dont get all big on announcements usually.

I don't think you need to be worried about OHSS. It seems like most women who got it was on 100mg of Clomid and higher. I didn't take anything for the Ovary pain, it lasted for only a few minutes and it happened 2 or maybe 3 times in the 5 days of taking Clomid. The other SE was far worse for me. Please keep me updated on your progress, I really hope me pushing you to give it a chance will pay off. Will you do any bloodtests to confirm O? Or what will you be doing to confirm O?
Hey guys, anyone know anything about progesterone levels? My CD 25 results came back at 36.1. That was 7 or 8 DPO. Is that good?
I don't know how everyone gets their results where they are, but I get this with my results every time I have the CD21 bloodtest. It may help those that dont see this.


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Belle and LAR - it's interesting that we all have unexplained and all of our DH's have borderline morphology. My DH's was 12 or 13% which is just below the "benchmark" of 14% - the doctors (his and both of mine) said it shouldn't be a problem. But seeing that is the case for all 3 of us it makes me wonder! If that is the issue, though, IUI should work!

I am "retiring" after this school year. I may spend time developing a small business that I started but am definitely not going to be working full time. Especially if I'll be going through IVF.
I thought about maybe getting a babysitter, but the minimum that babysitters usually get here is $15/hour and I also worry how reliable it would be.

Its all about who you pick for how reliable. Ive had some doozy of families i have worked with and it was because they werent honest with me. One mom said her DD was allergic to was way much more than that and it was beyond stressful for me. One family wouldnt let their DD play, i had to literally sit there and do nothing else. Sounds easy but it wasnt.

I don't think you need to be worried about OHSS. It seems like most women who got it was on 100mg of Clomid and higher. I didn't take anything for the Ovary pain, it lasted for only a few minutes and it happened 2 or maybe 3 times in the 5 days of taking Clomid. The other SE was far worse for me. Please keep me updated on your progress, I really hope me pushing you to give it a chance will pay off. Will you do any bloodtests to confirm O? Or what will you be doing to confirm O?

Ill do a P4 at "7dpo". Otherwise nothing.

Hey guys, anyone know anything about progesterone levels? My CD 25 results came back at 36.1. That was 7 or 8 DPO. Is that good?

what was it measured in? ng/mL or nmol/L? Mine does ng/ml and anything over 5 is O.
I'm currently 4dpo I *think*... this is my first 2ww finally on My 4th round of Clomid...although I'm not convinced I O'd because my temps still seem so low to me...but ff gave me crosshairs this morning! I definitely had all the O signs and +OPK but I feel like it can't be true because of my low temps. Can someone/anyone look at my chart and let me know your thoughts :) pretty please!
Ask it is interesting, the lower morphology and all 3 of us being unexplained. I wouldn't have made that connection but you're right. I don't think a lower morphology makes it impossible to get pregnant, it just takes longer, and then if you add any inefficiency on the woman's side (i.e. my thinner linings in our case) that could easily lead to unexplained infertility. My RE had said we should consider ourselves subfertile rather than infertile. IUI should be helpful in over coming that inefficiency, and if it doesn't work out for us, then certainly IVF will (I hope). I am hopeful that all of us unexplained girls will get our BFPs in the end! They'll be so much sweeter when they do arrive.
Ask- I didn't realize your DH and Belle's DH have low morphology too. Your doctor wanted to see at least 14% morphology? I was told by a nurse at my doctor's office that they like to see at least 4% morphology, and since my DH's was 3%, she said it was low, but not way off. But if your doctor was looking for 14%, that seems like a big difference.

Belle- what was your husband's morphology and what did the doctor say was the amount s/he would like to see?

Even though my DH's morphology is low, the good news is that he has a good sperm count. The last IUI we did, just this past Monday, he had 140 million! I was so shocked as I was not expecting a number that high. It was about an hour and a half between the time he produced it and the time I handed it over at the doctor's office, so I was concerned that the quality had deteriorated, but doctor didn't seem to think it had. We also BD'd the night of the IUI and the morning after, so I feel like we gave it our best shot this cycle.

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