Belle - that sounds scary and nerve-wracking! I'm glad you are ok! The lengths we are willing to go to to make a baby...
So I bit the bullet and made my decision...clomid + IUI + progesterone supp. it is! I texted DH at work after I woke up (I'm on spring break) and he said "Let'S go with your gut! You're the expert!" He also stopped complaining about taking all of his vitamins and said, "I think they may have helped!"

I figure this can only increase our chances and then I won't wonder, "what if?" Some people say you are more fertile after a CP so I want to maximize our potential!
LAR - my hcg was only at a 6 on Saturday and yesterday's blood hcg was negative (2). How are you doing?
I wonder how Nore is doing...we haven't heard from her in awhile.
Love - any progression on that wondfo?!
Four - how are you doing?