Clomid Buddies (moved to LTTTC board)

Hey ladies, I need to take another hiatus from this site for awhile to clear my head. I may pop in from time to time and I doubt my leave will last forever. Just need to take a break. This is all becoming too much again.
Hey ladies, I need to take another hiatus from this site for awhile to clear my head. I may pop in from time to time and I doubt my leave will last forever. Just need to take a break. This is all becoming too much again.

Oh no Belle, I'm sorry. We were cycle buddies. :cry: I'll miss you but I understand. Take care of yourself.
Nita, no only might we be at the same point in our cycle but both failed 50mg and back on provera. I'm glad you don't have to wait around for provera and can get started straight again.

Baby dust, you have a rise after CD 15. Have you checked your CM? That can help detect ovulation before it happens. They don't generally recommend using a new thermometer half way through a cycle, but make a note of it and it should be fine.

Weebles, I haven't been offered a trigger shot but looking at my clinic's website it would cost me somewhere between $1500-$3000(USD) just for the trigger. I don't have insurance and in my country, insurance doesn't cover fertility treatment. So I'm guessing it's not really an option for me at the moment. My doctor wanted me to try 3 months of Clomiphene and if nothing to come back.

Still no AF and my temp was high this morning. I did have rubbish sleep, which of course would happen when the temp I needed to accurate. So I'm guessing it just hasn't dropped yet. I'm going to humor myself and do a HPT.
Hi Ladies,

I am joining the group! I am in my second cycle using Clomid. The first cycle I responded "Too Well" and was instructed to not have sex and wait until next cycle to start over due too the possibility of multiples, I had over 4 eggs.

I am in OD-5, took my last Clomid Pill on Sunday and took an OPK test this morning and got a smiley face! I go in for IUI Friday.
Hi Ladies,

I am joining the group! I am in my second cycle using Clomid. The first cycle I responded "Too Well" and was instructed to not have sex and wait until next cycle to start over due too the possibility of multiples, I had over 4 eggs.

I am in OD-5, took my last Clomid Pill on Sunday and took an OPK test this morning and got a smiley face! I go in for IUI Friday.

Alright!! Not a terrible problem to have (although I'm sure disappointing). How big were your follicles?

Welcome to the group!
Sarah, i was so glad when i heard i can start with provera immediately again. Already started taking it ^^ the next 15 days is going to be sooo long waiting for AF. Goodluck with your HPT perhaps you will get the BFP you are waiting for.
We will miss you, Belle, but totally get it! Take care of yourself!

Welcome TTC!

Sorry to hear about last cycle, Nita. Hope AF comes quickly!

I'm waiting in my doctor's office for my day 3 ultrasound. Will update after!
Belle, let us know what you decide about femara. Enjoy the puppy!

TTCfirst, haha I agree with 2much, if only you could share them around! Welcome :) they going to lower your dose next time?

Nita, I know! Once you start taking provera it's just waiting and waiting. I'm 16 days since I started provera now and still nothing. It was a BFN, which I'm not surprised about.

Good luck Ask.

I've been trying to eat lowish carb, not eat any added sugar or dairy and I've lost 2.2kgs in the last 2 weeks (4.4lbs). My BMI is now 23.4 and trying to get it down to 21.2. Hopefully a sort of PCOSdiet will help me even though I don't desperately need to lose weight.
Doc said my ovaries look great and ready for round 2, which I just started! 50mg again, CD3-7. Going back in on CD17 to check follicles, since clomid seems to make me ovulate late.

Sarah - I asked my doc about weight too as I've gained 10 lbs in the last year, but am still within the healthy/normal range. She said I don't need to lose weight and just to "eat sensibly". My BMI is 24. I'm 5'4" and went from a size 2 to a 4. I want to lose the weight but don't want to put stress on my body with a strict diet, as I already eat pretty healthy.
Hi Sarah, yes Doc put me down to 1/2 a pill for 5x days.

Hi 2much, I honestly do not know how big my follicles are. I actually didn't even know to ask the question. I am so new to this entire process I don't know the right questions to ask, I didn't even know you could do OPK at home.

I feel so late in the game considering I am 33 and just TTC #1.
Ask, that's great news. My doctor said the same about losing weight. He said I didn't need to lose any because I not overweight. But since coming off the pill and injuring my stupid ankle I've put on a bit of weight. I know with PCOS, carbs aren't good and neither is sugar. I'm just trying to eat fewer processed foods and more whole foods, especially fish, eggs and vegetables. I'm getting a bit frustrated at not being able to do anything to help my fertility so I hoped that this might (at the very least) make me feel like I'm doing something. If you're going to do anything, I think cutting down on sugar and eating more whole foods would be beneficial for anyone and not too drastic for our bodies.

However I have heard the theory that you feed your body lots and evolutionary it thinks this is the perfect time to get pregnant because there's so much food around haha. Who knows??

TTC, do you ovulate on your own? Hopefully your lower dose will produce just the right number of eggs. I know it might feel like you're a little late in the game but it doesn't mean it's not possible or probable. Even though I don't ovulate on my own, my doctor thinks it's ok to take a 'considered approach' because I'm 'young'. DH and I would like at least 3 so I don't feel that young. I don't want a considered approach, I'm sick of waiting! Wah! :(
Thank you for the reassurance, Sarah. I do not ovulate on my own either. I completely agree with you about eating healthy. I am trying to do everything in my power to be ready before baby. Cutting out sugar and not eating carbs is a biggy for me with the PCOS, it definitely helps in my overall mindset and makes me feel good.
Nita, no only might we be at the same point in our cycle but both failed 50mg and back on provera. I'm glad you don't have to wait around for provera and can get started straight again.

Baby dust, you have a rise after CD 15. Have you checked your CM? That can help detect ovulation before it happens. They don't generally recommend using a new thermometer half way through a cycle, but make a note of it and it should be fine.

Weebles, I haven't been offered a trigger shot but looking at my clinic's website it would cost me somewhere between $1500-$3000(USD) just for the trigger. I don't have insurance and in my country, insurance doesn't cover fertility treatment. So I'm guessing it's not really an option for me at the moment. My doctor wanted me to try 3 months of Clomiphene and if nothing to come back.

Still no AF and my temp was high this morning. I did have rubbish sleep, which of course would happen when the temp I needed to accurate. So I'm guessing it just hasn't dropped yet. I'm going to humor myself and do a HPT.

Then it would almost be cheaper for you to take a vacation to Thailand and get the trigger here :) I was offered the trigger the very first time I saw the Dr in case I wanted to know exactly when I would o, especially since my husband is travelling a lot! Actually, when I o-ed in June, he got sick. But had he not gotten sick he would have been going to Australia.. So... Anyway, it's not free here either but not that pricey! I assume iui is covered though?
Norelisa, I live in New Zealand so it probably would be cheaper haha. Plus a holiday included. IUIs aren't funded here either. This is my clinic's price list -

For IUI with partner's sperm:
Cost per cycle (excl. medication) - $1,590
Average cost of medication - $0 - $500

Ovulation with gonadotrophins:
Cost per cycle (excl. medication) - $1,165
Average cost for medication - $1,000 - $2,500

Bangkok Holidays:
Flights from Auckland + 4 nights Ibis Bangkok Sathorn - $1039

Hahahaha! I might suggest that to DH!

TTCfirst, frustrating you don't ovulate on your own, but amazing you produced too many follicles on your first dose! I'm glad you're finding some improvement with healthy eating. I don't mean to be rude, but do you fit into the 'classic' PCOS subset or 'lean' PCOS? I'm wondering how much benefit this diet is going to be for those who aren't overweight.
I'll miss you Belle! Take care of yourself.
Norelisa, I live in New Zealand so it probably would be cheaper haha. Plus a holiday included. IUIs aren't funded here either. This is my clinic's price list -

For IUI with partner's sperm:
Cost per cycle (excl. medication) - $1,590
Average cost of medication - $0 - $500

Ovulation with gonadotrophins:
Cost per cycle (excl. medication) - $1,165
Average cost for medication - $1,000 - $2,500

Bangkok Holidays:
Flights from Auckland + 4 nights Ibis Bangkok Sathorn - $1039

Hahahaha! I might suggest that to DH!

TTCfirst, frustrating you don't ovulate on your own, but amazing you produced too many follicles on your first dose! I'm glad you're finding some improvement with healthy eating. I don't mean to be rude, but do you fit into the 'classic' PCOS subset or 'lean' PCOS? I'm wondering how much benefit this diet is going to be for those who aren't overweight.

You should come !! haha :) That would be so cool, I can show you around :)

I can't remember the prices for IUI here, but very affordable, maybe around 10000thb (around 400 new zealand dollar). It might have been less, but I dont want to write something wrong. I also got a quote from another hospital (BNH) which we found to be a bit expensive, so Samitivej was cheaper. BNH prices for comparison :

2.3 Drug used for trigger ovulation:
hCG 5000 units i.m. 2,750 thb (110 NZD)
OR Ovidrel 250 mcg s.c 2,800thb (112 NZD)

I hope you won't be needing any of this, but worh having a look :) I have read about people coming here to do IUI/IVF etc.. So if you come I can help if you need me!:)

For me: temperature still up.. no AF.. kind of want to pos to check if anything going on other than my usual daily opk-testing (all test negative, but always a faint line.. strange)..
Will probably get AF on holidays.. ah well, I'll bring lots of pain killers and my bottle of Amarula.. haha:)
I've just been watching this video -
It's really just relevant for PCOS and a bit jargony and long, but for those who don't have PCOS there was one thing that was really interesting.

Vitamin C plus Clomiphene have better odds than Clomiphene on its own.
Norelisa - everything in Thailand is cheaper than in most parts of the world. I would so love travelling there again. Was there last year on my honeymoon and well lets just say we lived of street market food and drinks (its so cheap and sooo good) and unfortunately I came back home weighing 3KG's more :haha:

AF has a way to show when you least want her to show. I hope that when she shows its painless. I immediately started my Provera again last night without checking dates. IF AF showed 5 days after my last pil again I will have AF on the weekend and we have arranged to spend time with friends then. Last month after the provera I had horrible cramps for about 6 hours, hope this month will be better.

Goodluck to all with your day - and positive results for all those testing. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Norelisa, haha I wish. One of my friends is there at the moment and another is going in a week! So jealous haha.

You hear of so many people going to Thailand for plastic surgery and dental work, so I'm not surprised it's all cheaper. I wonder what IVF prices are like. If we get to that stage, it might be worth looking at. Wow so heap! Will you do a trigger injection?

Thanks, hopefully we won't get to the IVF stage and if we do IUI in the near future it'll be because DH is in the army and gets deployed overseas. We've talked about freezing his sperm for that purpose. Couldn't really freeze it and take it to Thailand though haha.

How frustrating is AF! Are HPT cheap there too?

Nita, that will be frustrating if AF comes then, but at least she'll be here and you can start a new cycle. Maybe I need to make some huge plans for the next few days so AF can arrive and ruin them! Did you have any problems on Provera last time?
Norelisa - everything in Thailand is cheaper than in most parts of the world. I would so love travelling there again. Was there last year on my honeymoon and well lets just say we lived of street market food and drinks (its so cheap and sooo good) and unfortunately I came back home weighing 3KG's more :haha:

AF has a way to show when you least want her to show. I hope that when she shows its painless. I immediately started my Provera again last night without checking dates. IF AF showed 5 days after my last pil again I will have AF on the weekend and we have arranged to spend time with friends then. Last month after the provera I had horrible cramps for about 6 hours, hope this month will be better.

Goodluck to all with your day - and positive results for all those testing. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I'm not good with spicy food, haha, so not much street food for me.. Since we have lived here for so long now I enjoy to make my own food at home, even though its often more expensive than eating out!

Norelisa, haha I wish. One of my friends is there at the moment and another is going in a week! So jealous haha.

You hear of so many people going to Thailand for plastic surgery and dental work, so I'm not surprised it's all cheaper. I wonder what IVF prices are like. If we get to that stage, it might be worth looking at. Wow so heap! Will you do a trigger injection?

Thanks, hopefully we won't get to the IVF stage and if we do IUI in the near future it'll be because DH is in the army and gets deployed overseas. We've talked about freezing his sperm for that purpose. Couldn't really freeze it and take it to Thailand though haha.

How frustrating is AF! Are HPT cheap there too?

Nita, that will be frustrating if AF comes then, but at least she'll be here and you can start a new cycle. Maybe I need to make some huge plans for the next few days so AF can arrive and ruin them! Did you have any problems on Provera last time?

I don't think I will do it, unless we try IUI.. I mean, triggerwise:)
Next step for us will be:

November: Try without medicine.
Reason? I don't want an August baby as my family in law has a farm and I think they have an unhealthy way of ignoring anything else during the harvesting. I don't want my child to be but second because of "thats how it is when the family has a farm".

December: another try with Clomid.
More analysis on me: are my tubes blocked? did anyone check this? Apparently they "fill you up" with liquid and then xray to see if the liquid manage to get through the tubes..

I haven't compared prices for IVF but I have the price at BNH-hospital (which for everything else was more expensive than Samitivej who is one of the top two hospitals in BKK). Prices for IVF is quite complex and I'm not able to add it as an attachement.. So here we go: Prices in THB:

1000Thb =40 NZD
1000 thb =28,6 UDS
1000thb =23,4 pounds
1000 thb = 26,29 euros

Cost of IVF Program at BIC (Bangkok IVF Center)
BIC: BNH Hospital Update: March 2014
1. Preparation part:
Content Detail Cost (Baht)
1.1 Routine Blood work CBC, Bl gr., Rh gr., Anti HIV, VDRL, HBsAg, Anti HCV, Rubella IgG, Hemoglobin typing 8,750
1.2 Blood test for Hormones on DAY 2 of period FSH, LH, E2, PRL 3,360
1.3 Transvaginal Ultrasound on DAY 12 of period TVS 2,800
1.4 Sperm Count SA 2,500

2. Ovarian Stimulation part:
Content Detail / Dose Cost (Baht)
2.1 Drug used for down regulation: Suprefact E nasal spray 4,200
OR Suprefact injection 5.5 ml 3,000
2.2 Drug used for ovarian stimulation: Gonal F 300 units per day for 10 days 96,000
OR Puregon 200 units per day for 10 days 96,000

Ovarian Stimulation part:
Content Detail / Dose Cost (Baht)
2.3 Drug used for trigger ovulation: hCG 5000 units i.m. 2,750
OR Ovidrel 250 mcg s.c. 2,800
2.4 Ultrasound Scan monitoring follicular growth: u/s 2,800

3. IVF Laboratory part:
Content Detail Cost (Baht)
3.1 Oocyte retrieval and Embryo culture - 150,000- 160,000
3.2 Preimplantation Genetic Screening PGS
1 – 8 embryos 90,000
3.3 Embryo Transfer ET 50,000 – 70,000
3.4 Embryo Freezing 1 year,10 straw
>10 straw 20,000
2,000 :1 embryo
3.5 Surgical retrieval of sperm in case of Azoospermia PESA or TESE 60,000

4. Luteal Support program:
Content Dose Cost (Baht)
4.1 Crinone 8% gel Each 305
4.2 Pregnyl 1500 units im. Each 550
4.3 Duphaston 10 mg./tab Each 42
4.4 Progynova 2 mg. 28 tabs 258

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