Clomid Buddies (moved to LTTTC board)

The earthquake sounds scary,I am glad you are ok and still managed to get a good temp! Looking good!
Belle - that is so upsetting. I am so sorry! We saw my husband's family today and his older sister, who never married or had children, was holding our niece and was joking about how she wants a baby but her ship has sailed, and said to me, "can you have a baby for me?" (jokingly of course)...but all I could think was, I'm having a hard time having my own baby! Those "reminders" are very painful. I'm glad your dad was trying to help. :hugs:

Sarah - glad you are okay! That is very scary. Yikes! The good news is your temp is looking good.

Nita - I had a very heavy and clotty first two days of this cycle after my first round of clomid.

Norelisa - hope you can confirm O soon!

Question - for those with PCOS - how did your doctor diagnose you? I don't think I have it as I ovulate normally and don't really have any symptoms aside from some skin issues (frequent breakouts). I've had several ultrasounds and had FSH, AMH, estradiol, etc. checked. Just curious how your doctor knew.
Thank you everyone for all of your supportive words. Ignorant but well meaning family and friends are the hardest part of infertility. I'm so thankful that there are some people out there who "get it".

Had some cramping today, I think it was O cramping (which I've never had before!). I hope it's a good sign. We BD'd again for good measure. Hopefully we will finally have some good luck.

Ask I think the best was of testing for pcos is hormone testing since not having cysts doesn't mean that you don't have pcos. Since your hormone testing sounds normal you ste probably in the clear! I also get bad breakouts before AF, unfortunately that's just part of the pms package! My acupuncturist has said the herbs they have me on should reduce the pms. Hopefully it will be just the thing to boost up our chances

Sarah very scary about that earthquake! Glad to hear you are okay! Amazing you even managed to temp lol. I see you got a positive OPK this cycle which is amazing!!! 100mg clomid sounds it's just the trick for you!
Happy to hear you and your family are ok, Sarah!!:hugs:

I assume having ovulated by now, so started my progesterone this morning. . I don't think I have a very high dose (10 mg *3 times a day). Have read about girls taking much more.. Though it seems like they give progesterone for different cases (either at 3dpo or after positive pregnancy test).. For me it's for my lining:) eating Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds and forgot yesterday to eat my pineapple core, but will eat today.

Going to Hong Kong on Wednesday, so not sure how easy it will be to find pineapple core there.. Ah well.. :)
Nita, I took mine at night on CD 3-7. It doesn't matter too much anyway. There's a bit of wiggle room with the days anyway. It goes pretty quickly once you get your CD 1. Are you calling your first day of full flow AF? I'm sorry, it's hard when someone close to you (and even if they're not) announces their pregnancy. I've had 3-4 in the past few months and they're all friends who got married around the time we did. But with any luck, this will be our cycle! Sorry about the heavy AF too, hopefully it's not too bad tomorrow. Thanks for the kind wishes about the earthquake. It's lucky we are a wee way from the epicenter but it was so massive pretty much the whole country felt it. I'm not surprised it's made the news overseas. My family are all ok, - few were evacuated because of tsunami risks. We were planning to travel down that road (where all the massive slips are) next month. There are a few back roads so we will have to work out what we do. And yes! Have high hopes that 100mg will work for you! I'll do my CD 21 blood test on Thursday. I might keep temping too.

I'm sorry Belle, I'm glad that your dad knows and he was able to stick up for you. How shit :( . I'm so excited about my chart haha. My OPK wasn't 100% positive but it was so close I just called it. I think I must have a really short surge. Then about 12 hours after the OPK I felt ovulation pain. The 100mg did the trick. The problem is that I don't know what my lining is like, hopefully ok. Hopefully your cramps are a good sign!

Aphy, thanks. It was pretty scary. It lasted for 2 minutes! I managed to get to sleep at about 2.30-3am and woke up to temp at 7.45.

Ask, thanks. Thankfully we are all ok. Yes I'm pretty happy about my chart. In terms of my PCOS diagnosis, my blood tests showed slightly high free androgen, low estrogen, low progesterone, high prolactin. My FSH:LH ratio was about 1:1.5, which isn't too bad. All of those tests were done on CD 3 except progesterone which I had done between CD 21-37 on 3 different cycles. My ultrasound showed large ovaries and more than 12 follicles on each ovary. I get the occasional skin break out, a bit more hair than normal, long cycles. I'm not overweight and don't have IR.

Norelisa, we both ovulated on Saturday! Your chart definitely suggests you ovulated. I'm doing pineapple core this time too. When do you think you'll test? We should get our crosshairs tomorrow
Sarah - CD3 today for me. The cramps are better today and my flow is a bit lighter as well, more or less what it is like on CD3. Feeling very down today - some days I just get that feeling that it might never happen for us. I am excited to start the new cycle of Clomid tomorrow but also scared that it might not work, and then I really have no idea further. I am going for 21 day blood test on 3 December so its still a while to go.

It does look like both of you (Sarah & Norelisa) O'd - I am so happy for you and I hope you both get a little miracle this month. :hugs: Let us know how that 21 day blood test results are looking.
Nita, I'm glad to hear that your AF isn't too bad now. I hope you don't have any crazy side effects from 100mg. I did feel iffy but looking back on it, it could have been worse. I know what you mean about feeling down some days and optimistic the next. It's so hard, harder than anything I've ever been through before. It's so consuming and heart breaking. I was feeling the exact same as you, scared but excited. I think based on mine and Norelisa's experience, you have a good chance of Oing! I'll do the blood test on Thursday. I also have to do the AMH blood test to see what my egg supply is like! I'll hopefully get the results at least from the CD 21 test on Friday.
DH emailed his boss about leave over the Christmas Break. In the Southern Hemisphere that's our summer, so we get a decent time off work. Anyway, DH is in the army and he emailed his boss. Basically he can have leave over the summer as long as he can get back to the base within 72 hours in case of a tropical cyclone in the South Pacific. If this happens (like it did this year) then he'll have to fly back and I'll be left to drive the length of the country (as well as all the earthquake related road issues). He then could be gone for 3-4 months and come back with Zika...

Please let there be no cyclones and I get pregnant this cycle.
Nita, I'm glad to hear that your AF isn't too bad now. I hope you don't have any crazy side effects from 100mg. I did feel iffy but looking back on it, it could have been worse. I know what you mean about feeling down some days and optimistic the next. It's so hard, harder than anything I've ever been through before. It's so consuming and heart breaking. I was feeling the exact same as you, scared but excited. I think based on mine and Norelisa's experience, you have a good chance of Oing! I'll do the blood test on Thursday. I also have to do the AMH blood test to see what my egg supply is like! I'll hopefully get the results at least from the CD 21 test on Friday.

Thank you for the inspired words - sometimes it is needed to hear things like this. The things that concern me most is that my mom had an ovarian cyst when she was my age and also that most pills dont work on me, I would get all the side effects and not the cure it was intended for. For example I had cortisone for a week last year, it didn't cure me and I had withdrawel symptoms from it for 3 weeks. Luckily the provera is to induce AF and that worked (although suffering from heavy cramps) but I am scared Clomid simply won't work - I really can't do another round of Provera.

I wanted to ask how regularly do you ladies do a pap smear? I do it once a year(especially since I found out about my mom's cyst) and every year it comes back clean, my gynae even said she is surprised at how clean mine comes back every year.
Nita, I'm glad to hear that your AF isn't too bad now. I hope you don't have any crazy side effects from 100mg. I did feel iffy but looking back on it, it could have been worse. I know what you mean about feeling down some days and optimistic the next. It's so hard, harder than anything I've ever been through before. It's so consuming and heart breaking. I was feeling the exact same as you, scared but excited. I think based on mine and Norelisa's experience, you have a good chance of Oing! I'll do the blood test on Thursday. I also have to do the AMH blood test to see what my egg supply is like! I'll hopefully get the results at least from the CD 21 test on Friday.

Thank you for the inspired words - sometimes it is needed to hear things like this. The things that concern me most is that my mom had an ovarian cyst when she was my age and also that most pills dont work on me, I would get all the side effects and not the cure it was intended for. For example I had cortisone for a week last year, it didn't cure me and I had withdrawel symptoms from it for 3 weeks. Luckily the provera is to induce AF and that worked (although suffering from heavy cramps) but I am scared Clomid simply won't work - I really can't do another round of Provera.

I wanted to ask how regularly do you ladies do a pap smear? I do it once a year(especially since I found out about my mom's cyst) and every year it comes back clean, my gynae even said she is surprised at how clean mine comes back every year.

I did my pap smear in June at the same time as my first ultrasound.. Luckily all well. I will monitor at least once a year, and I know my mother wanted me to remove the ovaries after I have the children I want, as she had ovarian cancer that was detected too late and might run in the family. My aunt was luckier and got hers removed earlier this year..
I actually have another silly question to ask... So I have been temping a few days, and each morning at around 4:30 I take my temp, problem is I cant get myself to sleep for more than 2 - 3 hours at a time. I suffer from insomnia and I am a very light sleeper, I wake from any noise (I actually think it's a common problem in South Africa because of the high crime numbers) - sorry back to the question, how reliable is my temps?
I actually have another silly question to ask... So I have been temping a few days, and each morning at around 4:30 I take my temp, problem is I cant get myself to sleep for more than 2 - 3 hours at a time. I suffer from insomnia and I am a very light sleeper, I wake from any noise (I actually think it's a common problem in South Africa because of the high crime numbers) - sorry back to the question, how reliable is my temps?

I have also problems with temping, I often wake up at various times.. I tried to temp every time I wake up, but the temps are varying so much!! Same night 36.4-36.7 and 37... Which to choose?! I have ordered a bbt thermometer so hopefully that will help a little.. And I'll start with an alarm clock next month, though my husband might get mad as I would have to put it at 4 or 4:30 to make sure I get some sleep first.. A little worried I will start waking up earlier too, because I know it will ring...

Back to your question: i think if you take the temp more or less at the same time and always after a few hours sleep, you will see a pattern.. :)

Ps: they have a section about it on fertility friend. I think I added you as a friend there, I have no idea what that entails so don't feel obligated to accept :)
I actually have another silly question to ask... So I have been temping a few days, and each morning at around 4:30 I take my temp, problem is I cant get myself to sleep for more than 2 - 3 hours at a time. I suffer from insomnia and I am a very light sleeper, I wake from any noise (I actually think it's a common problem in South Africa because of the high crime numbers) - sorry back to the question, how reliable is my temps?

I have also problems with temping, I often wake up at various times.. I tried to temp every time I wake up, but the temps are varying so much!! Same night 36.4-36.7 and 37... Which to choose?! I have ordered a bbt thermometer so hopefully that will help a little.. And I'll start with an alarm clock next month, though my husband might get mad as I would have to put it at 4 or 4:30 to make sure I get some sleep first.. A little worried I will start waking up earlier too, because I know it will ring...

Back to your question: i think if you take the temp more or less at the same time and always after a few hours sleep, you will see a pattern.. :)

Ps: they have a section about it on fertility friend. I think I added you as a friend there, I have no idea what that entails so don't feel obligated to accept :)

Looks like we are now FF buddies :hugs: I did read up on temps and it all says you need to tests after atleast 3 - 4 hours of sleep, otherwise its not reliable. Guess I will just keep testing on the same time and same circumstances - not like I have anything to lose by doing it.
Nita, you're welcome. It's so hard to keep your hopes up while still being realistic. I am confident you'll ovulate on 100mg! In terms of a smear, I just get one when I get recalled. I think I'm the normal recall which is every 3 years. In terms of them temping, it's possible you'll have a few temps that aren't quite right but you should still be able to get a pattern. It's easy to focus on individual temperatures but you're really just looking for an overall picture. I think keep going with it and try and take as much care between CD 11-18 to get accurate temps.
Norelisa- Funny you mention that, pineapple sometimes makes my tongue feel weird too. Almost like a tingling/burning. Wonder if it's just really acidic or something?

I had my CD12 scan today (Clomid CD3-7). My lining was improved- 7.3 (was 6.1 last month). Not sure if it's because of the supplements and tea or just different/better this month. Two good follies- right side had a 22mm and left side had a 24mm. Triggered at the office. Feeling pretty hopeful!
Nita, you're welcome. It's so hard to keep your hopes up while still being realistic. I am confident you'll ovulate on 100mg! In terms of a smear, I just get one when I get recalled. I think I'm the normal recall which is every 3 years. In terms of them temping, it's possible you'll have a few temps that aren't quite right but you should still be able to get a pattern. It's easy to focus on individual temperatures but you're really just looking for an overall picture. I think keep going with it and try and take as much care between CD 11-18 to get accurate temps.

Thank you for the advice. I figured I would keep on temping throughout the cycle and use OPKs but ultimately the 21 day blood test would confirm O or not. I see your temp is still up, thats awesome. Hope things have calmed after the earthqauke?
So I took my temp 50mins earlier today because I had almost 4 hours of sleep when i woke up, but it cant be right :haha: mayne its the cheap thermo i am using. And also starting my Clomid today :happydance:
2much, yay for a thicker lining. It's all sounding very promising! Are you doing OPKs or temping? Get BDing!

Nita, I plan to keep temping too. I've got into the habit again and I want a complete chart haha. With your temps, it's common for them to be a little crazy during AF.

Only felt one aftershock today but there have been hundreds. Plus now we've got floods!

Norelisa, how's the start of your TWW going? Any symptoms?
2much, yay for a thicker lining. It's all sounding very promising! Are you doing OPKs or temping? Get BDing!

Nita, I plan to keep temping too. I've got into the habit again and I want a complete chart haha. With your temps, it's common for them to be a little crazy during AF.

Only felt one aftershock today but there have been hundreds. Plus now we've got floods!

Norelisa, how's the start of your TWW going? Any symptoms?

I would also like a complete chart - just because i am curious. this is so new to me every morning my temp is a surprise.

Looks like the southern hemisphere is having some bad luck. We have been having flash floods for about a week now, people are still missing and some have died unfortunately. Parts of the province have been declared disaster zones and there was a tornado just south from us last night. More heavy rains and storms forecasted. Goodluck XXX
I've learned a lot by temping. I'm not sure how accurate my charts have been in the past because my blood tests don't confirm ovulation when my temps do, but it can still tell you lots.

Poor Southern Hemisphere! That sounds pretty bad. Are you guys safe there?

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