Nita, I'm glad to hear that your AF isn't too bad now. I hope you don't have any crazy side effects from 100mg. I did feel iffy but looking back on it, it could have been worse. I know what you mean about feeling down some days and optimistic the next. It's so hard, harder than anything I've ever been through before. It's so consuming and heart breaking. I was feeling the exact same as you, scared but excited. I think based on mine and Norelisa's experience, you have a good chance of Oing! I'll do the blood test on Thursday. I also have to do the AMH blood test to see what my egg supply is like! I'll hopefully get the results at least from the CD 21 test on Friday.
Nita, I'm glad to hear that your AF isn't too bad now. I hope you don't have any crazy side effects from 100mg. I did feel iffy but looking back on it, it could have been worse. I know what you mean about feeling down some days and optimistic the next. It's so hard, harder than anything I've ever been through before. It's so consuming and heart breaking. I was feeling the exact same as you, scared but excited. I think based on mine and Norelisa's experience, you have a good chance of Oing! I'll do the blood test on Thursday. I also have to do the AMH blood test to see what my egg supply is like! I'll hopefully get the results at least from the CD 21 test on Friday.
Thank you for the inspired words - sometimes it is needed to hear things like this. The things that concern me most is that my mom had an ovarian cyst when she was my age and also that most pills dont work on me, I would get all the side effects and not the cure it was intended for. For example I had cortisone for a week last year, it didn't cure me and I had withdrawel symptoms from it for 3 weeks. Luckily the provera is to induce AF and that worked (although suffering from heavy cramps) but I am scared Clomid simply won't work - I really can't do another round of Provera.
I wanted to ask how regularly do you ladies do a pap smear? I do it once a year(especially since I found out about my mom's cyst) and every year it comes back clean, my gynae even said she is surprised at how clean mine comes back every year.
I actually have another silly question to ask... So I have been temping a few days, and each morning at around 4:30 I take my temp, problem is I cant get myself to sleep for more than 2 - 3 hours at a time. I suffer from insomnia and I am a very light sleeper, I wake from any noise (I actually think it's a common problem in South Africa because of the high crime numbers) - sorry back to the question, how reliable is my temps?
I actually have another silly question to ask... So I have been temping a few days, and each morning at around 4:30 I take my temp, problem is I cant get myself to sleep for more than 2 - 3 hours at a time. I suffer from insomnia and I am a very light sleeper, I wake from any noise (I actually think it's a common problem in South Africa because of the high crime numbers) - sorry back to the question, how reliable is my temps?
I have also problems with temping, I often wake up at various times.. I tried to temp every time I wake up, but the temps are varying so much!! Same night 36.4-36.7 and 37... Which to choose?! I have ordered a bbt thermometer so hopefully that will help a little.. And I'll start with an alarm clock next month, though my husband might get mad as I would have to put it at 4 or 4:30 to make sure I get some sleep first.. A little worried I will start waking up earlier too, because I know it will ring...
Back to your question: i think if you take the temp more or less at the same time and always after a few hours sleep, you will see a pattern..
Ps: they have a section about it on fertility friend. I think I added you as a friend there, I have no idea what that entails so don't feel obligated to accept![]()
Nita, you're welcome. It's so hard to keep your hopes up while still being realistic. I am confident you'll ovulate on 100mg! In terms of a smear, I just get one when I get recalled. I think I'm the normal recall which is every 3 years. In terms of them temping, it's possible you'll have a few temps that aren't quite right but you should still be able to get a pattern. It's easy to focus on individual temperatures but you're really just looking for an overall picture. I think keep going with it and try and take as much care between CD 11-18 to get accurate temps.
2much, yay for a thicker lining. It's all sounding very promising! Are you doing OPKs or temping? Get BDing!
Nita, I plan to keep temping too. I've got into the habit again and I want a complete chart haha. With your temps, it's common for them to be a little crazy during AF.
Only felt one aftershock today but there have been hundreds. Plus now we've got floods!
Norelisa, how's the start of your TWW going? Any symptoms?