Clomid Buddies (moved to LTTTC board)

Sarah - I also had a little bit of EWCM on CD18, but after that it was mostly creamy. your cycle sounds a lot like how mine was. :cry:

Luckily I still have some time to decide whether or not im going through with the OD. I will definitely be requesting the blood tests, although I dont think my doctor would go through with it without the blood tests. But yeah she said we will talk in January about it again.
I had some EWCM on CD 15 but no + opk. I'm on CD 17 & still no ovulation detected on my CB digital test. I called my DR to see if I should still come for the CD 21 blood work since I'm almost sure I failed to O this round & they think I should. This would have been a perfect Christmas surprise for DH 🙁
Nita, at lunch time it was really watery. This afternoon creamy. Tonight sticky. I've given up hope of it being anything other than an anov cycle. Definitely ask for the blood tests. It would be best to know what's going on. There are other reasons for not ovulating, like prolactin issues, thyroid or other unexplained reasons. My friend doesn't have PCOS she just doesn't ovulate on her own. I'm glad you've got time to think about it.

Love, I had an almost positive OPK on Saturday and I'm CD 18 today and I'm certain I haven't ovulated. My doctor uses the CD 21 blood test to check for ovulation and set a plan for the next cycle. Probably a good plan to do it. I'm feeling sad about that too, I was expecting AF on Christmas Day.. now I'm expecting Provera for Christmas.
Love - getting the CD21 blood test is definitely a good idea. You will typically get the results within the next 2 days and its the best indication to show if Clomid worked or not.

Sarah :( stupid provera.
BFN on FRER this morning -11dpt and 9dpo. Guess yesterday I still had hcg from the trigger in my system. :cry: It's still early but honestly, I'm not holding out hope. Sigh.
:hugs: Ask4joy,I hope you still get a surprise xxx
BFN on FRER this morning -11dpt and 9dpo. Guess yesterday I still had hcg from the trigger in my system. :cry: It's still early but honestly, I'm not holding out hope. Sigh.

On the positive side - you know the trigger has now worked out of your system, if you get a BFP in the next few days you don't need to wonder if its still the trigger it will be a certain BFP :hugs:
Sarah so sorry about the provera :( I am still hoping you will get a surprise O!

Ask it's so hard during the TWW, hang in there! It's still way too early to consider yourself out! 9 dpo is a pretty common day for implantation to happen so the majority of people would have a negative at 9 dpo!

Well I got the clear temp rise I was looking for! So it's possible I didn't O until yesterday. We would have totally missed our most fertile days if we had relied on OPKs. I think I'm going to switch from the digital OPKs to the standard ones. I think the digitals are giving me an earlier result for the LH surge. My fertility clinic actually said that you shoukdnt use digital OPKs when doing IUIs and I think it's for this reason.
Ask4joy: Good to know I am not the only one, lol, I couldn't help myself either and tested this morning, and I am also 9 dpo. I also got a BFN. I had bleeding at 5 dpo so I thought perhaps I might have implanted early, but alas. Trying to think positive, but I feel same as you, not feeling too optimistic. I only have one pregnancy test left so I am going to wait until either 13 dpo or until the day after AF is due. Haven't decided which. Might wait for AF because hubby will be out of town at 13 dpo, and if I did somehow get a BFP I would want to tell him in person but not sure I would be able to contain myself, lol.

I am trying not to symptom spot bc I know it may set me up for disappointment, but:
5 & 6 dpo: Bleeding, (tmi alert) gas
8 dpo: Dizziness
9 dpo: Vivid dreams

I am worried though that if my ovulation day is off even a little it means that our timing was off. We had been really diligent about it, but then when expected O day came and went by more than a week I got really frustrated and thought it just wasn't going to happen.

Baby dust to all!
Nita-That sounds dangerous! Stay safe during the holidays season!

Sarah-I know it's frustrating to feel that you are not ovulating. I think it's better to be monitored if you increase the dosage of clomid. Hope you will ovulate soon!

Belle-hope you will ovulate soon! I guess femara will be a good next option. Since I already used femara, I only have Follistim injection/IVF option left.

Ask-Fingers crossed for you!

Babydust-I only had one cycle of clomid. After the cycle, my period was very light, and the doctor told me it was due to thin lining, but after that cycle, my period went back to normal.

Thank you for that, I'm hoping it's not thinning my lining on my next cyclentry because I've read that implantation is almost impossible when the lining is thin!!
Trying pre seed this month too
Fx this is my lucky cycle x
Thanks, ladies. I've been feeling really depressed lately. With every month that ticks by and the closer I get to 35+, the more I feel like my dream of having 2-3 children is just a dream. I feel so angry and sad. I ended relationships in the past because the guys weren't sure they wanted kids, then I finally meet my dream man and we can't get pregnant. I don't understand why I'm that small percentage that doesn't conceive after 6-9 months of trying. I guess I waited too long. I was 33 when we started trying and never imagined I'd still be here 9 months later. I apologize for my pity party...but you're the only ones who seem to understand.
Belle, my chart is saying that I did O. Although I'm not 100% sold. And if I did, it wasn't as strong as last cycle that's for sure. I'm trying not to get my hopes up or get too down about it all. Whatever happens now happens. I'm glad to see you got your rise! It looks like we will be cycle twins if mine is true. Weird you're still getting EWCM though! I think the digital OPKs must be easier to read too. I always find it tricky to work out if the second line is dark enough.

Babydust, what cycle day are you now? Good luck.

Joy, no need to apologise, you're allowed a pity party! I know how much it sucks and how hard it is. Belle and I have talked in the past how the 6-12 months is so hard. I think once I had a plan things got easier. Also reaching the 12 month mark you can say for sure that it's taking longer than it should and there's definitely a problem. It's still early days and based on your chart I wonder if you O'd a day or two later. I know you did the trigger but your temps are a little unusual!
Ask I can definitely relate. I was 26 when we started trying. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would still be trying 16 friggen cycles later. I thought I would already have a baby with me this Christmas or at the very least be pregnant, and by all rights I should be. My husband and I are young with no known problems. Its garbage. Like Sarah said her and I talked often about how hard it is particularly around the 9 month mark. You're wondering if you truly have a problem or if its just taking a little longer than expected. Its been a year for me and unfortunately we aren't any closer to finding out what the problem is or if there is one. Thats the joy of unexplained infertility. It hasn't gotten any easier for me, but mostly I think thats because I dont have any answers and my plan has been to hold off on treatment for now.

Sarah thats a nice temp jump! Looks like we both got the rise we were looking for! I'm not 100% sure that FF has your O date right... it might move if you end up putting in a couple other high temps like the one from today. In my opinion an O is an O and it definitely means you have a shot.

I often still get a little bit of ewcm the day after I O, its like my body has to flush it all out and then it switches to creamy. I ended up getting quite a few more days of ewcm this cycle than what I normally get. I'm thinking the chinese herbs might actually be working to give me a stronger O... I think I'll do them for one more cycle (so as to give it a solid 3 cycles to do its work) and then I'll switch to femara in January following my original plan.
You're both so right - and I know I haven't been trying long enough to be given the "infertility" diagnosis but I've read statistics at naseum and know the chances don't go up significantly between 9 and 12 months and time is not on my side. DH and I talked this morning and agreed that we will see an RE ASAP if AF shows and will pursue IVF if the RE thinks that's a good next step. I know we could keep trying for another year but every year is so valuable at my age! I guess that's why women over 35 are diagnosed with infertility after only 6 months. No time to waste! I agree having a plan of action helps and I think I'll feel better after I start seeing an RE.

Sarah - I agree my temps are whacky. I felt O on the day FF set it but who knows! I know fertility drugs and trigger can mess with temps and most REs don't recommend temping while on them. I didn't temp the first half of my cycle and have been temping at somewhat erratic times but there was definitely a dip after FF put O.

It does look like you O'd. I always seem to be a slow riser myself...not sure if that means anything?
Ask - you don't need to be sorry. Go ahead and vent if you have to as much as you like. It's really hard reaching the 9 months mark. Still have my FX for your BFP this month.

Sarah - your temps are looking promising. Hope you did O :hugs:

I am on day 8 of provera and had light spotting again, and yesterday I had some AF cramps, can't help to think that if I didnt take provera that my spontaneous AF would have started already... too late now I guess :haha:
Its my last day at work today for the year :happydance:
Belle, it was definitely hard around the 9month mark, but that's also when I had a MC so that probably added to it. I'm finding it slightly easier to deal with beyond the 12 month mark. Maybe it's because I know what's going on and can say we are definitely struggling with infertility rather than 'taking longer than most'. I completely agree with the baby by Christmas and if not I'd be pregnant. It's just really dumb.

I'm hopeful I have O'd. I put in some low and high temps for the next few days and the cross hairs stayed the same. It'll be very exciting if we can be tested on the same day/Christmas Day. Good plan with the Chinese herbs. Do you mean you'll start Femara at the end of Jan if no luck before?

Joy, yes the statistics aren't that great. But for both of us, we struggled to get any recognition until the 12 month mark. Even with my crazy cycles and blood tests I couldn't get any help. I wish I'd trusted my gut and paid to see someone privately sooner. Are you currently seeing a gyno or RE? Hopefully you won't have to jump to IVF! Slow rises mean nothing apparently (according to FF and TCOYF). I'll do my blood test tomorrow evening and hopefully get the results by Friday.

Nita, thanks. We will see what my blood test says. When you get AF without Provera, is it different from when you've taken provera? When I get AF naturally, it's always light and I never get any PMS. But my AF on Clomid and Provera was heavy, I had PMS/cramps/back ache. And lucky you, my last day is Friday and I get 4 weeks off.

Today, one of the girls at my kindergarten (who is leaving at the end of year) gave me a very beautiful necklace. Way nicer than my DH has given me haha. He's got competition with a 5 year old!
Belle, it was definitely hard around the 9month mark, but that's also when I had a MC so that probably added to it. I'm finding it slightly easier to deal with beyond the 12 month mark. Maybe it's because I know what's going on and can say we are definitely struggling with infertility rather than 'taking longer than most'. I completely agree with the baby by Christmas and if not I'd be pregnant. It's just really dumb.

I'm hopeful I have O'd. I put in some low and high temps for the next few days and the cross hairs stayed the same. It'll be very exciting if we can be tested on the same day/Christmas Day. Good plan with the Chinese herbs. Do you mean you'll start Femara at the end of Jan if no luck before?

Joy, yes the statistics aren't that great. But for both of us, we struggled to get any recognition until the 12 month mark. Even with my crazy cycles and blood tests I couldn't get any help. I wish I'd trusted my gut and paid to see someone privately sooner. Are you currently seeing a gyno or RE? Hopefully you won't have to jump to IVF! Slow rises mean nothing apparently (according to FF and TCOYF). I'll do my blood test tomorrow evening and hopefully get the results by Friday.

Nita, thanks. We will see what my blood test says. When you get AF without Provera, is it different from when you've taken provera? When I get AF naturally, it's always light and I never get any PMS. But my AF on Clomid and Provera was heavy, I had PMS/cramps/back ache. And lucky you, my last day is Friday and I get 4 weeks off.

Today, one of the girls at my kindergarten (who is leaving at the end of year) gave me a very beautiful necklace. Way nicer than my DH has given me haha. He's got competition with a 5 year old!

AF after Clomid and Provera is definately worse than natural AF, but I dont know if its because of the long cycles? Before provera and clomid my longest cycle was 40 days. with provera it has been way longer. Just before I stopped BC I skipped AF one month and the next AF was also very heavy and I had very bad cramps. Luckily this month I started taking provera earlier in my cycle.
Sarah, I think if I had a clear answer rather than this stupid "unexplained" crap I would be feeling better around the one year mark too. Its so hard with unexplained because chances are good you'll still go on to conceive naturally so you're stuck in limbo. In a sad way I wish that I had had a MC at some point this past year because at least that would mean that I could get pregnant. Its actually worse statistically that I've never been pregnant.

I also think its likely that you have O'd! Its so funny, I O'd somewhere between CD 13 and 15.... my whole point in temping this cycle was that I wanted to further pinpoint O and I'm no further ahead! I bumped my crosshair over because I think its likely that I didn't O until CD 15. I find FF strongly favours OPK data over temperature data, it usually sets the day after pos OPK as O day which has rarely been accurate for me. I tend to O 2 days later (3 this month if my temps are accurate). SO, AF is due boxing day now, but I'll be spotting straight over xmas eve and day if AF is going to show.

I'll start femara in my January cycle, so wouldn't be until around Jan 21. I don't want to rush into treatment. We have no $$ for it and chances are good that it'll happen naturally if we just put the time in. I think we'll still try 1-2 IUIs with femara in the spring just to say that we did it, and then plan is still for IVF Jan 2018.

I dreamed last night we were at our REs office and our doc made a joke that we would need $800,000 for treatments, and then gave a chortle and said "I'm just pulling your leg, it'll be closer to $80,000," which would still be an insane amount for us.

So I guess I'll wait, its a tough pill to swallow tens of thousands of dollars in treatment costs when they can't even definitively tell you if you have a problem and what that problem might be.
I know what's wrong with me & I still have not EVER been pregnant. I guess it just took me awhile to accept the fact that it's not going to happen naturally for me at such a young age of 24. It is even worse when people tell me "you have time", I understand that but I'm sure the 40-year-old woman thought that as well when she was 24 & still have no children till this day. #VentOver I just hate that people think because of my age that I am not supposed to feel the way I do, empty. My family is not complete until I have one of my own. My boyfriends 2 kids are amazing, but there is nothing like your own. #Sigh
Love - I think you're right, it doesn't matter if you're 24 or 34, when you are ready to start your family, you are ready NOW! I also have 2 step-children but it doesn't in any way replace wanting my own!

Sarah - Christmas gifts from students are always so sweet! Really does make you feel appreciated!

Belle - hoping Femara is your "magic pill" (if you aren't pregnant before then)!

Sooo...I did a wondfo after coming home from work after like a 2 hour hold. After an hour I see a vvf line! I've never had an evap on a wondfo. Also noticed the Walmart cheapie I took this morning had a strong evap when I got home tonight. Evaps drive me crazy!!!

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