Those herbs really do look disgusting LOL, sorry Norelisa. Will you keep us informed if you do sleep better drinking it please? I also have trouble sleeping, and refuse to take sleeping pills due to their adictive factor. But I would like to try out some herbs if it works for you.
So glad that your tubes are clear Joy and that it all seemed to go well! I hope it will be just the thing that will help you get your BFP!
Much you did TTC for a considerable amount of time, and you have conceived recently. So I'm sure you recall how difficult it can be for some people to discuss or hear the details of pregnancies when they are in the midst of TTC and see no easy way out. As happy as I am for everyone here who has gotten their BFPs it still hurts... badly... that I can't join in on all the fun. I just think that we should respect this space as a safe space for those people. There are so few safe spaces in our personal lives when it comes to TTC. There are always private messages and the oh so boring first tri boards (you could liven them up!) to get details and updates on pregnancies![]()
HI ladies,
me and my bf have been together for 6yrs the last 3yrs we've been trying to conceive i had a chemical pregnancy in 2013 and just had another one this past thanksgiving 2016..I had to get a RH injection because I am blood type B negative..I'm starting clomid 50mg on my CD5 for 5days..I am so anxious and nervous at the same time..I've been really wanting to get pregnant especially this year since I just turned 37 in November..I also have PCOS which plays a part in my infertility..I've been looking into different things like massages to conceive and a vaginal rejuvenation that suppose to help conceive also..Been finding myself emotional and crying even with baby commercials, is that crazy? Any words of comfort or advice?