Clomid Buddies (moved to LTTTC board)

At the clinic again, it's quite reasonably priced so if we do iui it will be here :) (12900 thb). I just did fmh blood test or whatever it was called. The one where you check egg quality. It's 6 pm and hubby just left for SA. We should get the results tomorrow I guess, as they close in 1 h;) however they did tell me my blood test would be ready in 1h30.. A little nervous I have to admit!! What if it comes back sky high? (4 or higher).. Yikes..!
Oh. haha. It's called AMH, and apparently my level is good, at 1,73. We got both results within 40 min of leaving the clinic, so lucky for me who was curious!

BUUUUUT!!! For you other ladies whos DH have done SA: What is the "normal" % of morphologie? We have done the SA in two different places, and the first place said that that morphologie should be 13% or higher (he then had 5%). but at this new place they say normal is from 4% and up, and he now had 3 %..

ALSO.. I have to ask them tomorrow about motility - hospital 1 had two counts: motile (normal is 39% and up, he had 23% ) and second category: progressive (should be 31% and up, his were at 14%.) In new clinic they only have one category - motile and total motile (15 % and 17,25%)..

Hubby was taking it a little better than feared, BUT he said he might as well start drinking again, since cutting down clearly has not worked that well.. However, he wants to do another test in a few weeks time, as this test was done in the early evening and after 7 days of "no action", whereas last time was in the morning after a few days of "no action"... He won't take his herbs until then... Which reminds me, I guess I'll go and drink mine:sad1::sick::grr::xmas21:
13% was the old cut off for morphology. They changed it to 4% after finding many men who had morphology 5-12% were still able to conceive, it just took a little longer. My DH had morphology at 10% , which I will admit concerned me. I think it's related to lifestyle factors so we have been working at that. My acupuncturist said DH should take 400mg of coq_10 to help. So if your DH isn't wanting the herbs, get him on coq10 in pill form. I don't think the herbs would drastically change his SA so quickly, he could probably start them any time. His numbers may have been lower after such a long hold. I think a couple days is the longest they want as otherwise debris accumulates and can kill the sperm.

My DH was dumb, after most of his SA came back really good he started smoking weed and drinking again. He just didn't get it that his morphology could be better lol. So he's back to quitting again after realizing that it's been over a year and we still aren't pregnant. For the first time ever he acknowledged that he's addicted to weed. So I think that's a strong first step.

Sounds like IUI is pretty cheap down there, that's awesome!!!
BlessedinLove, welcome to the thread. I dont have much words of comfort or advice, but what I can tell you is that this thread has helped me get through the last few months. Being in contact with others going through the same is comforting, and the support and advice have been so great. DH support me as well, but not in the way the ladies herr have supported me. Also, if you need to vent, go ahead, we all do it often. At my last doctors appointment my doctor said to me, i should not worry, she will get me pregnant, even that was not comforting enough to make me feel more at ease. But this is a great thread if you need support.

Norelisa, LOL uhm... I have no idea about that stuff. I suppose that will also be part of the tests i will need to do next year. DH said he will do his SA early Jan as well (he refused to do it, now he keeps on asking when can we do it) he said he think he might also have some issues...guess we will have to wait and see.

Belle, the first step to recovery is admitting whats wrong (refering to DH's weed addiction) Really hope he quits this time, I think if he does it will greatly increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Starting Clomid again tonight. XD we have been very busy, so think I might relax some time tonight with a bubble bath :blush:
Hope you enjoy your bubble bath Nita :)

DH has quit weed now for about 3 weeks. The hardest part will be new years, because we will be at a party where we know it will be there. We have talked about how he will handle that situation, and have decided we will get rolled tobacco for the night for him, so he will have a little something to take the edge off, and still participate in the social scene. I think he is actually committed to quitting this time. He just had a hard time getting back to this point after starting again.

I am thinking about asking for the sperm dna fragmentation test in a few months (if femara cycles don't work), as it can inform what treatment option to pursue next. If fragmentation is severe (a major cause of unexplained infertility) then it is unlikely that IUI or IVF would be successful and we would pursue IVF with ICSI sooner. Its a way to fast track the most cost effective treatment.
I'm thinking the same thing, Belle, regarding the DNA fragmentation. I know we've discussed this before. I honestly don't think smoking weed every once in awhile is going to seriously effect fertility, although DH and I both quit. I don't think it's the cause of infertility but could maybe worsen an already subfertile situation. Maybe I'm wrong. DH's morphology was 13-14% and our doctors said it wasn't a concern, especially given his count.
id like to join in! I have done FE off and on with nothing to show for it. Oct we added Ovidrel and i didnt O! We will be doing 1 last FE cycle in Jan and then moving to Clomid ( 25mg) for at least 2 cycles. Not sure on adding Ovidrel yet or not.

I have read around and i dont know, im just not excited because of that October cycle. I thought we had everything right and then i didnt O at all. P4 was 4. :(
I dont think weed once in awhile would do anything either. But my DH was smoking strong weed a couple times a day every day up until June and then cut back to a couple times a week after that. He's now down to nothing. I do think it can make things worse if there is already a problem with subfertility, and who knows maybe some men are more susceptible to the effects of weed (have more receptors on their swimmers that are sensitive to it?).

Our doc also said not to worry about the 10% morphology, everything else about his analysis was good, very high count and 70% progressive motility. I guess quitting weed is just one more thing that we can try. Its worth a shot I think.

I'm feeling really irritable so far this cycle. I've just had it with TTC already.
Onearth, welcome to this thread.

Ask & Belle - I think when you get to the stage of TTC for a year+ any lifestyle changes can make a difference, or so I am hoping. Hope DH can keep it up, Belle.

So far my side effects on Clomid this round: HOT FLUSHES!!?? Previous cycles I only had the headache :o
Belle - I was concerned about regular (more than a couple times a month) use too. Honestly I'm sick of "being good" but I'm not giving up now! We have kinda "taken a break" this month over the holidays. I've drank a lot of wine! I'm due to ovulate any day now but for once I'm not obsessing. Got a "high" reading on my clear blue advanced fertility monitor this morning but didn't even tell DH. We are taking a trip with his kids and just having fun. I told DH that the UP side to IVF is that my eggs / our embryos will stay young and we can take our time! My sister in law who is a doctor told me, "you WILL get pregnant with IVF"...It's hard to feel as optimistic as her but why not?

Welcome onerth! You are in the right place. Going through treatments without success can be really depressing but don't give up hope. We are here for you and eachother! Just keep taking the next right step. We will all get there! :hugs:
Hi Ladies I've been stalking this thread but been a little quiet
Hope you all had a good Christmas and ready to smash 2017 with a frenzy of bfps :happydance:

AFM: my last cycle was 30days and then I spotted for 2 days, slightly heavier than spotting infact.

Anyway I just put it down to a dodgy cycle from Clomid.
My temp never dropped and now I'm cd20 and no spike but comparing my temps to previous cycles it's still post o temps

I tested with an ic second urine and bfn
This far along I would think whichever urine I use it would show if it was bfp

I have no other symptoms other than bloated, breathless and tender bbs

Any advice?
Hi Ladies I've been stalking this thread but been a little quiet
Hope you all had a good Christmas and ready to smash 2017 with a frenzy of bfps :happydance:

AFM: my last cycle was 30days and then I spotted for 2 days, slightly heavier than spotting infact.

Anyway I just put it down to a dodgy cycle from Clomid.
My temp never dropped and now I'm cd20 and no spike but comparing my temps to previous cycles it's still post o temps

I tested with an ic second urine and bfn
This far along I would think whichever urine I use it would show if it was bfp

I have no other symptoms other than bloated, breathless and tender bbs

Any advice?

The waiting is never fun is it?! Do you have the possibility to do a blood test?

My dear af decided to show up today (kinda assumed she would with the temp drop) and i have as usual period cramps (took tablets but they didn't work) soo painful!! Just lying in bed since I got home :(

also had a bit of a mini fight with hubby this morning. When I woke up I had the sensation of "urgency" to do iui as I've done the xray last cycle and hence my tubes might give a little edge.. But first he clearly tried to laugh it off to avoid me even speaking, for then to proceed saying he still thinks that I'm the reason we can't get pregnant because "I'm stressing".

I know I stress sometimes, but wrt to ttc he is stressing me with not wanting to listen... I was like dumbfounded, he only says it's my fault coz I'm stressing and not doing sports (neither is he)..

But he calmed down once at work, where he asked me when my next fertile window would be (gee, wish I knew, it seems to change from month to month) and he also asked how many iui we should try before moving on (4 I said, though I don't know..)

aaaaahg, à bit of frustration out.. Also think I'm brewing a little cold, so didn't drink my herbs this morning (I am not sure I will continue, I'm nauseated just thinking about it!)

On the bright side: I can enjoy a cocktail and /or baileys tomorrow :thumbup:
Babydust, i think a blood test will be the best option. Also I dont temp and really dont get it so cant help you there. However Clomid is known to thin your lining, were you having a monitored cycle? If not checking out your lining might be a good idea...perhaps the the 2 days of AF was indeed AF, due to the thin lining. If I were you I would see the doctor for bloodwork and an ultrasound to check on the lining.

Norelisa, men!!!right?? Hee hee. Enjoy the cocktail, I am on cycle day 5 (i think) and started Clomid, but what the heck, whats the odds of me Oing... I think none, so tomorow night I will also enjoy some beer.

Seems as though we might be moving into our new house in a week or 3. I feel as though the house is a bit big for the 2 of us, and since I 2ont be able to give DH a bfp for his birthday next month, i thought I might surprise him and take him to a shelter to adopt 2 dogs (2 because I dont want 1 to be alone ) what do you ladies think? Should i do it ☺️
i just read about adding Soy with was awhile ago that people were posting about it. Is it still a thing or one of those ideas that came and went?

apparently you take Soy cd1-5, then clomid 5-9. :shrug:

I do know ill be adding Red Clover Tea for the Jan cycle, has anyone else added that?
Babydust, i think a blood test will be the best option. Also I dont temp and really dont get it so cant help you there. However Clomid is known to thin your lining, were you having a monitored cycle? If not checking out your lining might be a good idea...perhaps the the 2 days of AF was indeed AF, due to the thin lining. If I were you I would see the doctor for bloodwork and an ultrasound to check on the lining.

Norelisa, men!!!right?? Hee hee. Enjoy the cocktail, I am on cycle day 5 (i think) and started Clomid, but what the heck, whats the odds of me Oing... I think none, so tomorow night I will also enjoy some beer.

Seems as though we might be moving into our new house in a week or 3. I feel as though the house is a bit big for the 2 of us, and since I 2ont be able to give DH a bfp for his birthday next month, i thought I might surprise him and take him to a shelter to adopt 2 dogs (2 because I dont want 1 to be alone ) what do you ladies think? Should i do it ☺️
Do it! Do it! Do it! If we were allowed furballs here, then my dad and mother in law would finally get a grand-cat :) I love that you are thinking about a shelter, as I'm volunteering at paws and considering volunteering at a dog shelter too next year (haha, maybe not next week but still!) :)
Babydust, i think a blood test will be the best option. Also I dont temp and really dont get it so cant help you there. However Clomid is known to thin your lining, were you having a monitored cycle? If not checking out your lining might be a good idea...perhaps the the 2 days of AF was indeed AF, due to the thin lining. If I were you I would see the doctor for bloodwork and an ultrasound to check on the lining.

Norelisa, men!!!right?? Hee hee. Enjoy the cocktail, I am on cycle day 5 (i think) and started Clomid, but what the heck, whats the odds of me Oing... I think none, so tomorow night I will also enjoy some beer.

Seems as though we might be moving into our new house in a week or 3. I feel as though the house is a bit big for the 2 of us, and since I 2ont be able to give DH a bfp for his birthday next month, i thought I might surprise him and take him to a shelter to adopt 2 dogs (2 because I dont want 1 to be alone ) what do you ladies think? Should i do it ☺️
Do it! Do it! Do it! If we were allowed furballs here, then my dad and mother in law would finally get a grand-cat :) I love that you are thinking about a shelter, as I'm volunteering at paws and considering volunteering at a dog shelter too next year (haha, maybe not next week but still!) :)

We have so many shelters around herr, and they are so full, the poor dogs in there really deserves better. We said from the start if we get our own place we will adopt, we wont support breeders.
i just read about adding Soy with was awhile ago that people were posting about it. Is it still a thing or one of those ideas that came and went?

apparently you take Soy cd1-5, then clomid 5-9. :shrug:

I do know ill be adding Red Clover Tea for the Jan cycle, has anyone else added that?
I have heard about the Red clover tea, in a good way, also heard about red raspberry leaf tea. I can't find the latter here in Thailand but I might look for red clover tea next year (read: next week) :)

For the soy I'm unsure, I've heard to avoid soy milk but not sure if from a reliable source.

When I've got a bit more time, I'd love to make a list of things that can help when ttc, if anyone want to start, let me know!! :)) would be nice as i think we all kind of want to try something new after each cycle.. Right?
Babydust, i think a blood test will be the best option. Also I dont temp and really dont get it so cant help you there. However Clomid is known to thin your lining, were you having a monitored cycle? If not checking out your lining might be a good idea...perhaps the the 2 days of AF was indeed AF, due to the thin lining. If I were you I would see the doctor for bloodwork and an ultrasound to check on the lining.

Norelisa, men!!!right?? Hee hee. Enjoy the cocktail, I am on cycle day 5 (i think) and started Clomid, but what the heck, whats the odds of me Oing... I think none, so tomorow night I will also enjoy some beer.

Seems as though we might be moving into our new house in a week or 3. I feel as though the house is a bit big for the 2 of us, and since I 2ont be able to give DH a bfp for his birthday next month, i thought I might surprise him and take him to a shelter to adopt 2 dogs (2 because I dont want 1 to be alone ) what do you ladies think? Should i do it ☺️

You shouldnt listen to me.....but we have 4 dogs and 2 cats!

I told DH " a baby or a dog" and we got 1 female dog but you cant just have 1 so we got a 2nd female. Well then i thought, you need a we got #3 and then thats an odd number and they were big dogs, what about as small dog and then we got #4. ( the 2 cats were in there because of our daughters and DH, NOT me! Im not a cat person).

so yes Id do it! :blush:
i just read about adding Soy with was awhile ago that people were posting about it. Is it still a thing or one of those ideas that came and went?

apparently you take Soy cd1-5, then clomid 5-9. :shrug:

I do know ill be adding Red Clover Tea for the Jan cycle, has anyone else added that?
I have heard about the Red clover tea, in a good way, also heard about red raspberry leaf tea. I can't find the latter here in Thailand but I might look for red clover tea next year (read: next week) :)

For the soy I'm unsure, I've heard to avoid soy milk but not sure if from a reliable source.

When I've got a bit more time, I'd love to make a list of things that can help when ttc, if anyone want to start, let me know!! :)) would be nice as i think we all kind of want to try something new after each cycle.. Right?

I took RRL tea one time to stop AF but never on a regular basis. I saw that you can alternate RRL and RC to get + results.

Id like a list, although i think i take pretty normal stuff?
Vit C ( for progesterone)
Vit D
Baby Aspirin ( for implant)
Pineapple Core (implant)
Pregnitude ( eggs)

Vits (for his swimmers)

In the past I have taken Soy Isoflavones and Vitex, probably some other stuff.
Nore it is my biggest pet peeves when people blame the woman's emotions (stress) on not being able to conceive. My DH was doing the same thing for awhile. I would scream at him that I couldn't kill our baby with my mind!!! Lol. There was never a baby though. I also hate it when people suggest that you should relax and stop trying so hard. They just don't understand infertility.

Welcome ohin

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