Clomid Buddies (moved to LTTTC board)

Nore it is my biggest pet peeves when people blame the woman's emotions (stress) on not being able to conceive. My DH was doing the same thing for awhile. I would scream at him that I couldn't kill our baby with my mind!!! Lol. There was never a baby though. I also hate it when people suggest that you should relax and stop trying so hard. They just don't understand infertility.

Welcome ohin

I agree. or in my case " you already have 3" :growlmad: That doesnt make infertility easier!
Thanks OnErth&InHvn, I have added some - to be clear, this list (work in progress) is not a list of ALL things one has to do each cycle, more a list where one can check out things that it is possible to try - I would always suggest googling it and maybe ask RE in case you are not sure it will help YOU. Everyone is different, right? :)

For her:
Vit C ( for progesterone)
Vit D
Baby Aspirin ( for implant)
Pineapple Core (implant)
Pregnitude ( eggs)
Soy Isoflavones

-Brazil nuts (2 per day)
-Chinese Traditional medicine (herbs, acupuncture)
-Moon cups (used for period, can be used after BD to keep the little swimmers "trapped" inside.. I'm waiting for mine, haha:)-
-Staying in bed with behind elevated after BD for 15-30 min
-Relaxing exercises (yoga, meditation etc) (Its quite expensive to do yoga here, any tips on you tubes tutorials?
-Excersise / sport
-folic acid
-Red raspberry leaf tea

Vits (for his swimmers)
Folic Acid (for morphologie)
Zinc (for morpholohie)

Brazil nuts
Dark chocolate 1 square for magnesium
Chinese traditional medicine (herbs, acupuncture etc)
Doing some form of sport / excersise

Please come with more suggestions, its always nice to know what can be tried, right?
Oh, and what is PNV? :) When I search I get some strange results about a basque nationalist party..
Oh, in case you ever decide to go to BKK for IUI, here is the best offer we have found so far:

Price IUI : 12 900 + blood test male / female 1900 thb each (blood test can be done elsewhere, but max 6 months before the IUI) Total price first try: 16700 thb (466usd / 443 euro / 6400 ZAR / 377GPB / 673 nzd / 626 cad)

You get:

1. screening him /her - VDRL, HBsAg, Anti HVC and Anti HIV.
2. Sperm preparing
3. operation process
4. Dr fees
5. Ultrasound 3 times
6, nurse service and registration fees *3
7. Clomiphene 50 mg (10 tablets, so I guess for me I would only need 5)
8, Ovidrel / Pregnyl 5000u (1 shot)
9,Utrogestran 200 mg (14 tablets - going to google it now;)) - 200 mg micronised progesterone. :) all well .. :)

They have a cheaper package without point 7-8-9 and only u/s for the day of the iui, and also only one meeting with the dr. This cost 6,900thb, so I think the extra appointments etc makes it worth doing the "big package" at 12 900thb. At my old hospital it was 2000thb to see the Dr each time..
Thanks OnErth&InHvn, I have added some - to be clear, this list (work in progress) is not a list of ALL things one has to do each cycle, more a list where one can check out things that it is possible to try - I would always suggest googling it and maybe ask RE in case you are not sure it will help YOU. Everyone is different, right? :)

For her:
Vit C ( for progesterone)
Vit D
Baby Aspirin ( for implant)
Pineapple Core (implant)
Pregnitude ( eggs)
Soy Isoflavones

-Brazil nuts (2 per day) <- did this in Sept i think?
-Chinese Traditional medicine (herbs, acupuncture)
-Moon cups (used for period, can be used after BD to keep the little swimmers "trapped" inside.. I'm waiting for mine, haha:)- <- do this
-Staying in bed with behind elevated after BD for 15-30 min <- do this
-Relaxing exercises (yoga, meditation etc) (Its quite expensive to do yoga here, any tips on you tubes tutorials?
-Excersise / sport
-folic acid
-Red raspberry leaf tea

Vits (for his swimmers)
Folic Acid (for morphologie)
Zinc (for morpholohie) <- its in his vits
Coq10 <- in his vits

Selenium <- in his vits
Brazil nuts
Dark chocolate 1 square for magnesium
Chinese traditional medicine (herbs, acupuncture etc)
Doing some form of sport / excersise

Please come with more suggestions, its always nice to know what can be tried, right?
Oh, and what is PNV? :) When I search I get some strange results about a basque nationalist party..

PNV= prenatals. ;)

There is a lady that does fertility massage but she never got back to me, maybe ill try her again.
Oh, in case you ever decide to go to BKK for IUI, here is the best offer we have found so far:

Price IUI : 12 900 + blood test male / female 1900 thb each (blood test can be done elsewhere, but max 6 months before the IUI) Total price first try: 16700 thb (466usd / 443 euro / 6400 ZAR / 377GPB / 673 nzd / 626 cad)

You get:

1. screening him /her - VDRL, HBsAg, Anti HVC and Anti HIV.
2. Sperm preparing
3. operation process
4. Dr fees
5. Ultrasound 3 times
6, nurse service and registration fees *3
7. Clomiphene 50 mg (10 tablets, so I guess for me I would only need 5)
8, Ovidrel / Pregnyl 5000u (1 shot)
9,Utrogestran 200 mg (14 tablets - going to google it now;)) - 200 mg micronised progesterone. :) all well .. :)

They have a cheaper package without point 7-8-9 and only u/s for the day of the iui, and also only one meeting with the dr. This cost 6,900thb, so I think the extra appointments etc makes it worth doing the "big package" at 12 900thb. At my old hospital it was 2000thb to see the Dr each time..

goodness, thats pricey!! 1, 4, 5 would be covered for me, the rest wouldnt. I do know my Ovidrel is $50-$100 mattering where i get it. Clomid/Femara is $50-$100 mattering as well. I just paid $100 for Clomid for 2 cycles worth.
Norelisa, not sure if you want to add this but folic acid is very important for her.

On earth, i pay the same for Clomid, except trigger here cost 5 times more than Clomid. I wish my medical aid covered infertility, but it dont, except for a laparoscopy...thats tge only thing fertility that they pay.
Oh, in case you ever decide to go to BKK for IUI, here is the best offer we have found so far:

Price IUI : 12 900 + blood test male / female 1900 thb each (blood test can be done elsewhere, but max 6 months before the IUI) Total price first try: 16700 thb (466usd / 443 euro / 6400 ZAR / 377GPB / 673 nzd / 626 cad)

You get:

1. screening him /her - VDRL, HBsAg, Anti HVC and Anti HIV.
2. Sperm preparing
3. operation process
4. Dr fees
5. Ultrasound 3 times
6, nurse service and registration fees *3
7. Clomiphene 50 mg (10 tablets, so I guess for me I would only need 5)
8, Ovidrel / Pregnyl 5000u (1 shot)
9,Utrogestran 200 mg (14 tablets - going to google it now;)) - 200 mg micronised progesterone. :) all well .. :)

They have a cheaper package without point 7-8-9 and only u/s for the day of the iui, and also only one meeting with the dr. This cost 6,900thb, so I think the extra appointments etc makes it worth doing the "big package" at 12 900thb. At my old hospital it was 2000thb to see the Dr each time..

goodness, thats pricey!! 1, 4, 5 would be covered for me, the rest wouldnt. I do know my Ovidrel is $50-$100 mattering where i get it. Clomid/Femara is $50-$100 mattering as well. I just paid $100 for Clomid for 2 cycles worth.

Nothing is covered here in Thailand.. At the hospital they wanted 25000 thb+ 6-8000 thb per ultrasound etc.. So I think a total of 12900 is quite reasonable :)
Norelisa, not sure if you want to add this but folic acid is very important for her.

On earth, i pay the same for Clomid, except trigger here cost 5 times more than Clomid. I wish my medical aid covered infertility, but it dont, except for a laparoscopy...thats tge only thing fertility that they pay.

Folic acid is in there :) for me that's actually covered by my insurance as I get it on prescription from my neurologist ;)
Thank you ladies
I only had my first cycle monitored and they were really happy with the lining and now they've left me to it.
I think I'll call the hospital next week and tell them my situation and maybe they'll monitor me again

Just annoying isn't it. X
Happy new year ladies. Not quite the new year yet here, a good 5 and a half hours to go, but I know it might be new year already for some of you. May 2017 be filled with LOTS of baby dust for every lady on the thread. XOXO
Happy New Year's Eve everyone! 15 hours to go here :) I hope 2017 will bring us all sticky BFPs. We all deserve a screaming, smelly, cute and cuddly bundle of joy in our lives :)

My resolution will be to allow myself hope that it will happen
Happy new year from Bangkok!! No fireworks this year, so we had a really nice but quiet night at home with raclette, red wine for hubby and baileys for me.. Bedtime now (1am):)

Xoxo :)
No fireworks, is that because Thailand is still in mourning over their king?

Sounds like it was a nice quiet evening :) We are going to have a games night with a couple friends of ours so will be pretty lowkey as well
Its only 9pm here and we are also having a quiet night at home. Infact, I am going to sleep now :haha: Clomid headache are getting me now, and I got sunburnt all over my body today :blush:

Hopefully we wont see any fireworx, since its illegal here in the city where we live due to the animals. Those who have fireworx with them can get a fine of 2500 Rand amd an additional 2500 Rand for not having a permit.
Mucinex for CM: im confused on dosage. 1200mg 1 or 2x/day?

Ask4Joy, you took it, do you remember?

Happy New Year!! 2017 is going to be the year of the Clomid Babies! :flower:
add to list:

- stop / cut down on coffee
- warming food after o
- drink plenty of water
- exersise - but after o only walks (up to brisk walks)
- keep socks on during bd (source: (not sure how to edit out the preview :/ )

- caster oil (not to do if pregnant or during your period. ) - I think I want to try this - any thoughts?

Hubby has agreed to IUI next cycle (around Feb time, if he is here, if he is travelling then obviously it wont make the cut..) Strange realisation, now trying to prepare as best as I can, youtubing and googleing ;)
Happy New Year to you all! I like your new year resolution Belle. I think I'll adopt "thinking positive" as my resolution too! I believe we will all get our sticky BFPs in 2017!

Onearth - I've been using mucinex 600mg tablets the last couple of months around o. I've found once a day seems to do the trick but you can take it every 12 hours I believe.

Any good New Year's Eve stories? DH and I put an offer on a house yesterday morning and the sellers accepted! So excited! My brother and sister-in-law had a party last night and we were telling people about the new house when one of their friend's remarked "well...we bought a house and then got pregnant, sooo..?" I just kinda laughed and said "we'll see what happens!" Then after she was taking to my sis-in-law later in the evening she pulled me aside and said "can I give you some unsolicited advice?" (I'm sure you can all imagine what I was thinking). She proceeds to ask me if I've tried using OPKs...that they were trying for 3-4 months then she started using OPKs and got pregnant that month. I laughed and told her I've tried more things than she can imagine. How annoying!
Happy new year everyone! Baby dust to all of us who are trying! Hope we can all get our bfp in 2017! :)
Happy New Year to you all! I like your new year resolution Belle. I think I'll adopt "thinking positive" as my resolution too! I believe we will all get our sticky BFPs in 2017!

Onearth - I've been using mucinex 600mg tablets the last couple of months around o. I've found once a day seems to do the trick but you can take it every 12 hours I believe.

Any good New Year's Eve stories? DH and I put an offer on a house yesterday morning and the sellers accepted! So excited! My brother and sister-in-law had a party last night and we were telling people about the new house when one of their friend's remarked "well...we bought a house and then got pregnant, sooo..?" I just kinda laughed and said "we'll see what happens!" Then after she was taking to my sis-in-law later in the evening she pulled me aside and said "can I give you some unsolicited advice?" (I'm sure you can all imagine what I was thinking). She proceeds to ask me if I've tried using OPKs...that they were trying for 3-4 months then she started using OPKs and got pregnant that month. I laughed and told her I've tried more things than she can imagine. How annoying!

Eesh. Bad advice!

Day 13 of AF...rrl tea doesn't seem to be working? I bought a new box because the old one was kind of old.
LOL ask i got the same advice. She told me she got pregnant the first cycle using OPKs as well because "science works" lol.

Most people just don't get it. My new years had a bit of a rough start. My outspoken cousin complained "why can't you just be pregnant already" LOUDLY to the entire room when DH said he wasn't smoking weed (he of course made me the bad guy like he always does). Then my friend started talking about it with me in the other room and asked how I felt, so instead of answering I just burst into tears, and then proceeded to drink my face off. I don't think I've ever been so hungover as I was yesterday. The rest of the night was fun and enjoyable. I think they got the message that I didn't want to talk about it, so they didn't bother me about it anymore.

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