Thanks OnErth&InHvn, I have added some - to be clear, this list (work in progress) is not a list of ALL things one has to do each cycle, more a list where one can check out things that it is possible to try - I would always suggest googling it and maybe ask RE in case you are not sure it will help YOU. Everyone is different, right?
For her:
Vit C ( for progesterone)
Vit D
Baby Aspirin ( for implant)
Pineapple Core (implant)
Pregnitude ( eggs)
Soy Isoflavones
-Brazil nuts (2 per day)
<- did this in Sept i think?
-Chinese Traditional medicine (herbs, acupuncture)
-Moon cups (used for period, can be used after BD to keep the little swimmers "trapped" inside.. I'm waiting for mine, haha

<- do this
-Staying in bed with behind elevated after BD for 15-30 min
<- do this
-Relaxing exercises (yoga, meditation etc) (Its quite expensive to do yoga here, any tips on you tubes tutorials?
-Excersise / sport
-folic acid
-Red raspberry leaf tea
Vits (for his swimmers)
Folic Acid (for morphologie)
Zinc (for morpholohie)
<- its in his vits
<- in his vits
<- in his vits
Brazil nuts
Dark chocolate 1 square for magnesium
Chinese traditional medicine (herbs, acupuncture etc)
Doing some form of sport / excersise
Please come with more suggestions, its always nice to know what can be tried, right?
Oh, and what is PNV?

When I search I get some strange results about a basque nationalist party..