Hi everyone ,
Sorry for the delayed responses to your messages to me .
{Nita} Natural is the preferred way , I was just curious about the clomid , but it sounds like it isn't for me . I am not a fan of needles either , you cant feel them once they are placed , it is just an awkward feeling(and sight!) to have needles sticking out of your body . But I will give anything a try to get my very desired baby belly .
{Ask for Joy} I have heard of it , but unclear on what it really was.
{Bellenuit} I tried acupuncture for 3 cycles but no luck : /
{Norelisa} I haven't gotten into temping because I've never had a normal temperature , it has always been lower so I wasn't sure if it would still work , I have been doing the digital ovulation tests though . What kind of herbs are you taking , maybe I can try them. I wish they had one of those statues here where I live , I'd would be taking my husband there daily to hug it : )
I have no idea what I am taking as the prescription comes out in Chinese! haha

But if you wanted to try herbs, I would reccomend going to see a TCM-Dr. They will feel your pulse and make a mixture suited to you. I have had two different types, so I think she gives me one for before o and one after o- I can barely drink it, but with honey it is better, though I keep some coconut water that I drink just after to get rid of the taste

In some countries you get it in pill form, I'm getting the actual herbes and boil them and drink.. tastes like mud, kinda.. without having actually tasted mud..
The depression and anxiety it can cause are at the same levels as a cancer diagnosis. And yet we often suffer alone or are ridiculed for having a hard time with things.
I have ovarian cancer and IF... I dont know that id say they feel the same but i do understand what you mean.
I am sorry to hear about that. My mother passed away because they found out way too late about ovarian cancer, and I promised her that I would do an operation once we have had the children we want.. At the time I did not expect having issues.. and my mom really really wanted to be a grand mother..
So, ladies, I have some good news to share. I am not totally broken, and I will also not be doing the Ovarian Drilling. My CD21 bloodtest results came back as 66

whicjmh means that I have Ovulated. Now the problem is, I have no idea when, but my guess would be around CD13/CD14 so I am due for AF in 8 days and currently 6 dpo and officially in the TWW. DH and I only BDed once during that time, and I also had some drinks then, so I highly doubt I will get a BFP, but I will contact my doctor for another prescription, and we will know next month to cut the alcohol (both DH and I) and try harder (BD more often)
Oh, I am sooo happy for you, sorry for not commenting earlier

Belle, I would believe anything at this point, lol. 16 dpo today, BFN on dollar store cheapie. I was never able to get a positive OPK, but my temp shift was pretty decisive. I input all my temps for this month into three different programs to see if I got anything different (Fertility Friend, Natural Cycles, Countdown to Pregnancy), and they all gave me the same O date. Now, they did say I must have O'ed the day before my temp rise, but I have read that some women can take two days, so it is possible I O'ed one day earlier. Still doesn't explain why I still don't have AF or a BFP.
I have attached my chart if anyone is curious. Temp went down some today. It certainly doesn't look like any pregnancy chart I have ever seen, but I think if I am still getting BFN's and no AF by the end of this week I will head off to the doc for a blood test. Feeling kind of indifferent at this point.
Nita, love the idea of the dogs! We adopted a puppy over the summer, and it did help curb my baby fever for a little while. My hubby tries to use TTC as an excuse to BD all the time! LOL. He still thinks you can get preggers anytime of the month, I have tried to explain it doesn't work that way, but I guess he doesn't care about the science of it, lol. It is a bit straining for us though because I have been so stressed and frustrated that I sometimes find it hard to find the motivation to BD if I am not in my fertile days.
I was told by my chinese dr that "spikey" charts might come from hormone imbalance.. My hubby went to Cambodia this morning (I decided to stay home) and he is buying me some natural progesterone, the month I had my best "chart" was on clomid + progesterone..
Lucy, to be honest I dont know what to think about temps, I tried temping and it didnt work for me, I tried using OPKs, never saw a positive. I didnt bother to use OPKs early in my cycle because even my doctor said the odds of me Oing is not much, however when the saw the heaps of ewcm and Belle was convinced that I Od I used an OPK and it was negative, so I must have Od before then. I think giving it a few more days is a good idea. Are you feeling any pre-AF symptons or cramps?
Belle, I am sad that I have not tried harder this cycle, but I was so down and ready to give up, and I really didnt thought I Od, I didnt have Ovary pain, just the ewcm. I should have had some more faith, but I really didnt want to be dissapointed again. From what I understand (from google ofcourse)is that a progesterone level of 66 like I had is quite a strong Ovulation. Most women with PCOS on Clomid usually get around 40 (or thats the average) and since the progesterone maintain the pregnancy, if you get a result of 10-30 its not enough to maintain the pregnancy thus resulting in a MC. This was my 3rd round of Clomid, so I hope my doctor agrees to let me try the 150mg for 2 more cycles (we will definately be trying harder next cycle - we already have a plan)
We are very excited about adopting the dogs

It wont replace the baby idea, but I think it would be good for us. And we both love dogs.
Also, did I mention... NO PROVERA for me this month

Oh, congrats on the doggies! I work a lot with cats, but I really love dogs as well. Here in Thailand I have to admit I am a bit reluctant as some dogs might bite, but I have found two charities that I will try to visit - The Man Who Rescues Dogs and Soi Dog Foundation. Both are located outside of Bangkok unfortunately ..
Afm, I think I am on 3DPO. Hubby left for Cambodia, but bringing back natural progesterone, I am a little curious as they have to be put ... not in the mouth and its not a cream-- you know..
Otherwise I am continuing drinking my horrible tasting herbs, BUT - I think thanks to the herbs and acupuncture -that I actually o-ed earlier than usual. Without anything I O around cd18-21 but on clomid I o-ed on cd14, and also on TCM I o-ed on cd14. Pretty happy about that.
When it comes to telling or not telling people, I have told a few, but almost no-one back home. Just a few. Luckily being so far away and so many young childless couples in BKK makes it easier..
Quite stressful events last week - apparently we might have some serious issues in our flat that we rent out in London. The guys we rented it out to sublet it to someone else, who in turn sublet to someone else.. and now 8-11 people have been living in our 2 bed flat..
This cycle:
1. Chinese herbs
2. Acupuncture
3. Brazil nuts
4. Pineapple core from 3 dpo
5. follic acid + vitamine c + multi vit
6. Hubby starting to take vitamins almost regularly..
7. Making smoothies almost daily for breakfast with frozen fruit + oatmeal + seeds + honey
8. Making hot chocolate or milk with honey - to drink something warm after o. I don't like coffee and only like tea when lots of sugar, so avoiding that
Next cycle:
1. CD3 go see Dr for IUI
2. IUI with follow up
3. Trigger shot (and BD) then IUI followed by BD in the evening and the next morning
4. As points above: 2-3-4-5-7-8
Anything else I should add or try? Still haven't found castor oil, will message hubby about it, maybe they have in cambodia come to think of it..