four2five - I take Clomid on days 4 - 8, my doctor has me on 5 - 9 but I feel because I take them at night I would rather start the night of the 4th day instead of the morning of the 5th day. Glad you asked your dr for the CD21 bloodtest, I dont think any test is as accurate as this one to determine whether you Od. If you need to jumpstart AF every month it means you dont O and should probably try a higher dose? I would not wait till CD35 before taking provera, I would take it as soon as you know you didnt O. Provera is not harmful for pregnancy at all.
Ask - So excited, hoping it was implantation bleeding.
Belle - I feel so bummed every month from CD16 - CD21, the wait for my bloodtest, this is the hardest few days of the cycle for me, where I feel like its never going to happen for me. I dont even think I Od this month - no EWCM whatsoever, I know Clomid dries up my CM but last month I had a lot of EWCM on O day
Kami - I will also need to do the HSG soon too, GL with all your tests.
Texa - Welcome

GL on your first cycle of Clomid - Are you being monitored?
AFM - still got the flu, and so do DH LOL

getting our puppy tomorrow - I am so EXCITED