Thanks guys thats such a great tip! I wouldn't have even thought about the SE being easier to deal with while sleeping lol.
I'm on the lowest dose so I'm hoping that I won't get any SE, but I have always been really sensitive to hormone changes/fluctuations cso I guess we will see.
You know, I think acupuncture healed my PMS. I didn't even have any acupuncture this cycle (took a break) and I still have not gotten moody PMS symptoms.... for awhile there I was going completely crazy every month!
Nita I am so excited for your new pups! It will be fun to get to take them home! My little girl is almost full grown now. She's 6 months and is probably getting close to 60 pounds. Her paws still look big for her frame though, so I think she has a bit more growing to do

She's a very happy puppy and gives us smiles all the time! Pets make things better!