Four, I feel your frustration, I so badly want AF to start
Oh and it went great with my parents, they are super supportive.

Thats great news, I am sure you are both relieved
Joy, my acupuncture is $90 CAD per session, so $270 per cycle. I have $1000 coverage in benefits that I'm using for acupuncture right now. Because of the cost we won't continue using it indefinitely, especially now that my cycle has somewhat balanced out. We'll just add it in with treatment cycles from now on (so will stick with it for the femara cycles).
oooh, that sounds very expensive! I could not do as often as I do if it were those prices!

I pay different each time depending on what he does, this week three times, but my temp is dropping, think my LP will be short
I pay between 500-570 thb per session, including moxabution (where they burn herbs on top of the needles).
It corresponds to 14-17 usd / 19-22,5 CAD / 13,5 -15,5 euros. (If anyone happens to go to Bangkok, the name of the hospital is Hua Chiew Traditional Chinese Hospital).
Not covered by our insurance, though.. And it does add up.. twice a week.. but once I am a bit more stable I hope to go less frequently..

I only started in January. The herbs are more expensive, approx 2000thb per week... 58 dollar per week.. so depending on when AF starts I will decide wether another month with lovely mudwater will be in the cards. If so, I will also stop by two clinics to get a quote on being followed up with 3-4 u/s. I just want to make sure that this month was a one off..