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Clomid buddies

Ok im confused im on cd13 sorry TMI but when i went to the bathroom i wiped and i saw pink blood and i have a little cramping which i never get. Am i gonna get AF early:witch:

I don't know much about ovulation and what not because i haven't experienced it yet, but could it be ovulation?

I am so sorry about your ex and your kids. I hope it all works out.
Im on cd12 i had minor cramps yesterday and nothing today im starting to worry that i might not ovulate this month.i just feel really depressed in my ttc journey.but i continue to pray and hang on to what little glimmer of hope i have.

Could it be ovulation starting hun? I've been experianceing pain in my overies, and know it's on it's way and I'm CD13 today. Hope this helps xxx
Ok im confused im on cd13 sorry TMI but when i went to the bathroom i wiped and i saw pink blood and i have a little cramping which i never get. Am i gonna get AF early:witch:

Have heard of some women having ovulation bleeding, I haven't experienced this personally. How's it now? xxx
Hi ladies,

Hope you've all had a good day.

I've been having sharp pains in both overies throughout the day and got more CM present. CD13 today.

Bought OPK while shopping today and completed a test, showed a faint second line so cant be too far away.

OH not well tonight so will have to skip BD today, but hopefully back on track tomorrow.
Fingers crossed this is the month xxxxxxxxxxx

How's everyone doing?
Hi ladies,

Hope you've all had a good day.

I've been having sharp pains in both overies throughout the day and got more CM present. CD13 today.

Bought OPK while shopping today and completed a test, showed a faint second line so cant be too far away.

OH not well tonight so will have to skip BD today, but hopefully back on track tomorrow.
Fingers crossed this is the month xxxxxxxxxxx

How's everyone doing?

Yay! Good luck, I hope this is your month!
Well the spotting was only pink and is gone today dunno im confused? but im having very very faint cramping which kinda bums me out ov should hurt more.ive been taking opks and today the line was alot darker but didnt match control line yet.so im hopeful my ovaries will work this month.
Hi ladies,

Hope you've all had a good day.

I've been having sharp pains in both overies throughout the day and got more CM present. CD13 today.

Bought OPK while shopping today and completed a test, showed a faint second line so cant be too far away.

OH not well tonight so will have to skip BD today, but hopefully back on track tomorrow.
Fingers crossed this is the month xxxxxxxxxxx

How's everyone doing?
Im so happy for you i hope you ovulate:) ovary pain is good.im not having any ovary pain so im bummed. keep me updated on your opks and ov pain.are you taking any supplements this cycle?
Lady luck12 want to be cycle buddies since we are basically on the same cd13:):):) maybe we will pass luck to one another and everyone else will get good results:dust::dust::dust::hug:
lovefamily8: Would love to be buddies :)
Glad to hear spotting has stopped, I am :sex: every other day, that way will hopefully cover all bases, when I get a stronger second line, think we'll go for GOLD lol.
Yes I'm taking pre conception vitamins and minerals, including folic acid.
Keep me posted xxx

In alot of discomfort atm, been having pain in both overies all day, hopefully this is a god sign and helpping me ride it out. Tonight been having pain in my stomach and by my belly button - never experienced this before......anyone else had this when ovulation is approaching.

Taken paracetomol now and off to bed as it's 11pm here, hopefully won't have too many hot flushes tonight and have a good night sleep.

Sweet dreams ladies, speak to all tomorrow xxx
Happy to hear everyone is having O pains. I don't guess I know what to expect when I O. Will it be that noticable? My DH and I will BD every other day, regardless. CD8 today, when do you think around about time I could ovulate?
Im eating healthy and walking i hope this helps my PCOS get better.
Well i cant sleep ive been having really uncomfortable ovarian pain in both ovaries with a pulling bubbly/bloated feeling dunno im confused i take opks in morn and eve and all are neg i have a second line but its only half the color of the control line. i hope all this is a good sighn but i dunno its hard to be hopeful for such a long time.I will keep praying.and i hope this month you ladies get your :bfp::dust::dust:
Well i cant sleep ive been having really uncomfortable ovarian pain in both ovaries with a pulling bubbly/bloated feeling dunno im confused i take opks in morn and eve and all are neg i have a second line but its only half the color of the control line. i hope all this is a good sighn but i dunno its hard to be hopeful for such a long time.i just try to remind myself god has a good plan and perfect timing.so i will keep praying.and i hope this month we get our :bfp::dust::dust:

Sorry you can't sleep. I hope all this us for a reason. You are in my prayers.
Well i cant sleep ive been having really uncomfortable ovarian pain in both ovaries with a pulling bubbly/bloated feeling dunno im confused i take opks in morn and eve and all are neg i have a second line but its only half the color of the control line. i hope all this is a good sighn but i dunno its hard to be hopeful for such a long time.i just try to remind myself god has a good plan.so i will keep praying.and i hope this month i ov and you get your :bfp::dust::dust:

Sorry you can't sleep. I hope all this is for a reason. You are in my prayers.

Thank you, i can really use prayer to ovulate,I really appreciate your support.:hugs::hugs:
Sorry to be hogging the forum but im having terrible hot flashes cant even tell my ac is on i cant wear any less clothes, and my left ovary is throbbing and hurts so bad i feel like it is going to explode. Im so tired of these pointless stupid side effects.ggrrrrrrrrr if this month doesnt work im gonna cry all this is irritating and painful.can i take tylenol or will that effect my chance to ovulate? God i hope i ovulate.
Sorry to be hogging the forum but im having terrible hot flashes cant even tell my ac is on i cant wear any less clothes, and my left ovary is throbbing and hurts so bad i feel like it is going to explode. Im so tired of these pointless stupid side effects.ggrrrrrrrrr if this month doesnt work im gonna cry all this is irritating and painful.can i take tylenol or will that effect my chance to ovulate? God i hope i ovulate and get pregnant. im worried about cysts:(

Maybe your having O pains. I don't know what it feels like. Last month was the first time I O'ed and I couldn't tell. Never had any cysts either. Hoping that you are ovulating hun. Thoughts and prayers:hugs:
Morning ladies...........

Lovefamily8: Feel your pain, been experiencing the same, both overies, know I have 17mm on each side on Friday. Did OPK yestarday and I too had a faint line, tasting again in about 2hrs, so keep you all posted. Paracetomol eased it a bit. I'm hoping this pain means clomid is doing its thing. Hang in there, how you doing this morning?

itsmydream: Normally ovulate between 5 - 10 days after your last clomid, its 8 days since I took my last clomid and think ovulation is around the corner, so I'm the far end of it (I think). Could start using OPK's hun, to monitor it, I started using them yestarday. Every other day BD is the best way to cover all bases they say.

How's everyone else doing this morning?

I've still pain, especially on my right side, trying not to drink or pee for the next 2 hours now so I can do my OPK, then hoopefully BD this afternoon, if OH is feeling better, so hope he is. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry everyone is in pain. I hope it is good pain. My doc said it is ok to use Tylenol.

I didn't sleep well because I was too hot. Dh of course was cold. Friday was a bad day for me, I felt like I was bipolar. Really good and high while at work, but when i got home I plummeted. Stayed in bed all afternoon and nigh. These side effects aren't fun.

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