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Clomid buddies

:wave: Evening

Did my OKP this afternoon and the second line was darker than yestarday but still not as dark as the control line, think I take this as negative??

Managed to :sex: this evening as well (tmi), really hope this is the month.

Got to phone consultant tomorrow to see if I have to go in for another scan, really hope I do.

Still having pain on right side tonight, so bad had to take more painkillers, intresting to see if this pain stops mid week, as should have ovulated by then.

How you all doing this evening? All good I hope


Hey hun...I'm so excited for you and your close watch this month, I have a good feeling for you this month. I was wondering, I have been cramping but it's like AF cramps are ovulation pains differ or kinda the same?

Thanks hun, the pains I'm experiencing are the same as af but stronger. Also having pain inmy lower adaman. Hope this helps xxxx
Cd 8, no side effects today! What day shoud I start testing my temperature and ovulation kits?

Not sure about temping as never done this, but think you have to start doing it a few days into your cycle, so you can notice the rise, which then means you've ovulated.

As for OPK's, I didn't start mind until CD13, they say to wait a few days after your last clomid before testing as clomid can give you false readings. Personally I'd start CD10/11. (I decided last minute to test this cycle, hence the late start lol)

Keep us posted and Good Luck xxxxxxxx
Well i live in the US.and i took my other opk and it was lighter i think im gonna CRY!!! Im never gonna ovulate! Im on cd14 and no O.i give up i guess im prob out this cycle.it was my last chance im just really depressed now:nope:

Hang in there hun, clomid can mess with OPK's and you may be ovulating later this cycle, keep testing.
BD every other day to cover all basis. We're all here if you need to chat xxxxx

Spoken to my fertility nurse first thing and not being scanned again, as they have no spaces :nope:

Gutted, as she told me if I had had my scan in her hospital on Friday, she would have given me a trigger shot :growlmad:

Bursting to go for a pee but have to hold for another hour to do my OPK test, hope it's a darker line today, been adviced to :sex: EVERY DAY until Wednesday, as I should be ovulating my tonight.

Still having pains in my right side, and cm is watery and streachy, so all looking good.

Have a good day ladies xxxxxxxxxxx


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxeverything crossed for 2013 babiesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Spoken to my fertility nurse first thing and not being scanned again, as they have no spaces :nope:

Gutted, as she told me if I had had my scan in her hospital on Friday, she would have given me a trigger shot :growlmad:

Bursting to go for a pee but have to hold for another hour to do my OPK test, hope it's a darker line today, been adviced to :sex: EVERY DAY until Wednesday, as I should be ovulating my tonight.

Still having pains in my right side, and cm is watery and streachy, so all looking good.

Have a good day ladies xxxxxxxxxxx


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxeverything crossed for 2013 babiesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sorry, that is so frustrating about the shot and scan. Sounds like everything is right with your body though! I hope this all works for you!
Hi Karen, thanks.
Think you're right. Might have already ovulated, as I've carried out TWO opk's today, one @ 12:30 and again @ 3:30.

First one had nothing in test box = invaild, second one a very faint line. So the test I did yestarday was the positive one. Pains have gone into a dull ache, that's why I'm guessing O'd has happened.

Having a scan tomorrow now, be intresting to see what the results are, keep you posted.

Did try BD just now, but OH having problems.....think it's the pressure, may try again tonight.

How's everyone else's day going ? xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I think I may be sick. My eye lids feel warm, I am cold, and my neck and head hurt. I hope I can make it through my with day. Only nine am here.

Lucky lady 12, so glad your are feeling better and that the egg dropped! I hope you catch it! :thumbup:
Thanks again, me too.

Hope your feeling better real soon, take care now xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Karen, thanks.
Think you're right. Might have already ovulated, as I've carried out TWO opk's today, one @ 12:30 and again @ 3:30.

First one had nothing in test box = invaild, second one a very faint line. So the test I did yestarday was the positive one. Pains have gone into a dull ache, that's why I'm guessing O'd has happened.

Having a scan tomorrow now, be intresting to see what the results are, keep you posted.

Did try BD just now, but OH having problems.....think it's the pressure, may try again tonight.

How's everyone else's day going ? xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I think this is your time to do a lot od BD, with the pain and the stretchy cm is a big clue. Good luck
Thanks itsmydream , just hope OH is up to the challenge. Didn't happen earlier and he's not keen about trying again tonight :nope:

He doesn't understand the importance of the timing, don't want to keep on to him either, as this won't help matters either. So frustering, just hope there is still :spermy: hanging around to get that egg xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks itsmydream , just hope OH is up to the challenge. Didn't happen earlier and he's not keen about trying again tonight :nope:

He doesn't understand the importance of the timing, don't want to keep on to him either, as this won't help matters either. So frustering, just hope there is still :spermy: hanging around to get that egg xxxxxxxxxxxx

good luck. Maybe make his favorite dinner and wear something nice.
Thanks Karen, dinner done, off to bed soon, so will try and work my magic lol.

Be intrested what the scan will show tomorrow. Keep you all posted.

Sweet dreams ladies, catch up in the morning xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks Karen, dinner done, off to bed soon, so will try and work my magic lol.

Be intrested what the scan will show tomorrow. Keep you all posted.

Sweet dreams ladies, catch up in the morning xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Can't wait to hear the news...I called OBgyn and demanded a ultrasound, they are going to call me back. Good luck hun fingers crossed XXXXX

All the cramps I've had just stopped at once, having really bad heart burn today. It's 12:30A.M. here in KY. Hopeing so hard for a :bfp: this month. On my fertility friend it says I may have O'ed on cd5-8 but don't you ladies think thats way to early cause AF is 5 days long?

:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: to all my wonderful friends on here

All the cramps I've had just stopped at once, having really bad heart burn today. It's 12:30A.M. here in KY. Hopeing so hard for a :bfp: this month. On my fertility friend it says I may have O'ed on cd5-8 but don't you ladies think thats way to early cause AF is 5 days long?

:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: to all my wonderful friends on here


That does seem way to early. I hope that isn't what happened with me because there would not be a :bfp:this month.
ugh ugh ugh this is really one hell of a testy time ... how far is july 25 th anyways ... :wacko:

baby dust ladies !!! :dust::dust:
All the cramps I've had just stopped at once, having really bad heart burn today. It's 12:30A.M. here in KY. Hopeing so hard for a :bfp: this month. On my fertility friend it says I may have O'ed on cd5-8 but don't you ladies think thats way to early cause AF is 5 days long?

:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: to all my wonderful friends on here


That does seem way to early. I hope that isn't what happened with me because there would not be a :bfp:this month.
I know right I have never heard of anyone O'ing that early. Sorry if that is your case hun. My DH and I have been BD like crazy. :hugs::hugs: to you keep me updated ok:flower:
All the cramps I've had just stopped at once, having really bad heart burn today. It's 12:30A.M. here in KY. Hopeing so hard for a :bfp: this month. On my fertility friend it says I may have O'ed on cd5-8 but don't you ladies think thats way to early cause AF is 5 days long?

:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: to all my wonderful friends on here


That does seem way to early. I hope that isn't what happened with me because there would not be a :bfp:this month.
I know right I have never heard of anyone O'ing that early. Sorry if that is your case hun. My DH and I have been BD like crazy. :hugs::hugs: to you keep me updated ok:flower:

We haven't yet this cycle. Hopefully tonight. I hope this is our month!
All the cramps I've had just stopped at once, having really bad heart burn today. It's 12:30A.M. here in KY. Hopeing so hard for a :bfp: this month. On my fertility friend it says I may have O'ed on cd5-8 but don't you ladies think thats way to early cause AF is 5 days long?

:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: to all my wonderful friends on here


it does sound early .. but you never know .. anythings possible with clomid !
in my prayers - u will get the oh so deserved BFP this month :thumbup:
Heartburns been troubling me aswell :-( ( is it clomid playing a cruel cruel game with me )

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