Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

I just started taking Clomid for the first time. I am on CD 8 and have been taking Clomid for 3 days. I was ready to feel irritable but I didn't expect that I would start crying at the simplest things. Has anyone else felt this way from clomid?
Hey all!

Aw glad you've been keeping busy fern! I think what I had was an hsg and it honestly wasn't bad at all! Totally manageable you will be fine 😘

I am feeling a bit bummed! I'm not sure if I missed my window 😭 my OPK was very strong / dark last night, but not quite the same as the control line, as OH is going away Friday he said lets leave it until tomorrow to BD as its not positive ... Well I did one this morning which was about the same as last night, been out all day come home did one about 6pm and it was looking fainter again :( did another one and even fainter :(

so have I missed it?? :( if the LH surge is just before O does that mean I might be ovulating today?? I'm so annoyed I said to OH we should DTD every other day ... I actually hate OPKs! Does anyone find they never get a full positive?
Or maybe I haven't obligated but that means the clomid might not be working which is even worse really :( I so wish I was being monitored !! Feel like I spend all my time wondering what is going on / waiting for something to maybe happen ... If I could just confirm ovulation I could relax a bit x
Welcome Alicea and Dreamingmom!

I haven't had any mood swings from the Clomid but I've heard of other women dealing with that. Clomid does some funny things to those that take it.

Lace I hope you didn't miss it. I've never used OPK's and it's because of the guesswork that goes with them. As long as you bd a day or two before, what you think was your positive OPK, and today like your OH said I would think you got it somewhere in there. :hugs: I'll be sending lots of baby dust your way!

Fern- I'm glad you are able to keep busy. It's so irritating to move into a home and have it be filthy and need lot's of updating. (Ours was like that when we moved in as well.) But at the same time, when you put that much work into the house it makes you that much prouder of it when you take a step back and look at how nice it is.

AFM- another peak day today, which is typical on the CBFM. Nothing else too exciting. Completely random- I bought a new pillow and actually woke up with NO headache!!
Thanks jules xxx do you like your CBFM? Are they expensive? X maybe I should try something like that instead x

I'm now worrying I'm going to ovulate at all :( I have had some v similar ish looking OPKs since which have been quite dark followed by very faint ones ... I'm past the point which I would have "usually" ovulated on clomid .... I don't know if it's going to happen :( I'm quite worried now ... I just wanted to make sure I had ovulated at all :(
I phoned the doctors to ask for a blood test and they asked me to call back Monday morning so I'm hoping to arrange a day 21 test next week sometime, I just hate the wondering in the mean time :( sorry I'm waffling on !! wish I could just throw all the OPKs in the bin and not worry about them knowing I will ovulate at some point so it doesn't matter .... :(
Welcome Alicea and Dreamingmom,

I had some crazy mood swings while on clomid. I would cry for no reason and will totally admit this cycle i got really angry with him about not having boxes cleaned out of our shed (all cardboard but still) so while screaming at him i dragged them all out of the shed and lit them on fire ..... i will say I am by no means a crazy woman to start with and usually am a very level headed person. I could hear this little voice saying ohhh please stop what are you doing lol but it didn't stop me from doing it. Then i broke down in tears and told him to divorce me ..... I might not be taking it next month because of it lol or maybe i will be better prepared. (don't judge me to harsh please:cry:)

lace&pearls - do you temp? I have found that that really puts my mind at ease, this cycle i didn't get a true + opk i got a very very close on the day I got a peak on my monitor but not a true one. but sure enough i got my temp spike so i know i ovulated. Also clomid can make you opk's do really weird things.

jules87 - I think the clear blues are programmed to give peaks 2 days in a row because mine do that also. my doctor wanted us to bd every other day. so we missed actually o day but did the day before so we will see.

Looking forward to my kayaking trip next weekend for 5 days hoping that will get me out of the little depressed funk i have been in. Its not me at all and I don't like it
Thank you swimmy x that makes me feel a bit better, I'm hoping I just missed the surge instead of not ovulating at all :( won't know for sure until I get blood results I guess though.
I don't temp at the mo, I have done in the past but I think I would keep forgetting to do it in the morning now? :-s maybe I will give it a try next cycle x

Oh bless you don't worry! You're on some strong medication that affects your hormones and mood, not your fault! I'm sure none of us would judge and have probably done similar! I know what you mean about being in a funk ... Same as! It's a bummer x
I hope your trip away can take your mind off things a bit, gets a bit much all this ttc business doesn't it x is your OH supportive? X

dreamingmom- I think a lot of people feel sensitive, this clomid lark is a challenge! Hope you're feeling better x
Hi ladies

Lace&pearls - everything crossed for your cd21 bloods this week. I'm going to call last week's dark lines positive! And that you did ovulate. Don't worry, dtd day before O or EOD is great timing. xxx When I do temp, I set an alarm to temp every morning otherwise I would probably oversleep or something! Hope you are feeling a bit better.

Swimmy - Loving the CH :) and nice high post-O temps. FX!! BTW hun no-one here would judge anyone else regarding ttc related issues. All of us have been ttc for a long time and I guess ALL of us have done some crazy things now and then. This journey (especially with clomid-added insanity) is not an easy one!!! This is the one place where I think everyone understands and just smiles & nods because, yeah, been there done that :). Enjoy that kayaking trip!

Jules - nice to know someone is in the same boat as I am with a filthy house & restoring it! Now that we've started this journey I've actually met sooooooo many people who are doing the same/have done it. Most of the cleaning is done and we've started on the restoration work. Have started putting up cabinets, wallpapering my office, etc etc. DH and my relationship is having its ups and downs as always but all this working hard together for something better, is really helping our marriage! Hun are you having 7dpo bloods as well this cycle? Seem to remember you saying that the dr wants to do more monitoring? But regardless I am thinking good thoughts for you this tww! xx

Hi and hugs to everyone else xxxx

I'm having the weirdest cycle. (Well no, last cycle with the non-rising temps despite perfect 7dpo bloods, kinda positive hpts and AF 2 days late was the WEIRDEST!) OK so DH and I have been preventing this cycle by not DTD at all in my fertile week. And also whenever we did bd it was with a lube with known strong anti-sperm properties. AF is due around Tuesday or Wednesday if I go with my average cycle length.
TMI ALERT: So on Friday, about 5 days before AF is due, I had very noticeable brown discharge whenever I wiped. It petered out on Saturday.
*Now I've noted "spotting" on my charts for the last 2 days before AF every cycle since I started charting; but that was always light pink tinted CM, only visible when I actually checked CM. No mid-LP brown spotting/discharge. Even the months when I got excited and thought it was IB, it was always just pinkish CM when I checked.*
Any other month I would think that this was implantation bleeding (of course!!) but I guess it's just another unexplained cycle defect? If I actually conceived after preventing this cycle I will just fall over laughing.

Have a good week ladies. In RSA spring is around the corner. Leaves and flowers are budding on the trees and the weather is heating up. Sending spring vibes to you all. :hugs::flower:
Lace- I do like my CBFM, there's no guessing as to if you ovulated or not. It also gives you a couple of "high" days before the two "peak" days, giving you a better chance, IMO. Initially it is expensive, but in the long term it's worth it. Especially if you are part of the LTTC group and are having to purchase OPKs all the time.
I know you don't want to hear this, but RELAX. :kiss: Whether you ovulated or not, worrying about it won't make you ovulate. Also, if you did ovulate and you are worrying yourself sick, you are hurting your chances of getting a sticky. Hang in there sweetie! :hugs: Did you manage to get a 21 day test scheduled?

Swimmy- I know it's not really funny, but I couldn't help but laugh at your story! It sounds like something I would do. If I didn't have the Lexapro to help even out my moods I'd probably be just as moody. I used to be horrible. It was rather scary sometimes. I 100% agree with Fern that nobody here is judging you. We have all been there, heck some of us might be there now.:haha:

Fern- I'm so glad that you two are bonding through the trials of improving a new home. Some of those memories are the best. Sounds like you guys are really working hard too. You might have to share some pictures of the place. :winkwink:
It would truly be amazing if all you had to do was prevent to end up pregnant. When do you normally ovulate? Are your cycles pretty regular (regular timing and regular length)? Sorry, if you've explained all that before... I'm just trying to get a better picture of the spotting you are dealing with.
I'm not having 7dpo blood draw. The Dr said that if this cycle doesn't catch then next month we will up the Clomid, have a scan, HCG, and IUI. Whew! That's a lot.

Yesterday was odd. I had a lot of pressure/pain in my lower abdomen, and it lasted all day long. I was so tender that I had to turn down DH for bd'ing. :growlmad: I used to get a pressure type pain when I would ovulate, but it was more in my pelvic region, not lower abdomen. I'm sure this is just the Clomid and HCG bugging me, it's way to early to be anything else.
Other than that, nothing new here. DH and I had a relaxing, stay at home, kind of weekend. It was nice. I got a nap in here and there, we watched movies, and just hung out.

How was everyone's weekend?

Holy Novel! Sorry ladies! :blush:
hey everyone! :) x

Fern I don't know much about spotting, I thought sometimes spotting had something to do with progesterone? but I have no idea, but it might be worth mentioning when you see the FS, I sometimes get spotting a day or 2 before AF too. How's the house going? x I imagine it must be lovely to have a project to do together x Hope you're getting some nice warmer weather x

Jules thank you I know you're totally right I really do need to relax! :dohh::dohh: :haha: I think I've had that pressure feeling you're describing before, but like you say around ovulation ? I wonder if it's a side effect of meds x how are you feeling now? x

AFM thanks for your kind advice :) I really appreciate it xxx I feel like you ladies are the only ones I can talk to sometimes, even OH doesn't quite understand sometimes.
I phoned up my GP today and basically to cut a long story short, they don't want to get involved. Apparently it's very frowned upon for a GP to get involved with a consultant's patient and even though I kind of told the receptionist my life story (and she was really nice and sympathetic) the GP wasn't having any of it and told me I need to go back to my FS. GREAT! :telephone: So gotta try and speak to the consultant's medical secretary tomorrow which probably won't be easy tbh. I have no idea what they're going to say, when I asked to be monitored at my appointment they were very dismissive. But I feel like, I just want to know for sure if the clomid worked, if I don't get AF or BFP in 2 weeks what do I do then? where do I go from there? I can't even start the next round of clomid and would there be any point if it's not working?
I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall with the NHS sometimes. These are my last few months I will ever be allowed to take clomid so I want to make sure they work you know. They won't give me femara or trigger shots or anything like that. I'm not booked in to see them until january and even then that's just to discuss ovarian drilling it would probably be another few months waiting for an op.... i really don't want to wait sitting on my hands for another 5 months + if this isn't working, they have messed around so much already ... sorry I'm going on :( I just really hate wasting time and opportunities.

In the mean time I'm just going to hope that I did ovulate and the OPKs are being unreliable! :thumbup: I don't want to worry about it anymore so I'm just trying to be positive x sorry for ranting x
lace&pearls - that sounds like a nightmare! is there any other FS in your area that you could go to see that does seem like a really long time to just be sitting around. Or could they get you in sooner?
Hi Ladies :flower::flower:

Sorry I have been MIA....again :blush:

I did write a post a few days ago and when I clicked disappeared lol!

Welcome Alicea and Dreamingmom :flower:

Dreamingmom I was extremely emotional on clomid and would regually cry and fill up with tears over the most irrational things...the worst part was I knew I was being silly but couldn't help it. It also made me super irritable - my poor hubby didn't know how to deal with me lol!! Hope the symptoms settle down for you.

Lace & Pearls I am SO with you on the NHS they truly are useless and don't do things logically sadly I was under them for a very long time ttc ≠3 - In the end I decided to go to a private clinic for my monitoring to make sure I was indeed Oing. Are they offering the CD21 bloods to confirm O or not even those? you could ask them to request your GP to do those for you ...thats what happened with me in the end after a lot of harrassing! It does sound like to me you just missed your surge. I agree with the others temping next cycle would let you know if you where ovulating or not too. As long as you set your alarm for the same time every morning you will be fine :)

Jules hope you are feeling better today :( I get the pain when ovulating and around that time too its actually hurts like hell sometimes when & after BD...grrr! Fx you have a bean bedding in in their and its good to know you have a really good plan for next cycle! Fx you won't need it though.

Fern, how frustrating can our bodies be?! I really hope this is your pos like you say i would be rotfl with you but also jumping up & down celebrating! Hope its not playing on your mind toooooooo much. I have low Progesterone in my LP which causes pink spotting but it starts about 5dpo any spotting a few days before start of AF i think is classed as normal unless its before 10dpo. Glad your move has been a sucsess and you are enjoying the nice weather :)

Swimmy i have SO been at that point - ok no boxes but believe me plenty of other crazy stuff!! If it helps i found that i got slightly less crazy as time went on with the clomid...not sure hubby would agree though! Hope you had a good time away!

As for me well I was determined that I wasn't going to try this cycle i've been so down in the dumps over AF arriving I just didn't want the emotional rollercoaster again this cycle....however i know my bloody body FAR too well and happened to 'accidentally' do an OPK and it was nearly positive which triggered PANIC in me lol lol so then hubby wanted to BD not knowing I was near Ov and i told him so then he was super keen and we went a bit crazy doing it Sunday night, Monday morning & again in the evening (he's not normally so keen!) - It's fair to say that I am now walking like John wayne :wacko::wacko: and guess what i find my self in that dreaded 2ww again UGH UGH UGH my life seems to be taken over by baby thoughts and what if's buts etc I seriously wish I could control it!!!

Anyhow i'm now off to do some work as i'm sat in the office writing this and have a mountain high list of jobs i need to do!

Hugs to you all!
Lace- that just stinks! I would say try a different fs but they would probably start you at square one, which is probably not the solution. I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I went through 4 doctors before finding the right one. Keep your chin up. Hoping you get in their much sooner!
I'm feeling better today. No pressure/pain. It did carry on for a while yesterday but wasn't so bad.

It's fair to say that I am now walking like John wayne
This literally made me LOL. I'm right there with you in the TWW. I think this one might just drive me insane. :wacko:
Hi all

Lace&pearls - how frustrating!! I'm also with the 4th dr since starting ttc 12 years ago and still not totally happy. Feels like we are all just numbers to them. I hope they agree to monitor you :( or better yet, that the clomid worked this cycle. xx

Nimbec - hahaha, so you ttc by accident this cycle ;) sounds so familiar! If you ever figure out how to control all the crazy baby thoughts PLEASE SHARE. Even this cycle when we've prevented, I'm still wondering!! WTH. Are you taking progesterone again?

Jules - glad you're feeling better. Lots of hugs to you and everyone else in the tww!

AFM - still no clue what that was.
* I always get pink colored CM about 2 days before AF. Apparently it's quite normal and due to a teeny amount of blood starting to mix in with CM. In fact I see that as a reliable indicator that AF is just around the corner for me. Only visible when I check CM.
* My cycles are quite regular; usually O on cd16 and 13 day LP.
* The spotting that I had this cycle was on what I would assume 9dpo (if O happened on the average day of CD16) and was a very noticeable brown discharge (old blood), visible when I wiped, lasting for about a day and a half then stopping. (I also had one spot a few days earlier? Can't remember now).
* I had my progesterone tested last cycle 7dpo and it was perfect (high levels).

Now if I was ttc this cycle I would have thought IB! Because that's exactly what it seemed like. But I know I am not pregnant as we prevented this cycle AND I've already started the 2 day premenstrual pink CM so I know AF should be here tomorrow or so. Seems like just a weird, unexplained mid-LP discharge that lasted a day and a half then stopped again. For whatever reason.

So if anyone googles "brown spotting 9 dpo implantation bleeding" and finds this post: let me tell you it does NOT always mean implantation! Apparently it could be from hormonal issues, endo, polyps, fibroids, breakthrough bleeding, anything.

Anyway; pms eating, unpacking, onto hsg next cycle!

Hugs to all you lovely ladies and someone BETTER get a bfp soon!
Hi ladies - I'm back!

Not back on clomid yet (still waiting for an appointment with my specialist) but back on the TTC train. I think we might be TTC a bit early if I'm going to O naturally, which I don't expect, but we're both determined to take advantage of the possibility of increased fertility in these first few months following my MMC. I had my ERPC a week and a half ago, and physically have recovered very quickly with little bleeding and my midwife has advised we can start trying again immediately. I have good days and bad days but the feeling of wanting my baby in my arms is so overpowering and such a positive force to keep us moving forward on our journey. I know my first AF will be especially hard, but I'm trying to prepare myself for that event and trying to tell myself to expect to not conceive this first round whilst trying to stay thinking positively - it's very confusing!

I hope everyone is doing well - I've not had a chance to catch up on the thread yet, but I will. I just wanted to pop in and update while I was feeling up (today feels like one of the good days).
Anyone taken provera followed by clomid? Not sure if I should continue taking the provera once AF has started? Cos that would mean I would be taking the clomid and provera together?? Confused :wacko:

Pleased I made you smile Jules :)

Thanks Fern & I'm so sorry AF arrived, fx the HSG gives some answers! I am going to take the progesterone I think otherwise bd was pointless although I won't have much left after this cycle do may try a lower dose to eek them out a bit.

Arohunui pleased to hear you are ok and back on the train it's ever easy but fx you get your rainbow soon!

Hi alecea no you only take provera for 7 or 10 days then stop you will then bleed 2-10days later and can start clomid good luck !
Nimbec - I have been taking the provera for 4 days and have only had a small amount of spotting for the last 2days, this is all so confusing! X
Normally you would take provera to induce a period, a normal course is at least 7 days then you should get a withdrawal bleed. I'd imagine the spotting is just your natural cycle trying to break through maybe you didn't need the provera ;) If you stop after 7 days (or length you where advised) you should get a good bleed. You only class heavy bleeding as CD1 with reference to starting clomid at CD2 or later depending on days told. Does that help? If in doubt call your gp or specialist who prescribed it for you.hope this helps..
Nimbec -thank you for all ur advice that definitely clears it up for me! I will continue taking them until either the end of the 10days recommended or until I get a heavy bleed, whichever comes first! Xx thanks again
Hi ladies

Alicea - yep, as Nimbec also said provera is just to induce a proper period so that you can start your clomid. Don't take them together! All the best! Yes it is so confusing.... but you can ask us anything :) and hopefully someone on here can help.

AF is literally making me sick today. I feel really really ill. Booked hsg for next week Wednesday!

Arohanui - lots of hugs. TONNES of hugs. Hope you manage to get a healthy baby on board really soon. We are all here to cheer you on!

Love to everyone else xx

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