Lace- I do like my CBFM, there's no guessing as to if you ovulated or not. It also gives you a couple of "high" days before the two "peak" days, giving you a better chance, IMO. Initially it is expensive, but in the long term it's worth it. Especially if you are part of the LTTC group and are having to purchase OPKs all the time.
I know you don't want to hear this, but RELAX.

Whether you ovulated or not, worrying about it won't make you ovulate. Also, if you did ovulate and you are worrying yourself sick, you are hurting your chances of getting a sticky. Hang in there sweetie!

Did you manage to get a 21 day test scheduled?
Swimmy- I know it's not really funny, but I couldn't help but laugh at your story! It sounds like something I would do. If I didn't have the Lexapro to help even out my moods I'd probably be just as moody. I used to be horrible. It was rather scary sometimes. I 100% agree with Fern that nobody here is judging you. We have all been there, heck some of us might be there now.
Fern- I'm so glad that you two are bonding through the trials of improving a new home. Some of those memories are the best. Sounds like you guys are really working hard too. You might have to share some pictures of the place.

It would truly be amazing if all you had to do was prevent to end up pregnant. When do you normally ovulate? Are your cycles pretty regular (regular timing and regular length)? Sorry, if you've explained all that before... I'm just trying to get a better picture of the spotting you are dealing with.
I'm not having 7dpo blood draw. The Dr said that if this cycle doesn't catch then next month we will up the Clomid, have a scan, HCG, and IUI. Whew! That's a lot.
Yesterday was odd. I had a lot of pressure/pain in my lower abdomen, and it lasted all day long. I was so tender that I had to turn down DH for bd'ing.

I used to get a pressure type pain when I would ovulate, but it was more in my pelvic region, not lower abdomen. I'm sure this is just the Clomid and HCG bugging me, it's way to early to be anything else.
Other than that, nothing new here. DH and I had a relaxing, stay at home, kind of weekend. It was nice. I got a nap in here and there, we watched movies, and just hung out.
How was everyone's weekend?
Holy Novel! Sorry ladies!