Feeling a little bit "meh" today, I knew this would happen but basically I want to try to dtd every other day, and OH is always complaining about being tired

I understand he works full time and I don't, but I just feel like well ... Have a coffee!! It's a few days out of your life. I've taken clomid before and not fallen pregnant and I can only think it's because we aren't dtd regularly enough ? We tend to just around the ovulation time but I say to him I think you're supposed to just before as well? Plus when you ovulate is just a guess really.
I don't think he understands this is our last shot at clomid they won't let me take any more after the next few months ... If I go on about it too much it's not really a turn on though is it and probably pressure on him. But righty now I feel like all the pressure is on me I'm working quite hard to be as healthy as possible, taking all sorts of horrible drugs with side effects, supplements, going running, dieting etc I feel like this is the only thing he has to do and he cant be arsed ... I get that he's tired but other people work full time and manage it ?!
Sorry to moan

anyone have any advice? X sorry if this is too much info!! Xx