Urgh Nimbec BOOOOOOO for CD1

K4th - any news? Thinking of you daily hun.
Jules - how are you doing?
Lace&pearls and swimmy - oh yeah I also had HECTIC hot flushes! It actually continued the first two months after stopping clomid - even as winter approached. Two cycles ago I took some black cohosh during the follicular phase and that finally stopped the HOTness lol.
AFM - I can feel my right ovary working but I really do NOT want to ttc this month. Don't know if I will ovulate or not because I am super stressed with the move coming up. All my husband wants to do is bd all the time! And actually gets angry at me if I don't feel like it, even after he agreed that we shouldn't try this month!! Oh well if he nags enough I just make sure to use extremely sperm-UNfriendly lube so that I don't have to entertain even the remotest possibility of a pregnancy.
In FS news: I phoned the dr's rooms to hear what the next step will be ito tests/procedures etc., (since I don't want to do IUI before I know what is wrong with me!) So the dr phoned me back and left a message saying "I think we should look at your husband's sperm count next."
Well.... duh, doctor, my husband had a SA done in December and you were so happy with the results that you mentioned at my appt 25 June that we don't have to repeat the procedure!! So the dr didn't even take the time to review my file before he made the call. NOT HAPPY!!!
I want a hsg done and that's it! Want to know what's wrong with me, why can't I conceive? Is it so difficult to figure that out????
Well, at least the rest of this cycle will be chill ttc-wise. Hi to everyone else!!!