Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Morning all

MissCassie - have you heard of the product "Inofolic"? It is a supplement that my gynae recommended to me as it helps with the development and growth of follicles by regulating metabolism, cell growth and hormone imbalances. It has specifically been designed to assist with fertility issues regarding follicular problems and ovulation. It is especially helpful for pcos sufferers.
It is quite expensive though here it costs about R380 for a box of 30 sachets; then the optimal dose is 2 sachets a day which brings the cost to around R760 (around 43 pounds if my calc are correct) per month and I just can't afford that. I did buy it for this past month but cheated a bit; just used one sachet a day for the first 15 days of my cycle so have half the box left. As my follies are not being monitored I have no idea to what extent it helped me though. I just know my day 21 bloods said I didn't ovulate.

Fx'ed for ur next appt darl. Really hope u get better news next time. Take heart from the fact that they are there! Now they must just grow. And that is NOT impossible :)

Buttercup - almost testing time. :af: I just want freaking AF to arrive so that I feel a bit more normal. So scared that my body has just shut down and that I won't even have a normal period (coz that is what has been happening before I started clomid, not even proper AF after provera). This love-hate relationship that I have with dear AF at the moment SUCKS!!!! AAARRGGHHHH :dohh::growlmad::dohh:
@Fern81 I'm so nervous to test! Trust me, I understand the love/hate relationship with AF plus my body loves to play tricks! You are not alone. I hope and pray your body falls into sync and AF arrives on her own and you get that BFP very soon. This whole process can be overwhelming but on the plus side we learn so much about our bodies. Chin up and stay positive:hugs::hugs:

Today my bbt dropped, yesterday am temp was 98.8 and today it was 98.3 Question for the testers:

Is that a big drop? Does temp drop drastically or slightly before AF? What are your experiences? I'm trying not to read into this too much but it's hard, lol! I don't have any other symptoms but before AF usually arrives I feel kind of wet like something is there but it's not for a few days. I apologize if it's tmi . My nerves are somewhat wrecked today

My boobs are still sore, but not painfully sore just tender
Buttercup - so even though u didn't take clomid this month u did ovulate?
And do u have any LO's yet? :)

Laullypop - haven't heard from u in a while? Is everything OK?
Yes,I'm pretty I ovulated this month w/o clomid based on my bbt/chart and cm. And no LO' s yet, ttc #1 :)

Buttercup - so even though u didn't take clomid this month u did ovulate?
And do u have any LO's yet? :)

Laullypop - haven't heard from u in a while? Is everything OK?
OK I'm in! I am currently on CD11 on my third round of Clomid, along with Metformin. I have been TTC for 28 cycles, and I don't know where to turn, because none of my friends or family have ever experienced infertility issues.

I am on 50mg of Clomid on CD3-CD7, and I ovulated both cycles prior to this, and it gave me 30 day cycles both times, but still haven't conceived. My GYN wants to send me to an infertility specialist if it doesn't work this month, but I think I'm going to convince her to let me continue through the six months that she originally stated.

October 6th will be CD30, so i plan on testing around October 11th if I haven't started AF yet.
Buttercup - so even though u didn't take clomid this month u did ovulate?
And do u have any LO's yet? :)

Laullypop - haven't heard from u in a while? Is everything OK?

Yes still here, thanks for asking :thumbup: Just been busy with work so haven't had much of a chance to come on. Now trying to catch up with the thread again :)

I'm on cd27 today but had what I think were ovulation pains on cd 25 and 26, and an almost positive opk on cd25 . It then went faint yesterday and a bit darker again today?? I also noticed EWCM today so I'm crossing my fingers!!
Good luck to you! I might take a few days off once AF arrives plus I'm getting sick with a nasty cold and feeling cranky.

Buttercup - so even though u didn't take clomid this month u did ovulate?
And do u have any LO's yet? :)

Laullypop - haven't heard from u in a while? Is everything OK?

Yes still here, thanks for asking :thumbup: Just been busy with work so haven't had much of a chance to come on. Now trying to catch up with the thread again :)

I'm on cd27 today but had what I think were ovulation pains on cd 25 and 26, and an almost positive opk on cd25 . It then went faint yesterday and a bit darker again today?? I also noticed EWCM today so I'm crossing my fingers!!
I will be joining you girls soon. I am waiting for my GP to get the letter off my consultant saying to put me on clomid and provera so they can prescribe it.

Excited. Nervous it may not work though xx
Hi Terri
I haven't had any of those side effects with clomid just WEIGHT GAIN!!!, struggling with acne (yuck) and headaches.
If I were sign spotting I would have done a HPT by now if I had the SE that ur having :) Unfortunately Clomid can apparently mimic early pregnancy signs so not even the nausea is a dead giveaway.

GL and let us know what is happening!

Thank you so much for your reply ,for some reason this site doesn't let me know when someone has replayed lol ,Kim waiting on my tests to come through the post :) .... C I just don't know when it's best to test ? As very irregular.....I have acne to out of the blue ..... And I thought I had put weight in went on scales I had lost very strange indeed .....
Still getting af cramps no spotting ??? No sore boobs just veins hmmm solo very confusing .... So maybe a good sign it's not from clomid xxx
Hi Ladies

I'm 30 years old and found out I had PCO in March this year (not typical pcos as I am thin and do not have acne or facial hair but was going 15 weeks without a period)

Been TTC for 2 years now after coming off the implant with no success so have been on 50mg clomid. First month bloodwork showed I did ovulate and doctor sent me off with another 5 months supply. I had my first regular period cycle of 29 days! However......

This cycle I am on day 16 now and there are no signs that ovulation is going to occur! (I temp every morning and use clearblue fertility monitor which still shows low fertility, last month it started to peak on day 14)

Has anyone had the same problem that clomid worked one month and not the next?
I'm 14 dpo and my bbt took a dive from 98.3 to 97.9 so I'm sure AF is on her way Lots of luck to all in 2ww!
Hi bubbles & good luck for this cycle!!

Laullypop - hope you ov soon. I had some late ov's on 50mg too. Ewcm is a great sign when you're on clomid. I don't get any on clomid.

Buttercup - sorry to hear AF might be on her way. Are you on clomid again next month? Which dose & days? I don't blame you for wanting a break - I took one when AF last arrived. We're here for you when you're ready to come back :hugs:

Girly - hi! Hope you get those prescriptions quickly. Do you know if you will be monitored?

Terri - you should get a list of replies if you click on "user cp" at the top left of your screen. When did you take clomid? What cd are you?

Lainey - I'm slim with pcos too. I don't get the hair but I can get quite bad acne when my ovaries are very polycystic :(. The first month I took 50mg I ov'd cd15, second month was cd 21 and third month was cd 30 ( off the top of my head - so give or take a day) So it continued working but the timing wasn't easy to pinpoint. Do you use opk's? I find cheapies are better for pcos than the cbfm - I have used both but the monitor has missed things a couple of times for me :(

I'm taking my last clomid today & have a follicle scan booked for Tuesday. I'm not holding my breath though. I'm down to 50mg this month after 100mg last month led to three large follies and three smaller ones so my nurse felt it overstimulated me. I did three 50mg cycles earlier in the year so I don't know if this will work out for me :cry:
Hi k4th,

Yes, starting 100mg clomid cd3 - cd7. Not sure why it's so hard for me this month. During my cd3 bw I plan to speak with my doctor about ovarian drilling. I've been reading up on it and want to know what my doctor thinks and if I'd be a candidate for it especially since I had a pituitary cyst a couple of years ago which affected my prolactin levels.I do recall my endocrine doctor saying the thyroid/pituitary plays a part with hormones and ovulation Initially I wanted to move forward with ivf since I'm in my 30's and have pcos but my RE wanted me to lose 15-20 lbs so in the meantime we decided to give clomid a try and work on losing a little more.

Does anyone know or heard anything about ovarian drilling?

Thanks so much Hun:) I going to stick around and support others :hugs:
Lots of luck! :flower:

Hi bubbles & good luck for this cycle!!

Laullypop - hope you ov soon. I had some late ov's on 50mg too. Ewcm is a great sign when you're on clomid. I don't get any on clomid.

Buttercup - sorry to hear AF might be on her way. Are you on clomid again next month? Which dose & days? I don't blame you for wanting a break - I took one when AF last arrived. We're here for you when you're ready to come back :hugs:

Girly - hi! Hope you get those prescriptions quickly. Do you know if you will be monitored?

Terri - you should get a list of replies if you click on "user cp" at the top left of your screen. When did you take clomid? What cd are you?

Lainey - I'm slim with pcos too. I don't get the hair but I can get quite bad acne when my ovaries are very polycystic :(. The first month I took 50mg I ov'd cd15, second month was cd 21 and third month was cd 30 ( off the top of my head - so give or take a day) So it continued working but the timing wasn't easy to pinpoint. Do you use opk's? I find cheapies are better for pcos than the cbfm - I have used both but the monitor has missed things a couple of times for me :(

I'm taking my last clomid today & have a follicle scan booked for Tuesday. I'm not holding my breath though. I'm down to 50mg this month after 100mg last month led to three large follies and three smaller ones so my nurse felt it overstimulated me. I did three 50mg cycles earlier in the year so I don't know if this will work out for me :cry:
Hi bubbles & good luck for this cycle!!

Laullypop - hope you ov soon. I had some late ov's on 50mg too. Ewcm is a great sign when you're on clomid. I don't get any on clomid.

Buttercup - sorry to hear AF might be on her way. Are you on clomid again next month? Which dose & days? I don't blame you for wanting a break - I took one when AF last arrived. We're here for you when you're ready to come back :hugs:

Girly - hi! Hope you get those prescriptions quickly. Do you know if you will be monitored?

Terri - you should get a list of replies if you click on "user cp" at the top left of your screen. When did you take clomid? What cd are you?

Lainey - I'm slim with pcos too. I don't get the hair but I can get quite bad acne when my ovaries are very polycystic :(. The first month I took 50mg I ov'd cd15, second month was cd 21 and third month was cd 30 ( off the top of my head - so give or take a day) So it continued working but the timing wasn't easy to pinpoint. Do you use opk's? I find cheapies are better for pcos than the cbfm - I have used both but the monitor has missed things a couple of times for me :(

I'm taking my last clomid today & have a follicle scan booked for Tuesday. I'm not holding my breath though. I'm down to 50mg this month after 100mg last month led to three large follies and three smaller ones so my nurse felt it overstimulated me. I did three 50mg cycles earlier in the year so I don't know if this will work out for me :cry:
Ah thank you very much I will look now ... I'm currently on cd 23 I took clomid 50 mg days 2-6 xx
Hey there all the new ladies! Lotsa luck & positive thoughts to you all :)

Ok..... so me = horrible cramps, spotting and feeling absolutely terrible today (almost passed out this morning as I was teaching!); I think this is it! AF! Blughh... But also a relief since at least SOME of my female parts are functioning kinda normally..... hehehe (laugh with a tear)

Buttercup u still testing tomorrow? I'm saving my test for next month. Will be starting next clomid cycle on day 3, will see if it will still be 50mg or if dr will be willing to prescribe a higher dose since I didn't ovulate this month. Will also be temping and charting like a maniac for the first time!

It is sooooo warm in RSA at the moment with temperatures up to 33 degrees Celcius and not even December yet. I wish u could all come visit me and we could lie next to a pool in our bikini's, showing off (!!! lol) flat(-not in my case) tummies, drinking a teeny cocktail and eating rare steak with camembert cheese.... Coz we're not pregnant yet :flower:

GL to all. K4th let us know abt ur scan and Laullypop great news abt ovulation! Terri almost testing time! And all the other ladies lotsa baby dust:hugs:
Just wondering what type of side effects have you ladies experienced with clomid?

50mg didn't really get any.
150. Very very hot flashed and extremely irritable on a war path ready to yell at anyone. And some mild cramping.

200mg which was this cycle.
I had the hot flashes and I am still experiencing them at cd15. I've noticed I've been very abrupt also that my emotions are running wild. Some things that wouldn't normally upset me are. And I also had the visual side effect not flashing lights but it looked like strings at the end of everything was weird.
Thanks K4th for the reply, hopefully I ovulate late then! Yeah might buy the cheaper OPKs as clearblue ones are costing me a fortune! Good luck for your scan x
My msg from yesterday didn't post.

Have a good weekend all and GL with whichever part of the cycle ur on. AF for me so I'm starting next clomid cycle on Sunday CD 3 - 7(I think that will be CD 3 if I start counting today which is day 2 of light spotting? sooooo confused)
Just wondering what type of side effects have you ladies experienced with clomid?

Just shows everyone is different ... I'm on my first round of clomid 50 mg days 2-6 I've had crazy side effects flushes day and night ... headaches every day for 2 weeks cramping on and off since cd 10 ..I've had every single pregnancy Symtom u can imagine think I'm going crazy lol ... o yeah and I cried at a horror film strange lol .... I'm currently on cd 24 I have irregular cycles so no idea when I should b due did a Hpt test yest and I have never seen this before but where the positive should b there was a white line ....any how no idea if I'm in or out this month will retest this week sometime ....anyone had any luck xxx
Buttercup - did you find out much about ovarian drilling from your dr? I'd be really interested to hear his/her thoughts. I've been thinking of it myself.

Terri - I'm advised to wait until cd37 and if there's no AF then to test. Never managed to wait that long yet though lol! & good luck with your next test - keep us posted!

Fern - see if you get full AF tomorrow before counting your cf's. Clomid has played funny tricks with my AF & whilst spotting doesn't actually count - if it's all you get then I would count it.

Misscassie - I have hot flashes on 50mg but not much else. At 100mg I saw the weird line things too!!! Freaked me out when I went to the loo in the night!! This month I'm back on 50mg but there must still be some of the higher dose from last month in my system coz I'm crazy hot this month!!

Thanks lainey & good luck for a positive opk! I buy mine in bulk off ebay so they don't cost much at all.

I've taken my last clomid and now it's a waiting game.

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